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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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alina2270 said:
Oh really? as far as I know they are only picking 4 this year, so I'm assuming I won't get an offer this year..

I wouldn't be too quick to assume that.  There are still spots left for second selections.
Just something for all you aspiring officers, especially those who aspire to be INT Os:  http://army.ca/forums/threads/71137.0
Very good reminder George, when I joined up I changed all my passwords and made sure to separate very clearly my anonymous online identities as well as my more official profile, something I recommend everyone does.

Also, you should probably keep inflammatory stuff to a minimum in your online activities and make sure you never post something which might shed a bad light on DnD or the Forces. Of course, make sure you never post any sensitive information, even in passing, like the example George posted.

PS: The character names in that example should have been Alice and Bob to fit the old cryptography problems :P
Anyone got a call this week?

My recruiter told me he was pretty confident about my chances to get in...He seemed more confident than I was!

I have an overall average of 94% for my grade 12, including Physics, Pre-Calc and Biology,
I did some volunteering,
plus I live on my own since I am 16 (and I'm 18 now)
I manage to pay my rent and all my bills
and I obviously work a part-time/full-time job
and I'm almost perfectly bilingual (french being my first language)
Oh and I'm a girl (I'm not quite sure why he told me it would be an advantage, but I still think its unfair)

I applied for Aerospace Engineer...

Anyway, if anyone has interesting informations regarding the "deadline" after which you can safely conclude that you've been refused, please share it. I know some people already posted about this, but everyone seems to have different answers...
You can never be sure, I got my offer in December for example. People drop out, their priorities have changed etc... which frees some spots. However if you haven't gotten an offer after second selection, your chances of getting in are somewhat thinner, since the third selection is usually a top up.
Hi, I am a Canadian citizen, who resides in Kingston, ON. I am currently Merit Listed with the Canadian Armed Forces. I went to the Recruiting Centre and asked about applying for the ROTP, but I was quickly turned down, due to my non-academic grades from high school (I only took applied courses). I attended Regiopolis Notre-Dame Catholic High School from 2008-2013 (returned in 2013). To be honest, I was planning on joining the Forces as a Musician, but I didn't make the cut for live auditions so, I decided to pursue a career as a Artillery Soldier. Now I am Merit Listed for; Artillery, Combat Engineer and Mobile Support Equipment Operator. Now, I knew that my grades would ultimately hinder my chances, but I wanted to ask about ways to get in within a year or so? I'm already planning to volunteer at my local gym and possibly take a security course to work part-time as a security guard. I was considering becoming an NCM first, and then work my way up to apply, but I don't want to wait too long. I ended up losing two years after graduating high school, and believe me, I know I could have tried harder, or actually worked towards it, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after school. I'm only 21, but I am looking to start school soon. Although I'm very happy to be Merit Listed right now, I still want to give RMC a chance. Anyone have any advice, or suggestions?
George Wallace said:
Apply to Queens.

This. Or any university really, bring up your grades and voilà, your main hindrance to joining ROTP is gone. You can apply to ROTP up to your 3rd year of university. Make sure you have all the prerequisites you need to attend RMC though, be it advanced math classes, physics or chemistry, depending on which program you want to apply to.
Now that I got an offer over phone and email which I accepted, I asked my recruiter whether I would get a written offer like civvie U does. She said nothing until enrolment which will be in August. Prefer to have something in black and white than what I got until now. Has anyone been told differently?
If I remember well I got the initial offer paperwork by email and signed everything hard copy at the CFRC on the day of my enrollment. You can always print out your email if it brings you comfort, but if you've been made an offer, you're in and don't need to worry, you'll have plenty of papers to sift through soon enough.
Now that I got an offer over phone and email which I accepted, I asked my recruiter whether I would get a written offer like civvie U does. She said nothing until enrolment which will be in August. Prefer to have something in black and white than what I got until now. Has anyone been told differently?

Technically, they are suppose to give you a written offer, then signed by you.  But these days, they seem to be relying on emails.
Chelomo said:
You can never be sure, I got my offer in December for example. People drop out, their priorities have changed etc... which frees some spots. However if you haven't gotten an offer after second selection, your chances of getting in are somewhat thinner, since the third selection is usually a top up.

You can still get an offer in December?!?!
Yeah, given I was Civvy U and didn't make the selections, I assume they kept me on the merit list and that someone dropped out of ROTP, thereby giving me their spot. They retroactively paid for my first semester and enlisted me in December. It's something of an exception, but it goes to show that anything can happen.
I received my offer in Oct and enrolled in Nov. Again, due to my trade, it was a unique situation. Just thought I'd mention I didn't get covered for the fall term, and started being reimbursed in Janurary - so must be a case by case basis. Good luck to those still waiting; keep working hard!
George Wallace said:
Apply to Queens.

Did a year at queens, from what I remember it was good times. However, I'm not sure if the whole bringing your grades thing up as suggested by Chelomo works. I was rejected this year from ROTP despite high university grades, due to my gr.11 math mark being to low. So if possible speak to a guidance counselor at your high school about online courses and night school to bump those grades. 
I also have about 1.5-2 years remaining to complete all the requirement for space science at ROTP, i don't have any leadership extracurricular experience so i don't stand a chance, Queens look great but i would rather go for an university closer to me in Quebec, however i would look for a program that won't require a College diploma, preferably a space program. For a DEOTP for pilot.
I contacted my file manager and she said the second round is starting soon... I looked at the forum rotp 2013-2014 and it seems like people who were chosen in the second round got a call around the 16-17th of may ... So I guess it will be similar this year too... Anyway good luck to everyone ! :cdn:  :army:
Keeping my fingers crossed!
I heard second round is when most of the civiU applicants are considered is that true or just a rumour ???
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