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Is there any way to join the reserve/ start the application process before 18??


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I'm 17 years old and I really need to join the reserves. I find doing productive things, especially exercising or doing something important very therapeutic for me. I already sent in an online application but then they said I need to mail in other documents, along with parental consent. My mom is dead and I don't have any family. I don't have a legal guardian either because they said the process will take too long, since my dad is alive they would have to find him and bring him to court in order to change custody, which is too much of a lengthy process. So I'm wondering is there any way around this? Can I at least start the application without parental consent, because by the time I do all the tests and everything I'll already be 18.

People are telling me to join the cadets but I really hate being around kids... Also does it make any difference that I'm completely independent? I pay rent, cook, clean, have a job etc. the whole bit. I should be treated as an adult I think.
You "need" to join the reserves?


Have you actually talked to a recruiter regarding the specifics of your situation? If not, do so.
Regretably, you will need the consent of a parent or guardian inorder to even be processed (ie; CFAT, Medical, etc).  There is no way around it.
Be 17 years of age, with parental consent, or older, except:
Regular Officer Training Plan – Junior applications must be 16 or older.

There is NO "way around this." The rules are there for a reason.

As for starting the application process, the most you could do is fill out the form yourself. The recruiter will not accept it until you have a parental/guardian signature.
I do not know the answer but what about being declared emancipated?  If that's even the correct terminology.
SentryMAn said:
I do not know the answer but what about being declared emancipated?  If that's even the correct terminology.

I was thinking the exact same thing.....  :nod:
I already tried that and I've been hearing so many different things from different case workers, social workers and community lawyers. Everything from it doesn't exist in Ontario, to it costs a lot of money, to call this number and then you call that number and they tell you to call another number and then you're like I just called that number they said to call here... They basically just keep referring me to other people like you guys deal with him. The one thing I learned is that all these case workers, community lawyers and '' support '' is just a front, you never get help from them. But yea, I really don't know the steps to becoming an emancipated minor...everything ends up to getting a family lawyer who charges a couple hundred bucks for a consultation....

Can I just give them my case worker's signature?  When I had to move out I needed somebody over 18 to sign a lease agreement for me, my neighbor did that so technically the rooming house I'm living in is under her name... Can I get her to sign it??

Thanks for the help guys and the quick responses. This website rockss!
Juniorz said:
Can I just give them my case worker's signature?  When I had to move out I needed somebody over 18 to sign a lease agreement for me, my neighbor did that so technically the rooming house I'm living in is under her name... Can I get her to sign it??

If she's your legal guardian, then the answer is yes. Otherwise, you're out of luck.
Let's try to manage your expectations then.  Your currently 17.  Are you still in school or have you completed your Gr 12 yet?
No not yet but it's on purpose.  I'm trying to stretch the length of my school as long as I can - long story short the longer I'm in school the more money I get from my mothers life insurance. I want to pile up as much money as I can and put it into a savings account. Plus all this happened during the start of the 2nd semester, and I had to take like 3 months off school and they won't let me back because I missed too much. So essentially I have nothing to do from now until next September. I don't want to let all that time go to waste. I've always wanted to join the CF so it's like I have all this time now, why not give it a shot?

I'm in GR 11 right now, but I'm supposed to be in GR 12.

I think I'll just go for the cadets....:(
Just a point on emancipation in Ontario. To the best of my knowledge the process does not exist there.

Here's a link to a document from the Justice for Children and Youth organization in Toronto that might answer your question and to whom you may wish to go for further advice.


I think you are somewhat scuttled. While you may have left home and are self supporting, that's not the same as being an adult which is a legal status that you'll achieve automatically when you turn eighteen. Unfortunately for you this issue is all about the law.

I can think of dozens of ways to be and feel useful as I'm sure you can too if you put your mind to it. You'll be able to make an application in the not too distant future.

One point. I'm not so sure about your decision to join the cadets. You're seventeen already and usually kids join cadets at a much younger age. Cadets who are your age level will have probably been there for several years and be of senior "rank". All too often older recruits have real trouble fitting in because they get grouped in with the new young recruits and resent being "bossed" around by "NCO"s who are several years younger than themselves and who are frequently still quite immature.

Best of luck.
Out of curiousity:  Why only the Reserves?  Why not the Reg Force as well? 

If it's a question of being settled in one place, fair enough.  I'm just wondering as since you seem intent on joining, why you'd cut off half (or more) of the available spots.
Man that's what I was afraid of... with the cadets. Well I guess I'm screwed... I think I'm going to call them even still just to make it 100 percent sure...

I want to join the reserve first because I want to see if I'll like it or if I can handle it part time, and if I can I'll move up into the reg force afterwards.

damn... I guess I'll just wait then
Juniorz said:
Well I guess I'm screwed...

Well, no...

It may seem less than ideal right now, but the time will pass.

In the meantime, you should be able to find something productive to do.

Reading some of the older material here may be of some help in planning your future, too.