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  1. Adamant

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    I would be way out of my lane to speculate on who tough Jet Training is.  If Supersonic Max pokes in on this thread he would better be able to give you some detail on that side. Having only completed Phase 1 (PFT) and on my way to Phase 2 (though having plenty of peers there now) I can safely...
  2. Adamant

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    EStrike101, I can't speak for all, however, most of the people I have been on course with (the same lot from basic through PFT) don't want jets simply because they do not enjoy them.   Jets are my last choice for what aircraft I would want to fly.  That being said, I don't really worry about it...
  3. Adamant

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    I was going to reply to your earlier comment until I saw CDN Aviator did, and I'm not trying to speak for him at all, and yes you are right in that OCdt is not technically a rank, it's an appointment. That being said what I took his reply to mean was that GW said there are no DEO OCdts.  While...
  4. Adamant

    The 2008 Canadian Election- Merged Thread

    So I take it if the Government was defeated in a confidence motion then you would acuse the Liberals, NDP, or Bloc of breaking the law too, as they would not be following the "fixed election date" as prescribed in the Elections Act.  I would think not. Clearly this legislation was not intended...
  5. Adamant

    Joining the air force

    University degree to be an officer, officer to be a pilot... But like zoomie said, why not be an electrician if you're already a qualified electrician?...
  6. Adamant

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    Incorrect, we are OCdt's during BOTC and receive our comission at the end of the course. That being said we are paid as 2Lt during that time. Edit to add qualifying information.
  7. Adamant

    Jazz removes life vests

    Snafu, Have you ever seen an aircraft not designed to land on water do so?  It's not really pretty, honestly a life jacket is the least of your concerns, just being alive is much higher on the priority list. As long as they are in TC reg's there is no problem...are they being greedy of...
  8. Adamant

    trailer qualification

    My T3 is for a zodiac trailer, if thats any help.  And Like NFLD Sapper, I'm good for anything under that.
  9. Adamant

    trailer qualification

    I have T3 and am limited to a 24 ft trailer.  So my best guess is that it would have to do with the size of trailer. ;D
  10. Adamant

    Cap Badges

    You can add another 13 to that list, as every green trade on my BOTC was issued two.  During inspection, one was on their head and one was in the closet on the top shelf, matching the placement of my wedge and the Navy guys cap. As this all being WAY out of my lane, I wouldn't even fathom a...
  11. Adamant

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    I don't think so.  I know they are rebuilding a bunch on the lower side.  Not too sure about the upper Base  Q's
  12. Adamant

    Need moral support and explanation

    We all (for the most part) have had to wait for recruiting and courses once you're in.  I only waited a year to get in but was on BOTC with at least one person  who waited 5. My advice is, be patient, but be proactive.  Call the CFRC but also be prepared for the "We have no new info right now"...
  13. Adamant

    Research into different fitness standards for each element

    This concept was already argued about extensively in another thread.  And the following message: http://forums.air-force.ca/forums/threads/76434/post-723401.html#msg723401 Seems to have the most logical conclusion.  Having one fitness standard is about as logical as having one medical...
  14. Adamant

    Do I take the pilot offer??

    Not to come off as a personal attack, but ask around on the training side before making a comment on timelines.  I've been in 2.5 years, and have PFT done thats it.  MJ is upcoming soon.  All things go well I end up on AFT maybe late 09, probably early 2010.  By the time that course is done I'm...
  15. Adamant

    Presidential election may be up for grabs

    Mr. Obama is a  US citizen, only.  He was born in Hawaii.  If you want to be picky, Mr. McCain was born in Panama, albeit on a US Military base, Funny there are no rumours that he has dual US - Panama citizenship. Kenya does not recognize any dual citizenship, one MUST be a NATURAL BORN U.S...
  16. Adamant

    Announcemnt by Minister of National Defence

    CFB GAGETOWN -- Defence Minister Peter MacKay says Canada will send five soldiers to Kosovo to help a NATO-led peacekeeping force. They will be deployed for 12 months to NATO's peacekeeping headquarters in Pristina, capital of the former Serbian province...
  17. Adamant

    Announcemnt by Minister of National Defence

    I would think they would deploy another 1 Wing squadron before they needed to pull from the Training Squadron...
  18. Adamant

    Question RE: IR Postings

    Bonus, thanks for the info.  I was sure I'd heard of it.  I guess it's off to the OR with me...
  19. Adamant

    Question RE: IR Postings

    Good day all, According to the Relocation Directive for FY 08/09 (http://www.forces.gc.ca/dgcb/dcba/engraph/download_e.asp?sidesection=2&sidecat=99&docid=165) the max time allowed for a member to remain on IR is 6 months (or until move of F&E is complete).  I have looked through the forums...
  20. Adamant

    Why can't some civi's tell the diffenrce between cadet's and soldiers

    Week 4 (as they have their cornflake) and still no name-tag? Well i guess, I have to remember it is St Jean... :D