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Search results

  1. SentryMAn

    Changing province of residence

    ps. You're personal taxes in NB just went up for all levels, welcome to NB!
  2. SentryMAn

    Changing province of residence

    I think you are the only person I have heard comment on paying less taxes here then in another province, lol You can get your bike license here so long as you have an address to give SNB that is within NB.
  3. SentryMAn

    Treatment of gays through BMQ and Service?

    To be honest here, IT really should be "checked at the door" just like anyone else. I don't want to hear about a LBGT sexual encounters just like I don't want to hear about anyone else's sexual encounters. I served with 3-4 Gay guys and a lesbian.  All were stand up members of the CF and all...
  4. SentryMAn

    New year for open positions?

    if you read some of the information in the other forums around this topic you will find out that the fiscal year start means little.  Pre-selection is happening and there were selection boards for many trades in Feb.  You're local CFRC will know exactly what is open at any time, but things...
  5. SentryMAn

    Is there any way to join the reserve/ start the application process before 18??

    I do not know the answer but what about being declared emancipated?  If that's even the correct terminology.
  6. SentryMAn

    Not meeting physical requirments

    I think you took my comment the wrong way. Comparing the Beep test to the military Ironman(or any Ironman) is up there with saying the round orange thing is in fact an apple. Is there a special prize for placing first on the Beep test other then hearing the clapping from fellow recruits? My...
  7. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    I walked it more then once. it was always about 35-45mins away WALKING with a pack, maybe shorter if you want. 10mins cab ride As per Google maps it says it's about 4kms walking to the terminal and about 45mins their estimate.
  8. SentryMAn

    Not meeting physical requirments

    The good thing about the beep test is it is a sprint A-B and isn't a constant speed with quick turns of 180 degrees.  You do not get that with a steady state run. The beep test is a joke, I managed an exempt without breaking a sweat.  You do not go to failure, you go until exemption, after that...
  9. SentryMAn

    Medical Rejection: How to Appeal? [Merged]

    You'd miss out on the best IMP's!
  10. SentryMAn

    How Long Did You Wait?

    Reserves: Applied September 2008, Finalized application in December 2008, Sworn into my unit May 20, 2009, graduated BMOQ Dec 2009.  V-Released Oct 2010 for various reasons, none of which make sense now. Regular: Applied Jan 2011,  Applied Dec 2011,  Applied March 2012,  Received word in...
  11. SentryMAn

    Credit Check Durring Application

    NOT CORRECT! you have to make sure your debt is in good standing and being paid back according to terms set out with the Debtor.  This is different then settling a debt.  You can have a settled debt and still be denied entrance as a security risk due to the way the debt is settled(Think...
  12. SentryMAn

    Still waiting for a call

    January 2012, until Today I have been waiting.  I completed everything and anything associated with my file up to and including finding out I have a "pending" offer.  That was 5 weeks ago, so I wait. The very first and most important thing you will learn in Military Service is how to be patient...
  13. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    Start learning the metro system, when I was there it was under $10 each way from Saint Jean to Montreal downtown. Pretty simple stuff and the terminal is a 45min walk from the Mega.
  14. SentryMAn

    April 27th BMOQ

    Do people really think the CF only found out about the budget they have on April 1st?  Are people really that naive? I've worked in finance for a long time and find is laughable that people think that "budget constraints" as of April 1st would cancel a course that was budget feasible in the...
  15. SentryMAn

    DUI - Effects on Joining?

    you must have missed my post, I have been convicted of and did the whole deal the DUI thing in 1999, was enrolled into the forces in 2009.  I received a pardon in 2009 for my stupidity. The difference with what you will experience in the CF with your current attitude is people under you will do...
  16. SentryMAn

    DUI - Effects on Joining?

    I went through this 15 years ago. It's not an easy road and you will need to pad your resume/file a good bit to overcome the decision to drive while impaired. If you are convicted and hold a criminal record I would suggest to get a pardon(as I have) for the conviction. The stupidity in your...
  17. SentryMAn

    Online Application Documents. Need help.

    Take this as meaning, if they have asked you to send in copies of BC, Gov ID, Transcripts, etc. Then send in exactly copies of what they have asked you to submit. It is not a trick question
  18. SentryMAn

    DEO 2013 financial year

    I was waiting for information to return from HQ that was never sent to CFSAL, if I hadn't kept in contact with the RC I'd still be waiting for that information to return that was never in fact sent. This was my situation, each varies and I don't pretend to know nor have any answers.
  19. SentryMAn

    Intelligence Officer / Operator

    //Disclaimer, I've never been, worked as, nor had any experience with intelligence// I have always thought of intelligence like a television show called "Elementary" where inference by way of using facts leads to a conclusion of sorts.  Then a lot like a show called "Criminal minds" where that...
  20. SentryMAn

    Online Application Documents. Need help.

    Send in COPIES of everything they have told you to send.