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  1. JBoyd

    BMQ Shopping

    To the best of my knowledge yes, when I was there in early 2008 we were told that CANEX was off limits along with the Bistro and other things during our Indoc. However, our staff did say that if someone was in dire need they could ask the staff for permission.
  2. JBoyd

    BMQ Shopping

    The majority of what is on the list that they give you can be purchased at CANEX, along with some things that aren't. Buy what you need, don't pack a lot but don't pack to little. You will be given an advance (can't remember the exact dollar amount) in the first week to purchase what you need...
  3. JBoyd

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    I agree with the others, sounds like a scam. To be sure I would call the CRA and see if they have any record of one of their agents calling you. If not, then I suggest you change your SIN number due to possible Identity theft.
  4. JBoyd

    Merged Child Custody in CF thread (joint custody, etc.)

    We hope so too :D, getting a little harder though to name our children, we haven't found that one name that just stands out and suits him yet. He also is currently on an IV (antibiotics) and oxygen, apparently he still has some fluid in his lungs that is causing shallow breathing. Apparently...
  5. JBoyd

    Chemtrail conspiracy theory - OMG

    CDN Aviator, I think she believes more in what is described in the Wiki link you posted as 'cloud-seeding' more than anything else. She pretty much only cares about their existence and not their usage/effects. I should have worded that line a bit differently so that it read 'the planes do fly...
  6. JBoyd

    Merged Child Custody in CF thread (joint custody, etc.)

    Well her doctors seemed to be pretty confident in her control of her blood-glucose levels so they decided not to induce. She gave birth naturally (read no drugs other then N2O, although I am sure she would have liked to have had an epidural if the anaesthesiologist wasn't so busy) at 0242 this...
  7. JBoyd

    Chemtrail conspiracy theory - OMG

    My wife firmly believes in Chemtrails, We often see planes flying above the city where we live leaving trails in a criss-cross like pattern which seem to slowly dissipate into light clouds. Her theory is that they do it here to control weather in someway during the spring/summer seasons. Not...
  8. JBoyd

    IE 8

    Another problem with IE8 is that there is a few websites out their that are not formatted to be viewed properly in IE8. I find Firefox is a much more stable and user friendly browser in every area (it is not any wonder why they are starting to take up quite a bit of the market-share in the...
  9. JBoyd

    June BMQ- 2009

    Double check your junk mail folder in Hotmail, they are notorious for blocking good emails.
  10. JBoyd

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    "This message is brought to you by the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources"
  11. JBoyd

    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    I believe what Occam posted was the rate of pay for RegF & ResF on class 'C' Reserve service. What I posted was the RegF Officer rate of pay from the recruiting website.
  12. JBoyd

    CDN issue Sleeping Bags

    Well 20 is represented as 10100 in Binary, perhaps that is what he was referring to by 5 digits?
  13. JBoyd

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    That thread is hard to read, it looks like he is pretty much just talking to himself on the first page lol
  14. JBoyd

    Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

    I agree that you should ask a recruiter this question, they will be able to answer it more clearly. with that being said, I do believe that the application & security clearance forms ask if you have ever been convicted, or convicted for which you have not received a pardon. From what Bruce said...
  15. JBoyd

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    someone should forward him on to Dictionary.com and heres a bit from Wikipedia (yes I know not a credible source but still..) someone may also want to critique him on his spelling/grammar
  16. JBoyd

    More and more funnies.. vol: something...

    couldn't help but laugh at this
  17. JBoyd

    Somali Cruises, Fun For The Whole Family!

    I personally like their rates Has anyone read any of the testimonials yet? ;)
  18. JBoyd

    Will I be rquired to wear glasses for mild nearsightedness?

    ML is right, glasses do not weaken the eyes or cause you to need stronger prescriptions in the future. I have had glasses for 12 years, had one pair for 10.. my prescription has not changed since I first had my eyes checked. One thing that does help to weaken the eyes though are those silly...
  19. JBoyd

    Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

    sorry yes, should have specified that I was listing the requirements for males under 35. For anyone wishing to be clarified on the new PT standards they have no posted them on the recruiting website. http://www.forces.ca/media/_PDF/physical_fitness_en.pdf Page 10 remember these are for...