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  1. Chang

    How far do you plan to make it?

    i'm hoping for mwo but yea doubt thats gonna happen since i got about 1.5 years left in cadets
  2. Chang

    Recruiting Packages

    opps sorry bout the language
  3. Chang

    Recruiting Packages

    the poster they sent out are really bad (imo) doesn't really show what cadets is about at all. there are standardized bouchers from cadets canada. there is also this tri service recruiting pamplet but thats kinda rare Please Dont Swear ;)
  4. Chang

    what qualifications do you have?

    basic, gold star, bugle badge, standard first aid, gold fitness, music level 2
  5. Chang


    you guys did your phase II already? we just got our phase I results last tuesday ???
  6. Chang

    Corps attendance

    yea, almost all sgts and above in my corps (including myself) are aging out/off to university next year...thats why we're training alot of junoir ncos (mbdrs) to fill up leadership positions
  7. Chang

    12.8 billion dollar increase in military budget.

    yea theres gonna be a pay raise (10% including retro-pay) i heard :)
  8. Chang

    Reserve Musicians

    i heard some people in the OR talking about how the 15th RCA band here in the 39CBG is being neglicted by everyone
  9. Chang

    questions regarding being a reserves advisor/tech advisor to a cadet unit

    does one have to be a certain age/rank in the reserves to act as a reservist advisor to a cadet corps? what do reservist advisors do anyways? oh and does the system work like how the CI system work?. i heard that in order to be a CI for a certain corps and if you're an ex-cadet of that corps...
  10. Chang

    What will you do?

    if it wasn't for cadets i wouldnt' have become a reservist on a side note: when you join up, remember that you're not in cadets anymore and make sure you have your learning attitude ready. if the troops see that you're there to learn and not to be a cocky jack***, they'll be nice to you.
  11. Chang

    Corps attendance

    yea our corps is pretty small too. 25-30 on a usual night and 30-35 on a good night :(
  12. Chang

    First time commanding a platoon on parade!!!!

    its fun. make sure you are loud and that everyone can hear you. your drill should be better then the others just to show them how proper drill is suppose to be done. don't mumble and make sure you call the right commands and stay in time with your troop/platoon if you're on the march
  13. Chang

    traditions in your cadet corps

    when a cadet gets promoted to chief, the CO and the DCO swaps the epillettes for him/her. when we march off, we yell left right left gunners. thats all i can think of.
  14. Chang

    NSCE Review Thread

    is NSCE different by regions? my corps (pac) hasn't gotten our NSCE phase I results yet
  15. Chang

    join reserves or go to whitehorse ??? HELP!!!!!!!

    do staff. i'd do staff but i don't have NSCEĀ  :(
  16. Chang

    Tech Advisors

    yea you can be both... the topic has be thoroughly discussed in one of these threads. don't remember which one though
  17. Chang

    Tech Advisors

    we got a sgt from my reserves regiment taht comes down to my cadet corps to help out
  18. Chang

    Poll: Pay to go to cadets or not

    i think cadets should pay like a VERY minisule fee every year to get us better training and equipment. i know a local aircadet sqn that requires you to pay 50 bucks a year and they have MUCH better training and stuff then us.
  19. Chang

    I'm 16 and I just joined army cadets.......

    cdt to mcpl in one year? damnnn took me 1.5 years to get from corporal to master and another year to sergeant
  20. Chang

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    does front rank stick their arm out while doing right dress?...cause cadets do and my reserves regt. don't.. oh and like the procedure for filling in in front of the officer to recieve award/promotion in reserves is different from what i learnt in cadets. and plus you gotta learn c7...