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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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yoaa2 said:
I contacted my file manager and she said the second round is starting soon...

Soon?  As in Monday......    ;)
Hi All,

This is my first post, and I figured I would give my dates as a reference to others awaiting offers.

Application Date: August 15, 2013
CFAT: November 25, 2013
Medical/Interview: December 19, 2013
Offer: April 16, 2014
Accepted: April 24, 2014

A little bit of background info:

I am going into my final year of mechanical engineering this fall at Civvy U. I have been accepted into my first trade choice, which was Marine Systems Engineering. I got in touch with my local CFRC to ensure they received my offer (all of which was done via e-mail) and was told at the same time that I will not be going to BMOQ until my first (and only) year of subsidized education is completed. I have not received a date for formal enrollment, but I believe most of us should expect to attend the 2 week indoctrination course at St. Jean this summer, starting second week of August.

It has been a long-time dream of mine to serve in the Navy and I am thrilled at this opportunity to realize my goals.

Best of luck / bonne chance to all of you still awaiting word!


Well, I read that I can apply as a mature student if I don't meet the academic requirements so, I could potentially apply in the next 2 years.

*Admission of mature students is limited to the Faculty of Arts. Mature students who intend to pursue their baccalaureate degrees in Science or Engineering may only be admitted to these faculties once they have successfully completed 2 full university courses, or have been accredited with the equivalent of 2 full university courses and meet the academic pre-requisites of their programme of choice.

Would this work for me?
KerryBlue said:
Did a year at queens, from what I remember it was good times. However, I'm not sure if the whole bringing your grades thing up as suggested by Chelomo works. I was rejected this year from ROTP despite high university grades, due to my gr.11 math mark being to low. So if possible speak to a guidance counselor at your high school about online courses and night school to bump those grades.

It works,  if you have an otherwise strong file, because that's exactly how I got in. But it's true I also went back to adult school to do my advanced maths and got good grades.
Chelomo said:
It works,  if you have an otherwise strong file, because that's exactly how I got in. But it's true I also went back to adult school to do my advanced maths and got good grades.

I have 2 years university with a 3.0 GPA, lots of community involvement(over 1000 hours community service), camp leadership experience,  lots of sports and was told oh your grade 11 math mark was too low, sorry not ROTP at either civi u or RMC for you. So your mileage may vary.
Perhaps should figure out what career want officer wise, before getting bent all out of shape about ROTP, since as of yet you haven't mentioned what you why (what occupation) you want to enroll in ROTP for.  That's not light decision either as some occupations (as mentioned in many other threads) have preffered degree for their officers, and probably the last thing  you want to do is get a BA in interpretive dance, and decide you want to be a signals officer.
KerryBlue said:
I have 2 years university with a 3.0 GPA, lots of community involvement(over 1000 hours community service), camp leadership experience,  lots of sports and was told oh your grade 11 math mark was too low, sorry not ROTP at either civi u or RMC for you. So your mileage may vary.

Well I don't know what program or trade you were applying for either, but my grade 11 math was very average as well. I'm also civilian university as I was not eligible for RMC. My file also wasn't nearly as good as yours so there might be another factor at play here, but in my case it definitely worked since at my first application I wasn't receivable for ROTP at all, and when I got my advanced maths and better college grades, I got in.

Ultimately every file is different, but going to school and bringing up your grades is never useless. Even if it doesn't land you a job in the forces, that education is not wasted (unless you waste it). Plus, it definitely looks good and shows that you have a strong commitment to your possible career in the forces.

@Hatchet Man: I wouldn't mind serving under a CO that has a BA in interpretative dance  ;D
Maybe not a CO....


yoaa2 said:
Anyone got an offer this week?

Just a guess but I don't think we will see much of anything until early next week.    ;)
My GF received her offer yesterday.  ResF MCpl SupTech to RegF Log O.  She already had a degree, but must attend CiviU to complete the courses required for her to receive a Business Degree.

Much appreciation to those who posted on here, was great to gauge what was happening by reading peoples posts.  Also a special thanks to DAA.

Hello Everyone,

Hope all is going well.  If someone could please shed some light on the following matters, I would greatly appreciate it.

I spoke with a CF recruiter today about my application process so far and learned some disheartening news.  According to the recruiter, an offer of acceptance from an eligible University Program (which is relevant to chosen occupation) at a civilian university is required for any offer to be made.  This requirement goes for all occupation choices whether it be for Nursing Officer, Engineering Officer, etc.  Simply put, without the provision of an acceptance letter to a suitable University Program at a civilian university, the selection board would not consider you and therefore will not extend an offer.  Furthermore, one can be on the merit list (without a letter of acceptance for a suitable program at a civilian university) but the phenomenon mentioned above would still apply.

My preconception was that 1. the letter of acceptance is a condition of enrolment (not a condition of acceptance) and 2. Once one is on the merit list, the selection board would consider the applicant and possibly extend an offer—regardless of the absence of a letter of acceptance and 3. Only upon ROTP acceptance would the letter of acceptance be mandatory.

If the words of the recruiter are true, I am screwed for this year as I have not applied to a suitable civilian university program (other than RMC) for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Officer and I only have offers of acceptances for Collaborative+Compressed Nursing Programs (which may be  ineligible for ROTP Nursing Officer).  According to my many contacts with CF Recruiters months ago, I've been told: 1. I am on the merit list and I simply have to wait for an offer 2. I should bring in my letters of acceptances from civilian universities a.s.a.p (but would still be on merit list and considered for selections).  and 3. Collaborative/Compressed Nursing Programs are ineligible for ROTP.

To add insult to injury, the CF Recruiter looked at my Collaborative and Compressed Nursing Program letters of admissions today and determined that my letter of acceptance for the Compressed Nursing Program is actually eligible but selections for Nursing are over.

Could someone please confirm whether or not what the recruiter told me today is true, partially true, or false?

Thank you and Good Luck to all Applicants.

chris1234688 said:
Could someone please confirm whether or not what the recruiter told me today is true, partially true, or false?

I'm going to say that what the recruiter told you is true, because that's what I was told when I called in last week for a status update. I also believed that submitting the admission letter was only required for enrollment. It seems that last year, this was the case. But recently they have changed many of the policies. Now, you need to submit the admission letter before you can even be considered for selection. It really sucks. And now knowing that selections for nursing are over, well,  :facepalm:

If I were you, I would start looking into other options. I've already decided to pursue my back-up plan (not relating to military).
I was told from the very beginning that I wouldn't make it to selections until I had produced my acceptance letter for university. Unfortunately it doesn't seem that this information has been streamlined to all applicants.

Luckily my university was able to give me my acceptance letter a month early when I asked for it, knowing I was applying for ROTP and I was able to submit it well before the selection board sat.
The letter of acceptance to a Civilian University is NOT required inorder to be processed and merit listed. 

If you are selected for ROTP and it so happens that it is for attendance at a "Civilian University", then you would be made a "Conditional Offer".  The condition would be that you obtain unconditional acceptance in to a suitable academic program at a suitable academic institution.  Once you have been found academically suitable, all ROTP applicants are suppose to be informed that they need to apply to a Civilian University as a backup, should they not be selected by RMC.

ROTP Nursing is done and all offers have been made.
How are uniforms distributed? Will we receive them on our first year, or during BMOQ training?
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