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  1. beach_bum

    Please tell me there is someone out there that remembers these dudes...

    Ahhh...many a fine summers day spent playing at Sandbanks.  ;D
  2. beach_bum

    Please tell me there is someone out there that remembers these dudes...

    Boy, some of these songs are causing me to have flashbacks to high school dances!  ;D  Ah....the good ol' days when life was easy and simple.
  3. beach_bum

    My Army.ca Friends

    Granny, it's always been a pleasure talking to you and I'll look forward to your visits here even if they aren't as frequent.  Best of luck to your son in his new life.  :)
  4. beach_bum

    Please tell me there is someone out there that remembers these dudes...

    LOL  I remember both songs.  Though when that second video started...my immediate thoughts went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show!  ;D
  5. beach_bum

    Dog the Bounty Hunter

    I totally agree!  Regardless of whether money was the reason, or just Dog wanting to do what was right....I'm glad he did it.
  6. beach_bum

    82 Pattern Rucksack Thread- Merged

    Sure.  I know people who have.  Buckles are pretty darn cheap.
  7. beach_bum

    82 Pattern Rucksack Thread- Merged

    Or, the person who had it before you changed the buckles.  Perhaps replacing ones that broke.
  8. beach_bum

    February 2007 Subscriber Contest

    I'm going back home for a visit in Apr....could be chilly.  ;D Thanks PMedMoe...now I've got that whole Mine Mine thing in my head.  ;D
  9. beach_bum

    February 2007 Subscriber Contest

    Hey!  Quit tryin' to get my toque!  ;D
  10. beach_bum

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    That's exactly where the problem is.  It's out of the recruiting centres control.  I don't think there is any advice you will receive, or anything you can do to speed this up.
  11. beach_bum

    Happy Birthday MikeL

    Happy Birthday!  ;D
  12. beach_bum

    Dog the Bounty Hunter

    Leland is the hot son!  Well...would be hot if he would only cut that hair!  :-*
  13. beach_bum

    Dog the Bounty Hunter

    That sucks!  I for one like the show.  Sure it's cheesy...but I still like.  ;D  Now, if only Leland would cut his hair..... ;)
  14. beach_bum

    Supplementary reserve?

    I was thinking along the same lines.  As far as I was aware, you needed to be trade qualified in order to be on the Supp Res.  Do you recall what paperwork you filled out, or even better, do you still have copies?  As has been stated, go to the unit you would like to join and talk to them.  Just...
  15. beach_bum

    Karla Homolka gives birth

    It does speak volumes to me about the kind of man that would get involved with, have children with and want to marry such a vile creature.  Served her time or not...she is a monster.
  16. beach_bum

    February 2007 Subscriber Contest

    Hey!  Quit trying to get my handcuffs!  I mean....hat.  tee-hee  ;D
  17. beach_bum

    February 2007 Subscriber Contest

    Stitched!  Ah c'mon!  ;D
  18. beach_bum

    Karla Homolka gives birth

    I'll second that one.  She doesn't deserve to have the happiness that comes with being a mother, nor does an innocent child deserve a mother like that.  >:(
  19. beach_bum

    What is considered a spouse in the CF?

    Also, they do not live together currently. 
  20. beach_bum

    Jackass #2

    I saw part of the first one.  I was sorry I wasted those precious minutes of my life.  What a waste of time.  Didn't think it was funny at all, just really dumb.  No intentions of watching the second one.  I guess I just don't "get it".    ::)