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Chemtrail conspiracy theory - OMG


Army.ca Dinosaur
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I didn't even know about this theory until today I talked on the phone with someone who believed in it like your average 5 year old believes in Santa Claus. They've even got a friggin' song about it apparently. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrails_(song)

My concern, however, is that my respirator will now somehow decrease the efficinecy of my tinfoil hat. ;D

Chemtrail conspiracy theory

High flying white jet leaving an expanding contrailThe chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some contrails are actually chemicals or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public. Versions of the chemtrail conspiracy theory circulating on the internet and radio talk shows theorize that the activity is directed by government officials.[1] As a result, federal agencies have received thousands of complaints from people who have demanded an explanation.[2] The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by government agencies and scientists around the world.[3]

The United States Air Force has stated that the theory is a hoax which "has been investigated and refuted by many established and accredited universities, scientific organizations, and major media publications".[4] The British Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has stated that chemtrails "are not scientifically recognised phenomena".[5] The Canadian Government House Leader has stated that "The term 'chemtrails' is a popularized expression, and there is no scientific evidence to support their existence."[6]

The term chemtrail is derived from "chemical trail" in the similar fashion that contrail is an abbreviation for condensation trail. It does not refer to common forms of aerial spraying such as crop dusting, cloud seeding or aerial firefighting. The term specifically refers to aerial trails allegedly caused by the systematic high-altitude release of chemical substances not found in ordinary contrails, resulting in the appearance of supposedly uncharacteristic sky tracks. Believers of this theory speculate that the purpose of the chemical release may be for global dimming, population control, weather control, or biowarfare and claim that these trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems.[7]

Chemtrail Central: http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/

Educate yourself: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/unifiedatmosphericpreservatrionact04mar08.shtml

See also:


A few years back there were a few nutbars in the Ottawa area who took to phoning talk shows to warn the rest of us about this peril. Most were obviously seriously disturbed while a few were merely dillusional. Eventually they moved onto something else, perhaps the Da Vinci code or a parallel universe.

If, however, they are right, D and B, one way you can protect yourself is to put duct tape over the front of the canister on your respirator. It is a well known fact that this will prevent the chemicals dispersed by the aircraft (which is piloted by Dick Cheney) from entering your body. Ignore the shortness of breath and loss of consciousness as this will pass in a few minutes.
Will the duct tape help prevent wounds from Dick Cheney's buckshot?
Yes, because all current advice on the internet says the best dervish robes or ghost shirts must be made from duct tape to offer optimal protection from bullets.

([fine print]Disclaimer - for those who get caught up in extraneous factual detail in Radio Chatter threads, please be advised I am fully aware that duct tape does not actually claim that their product provides protection from bullets or other ballistic projectiles.  As well, it is not recommended for protection against edged weapons in either stabbing or slashing attacks and will only assist in holding together bruised body parts following a blunt force trauma attack.  Needless to say, be welcome to ignore this disclaimer and rant because that's the way you roll. [/fine print] Carry on.)
mike o
      red greens not gonna be happy to hear about this lol
                            scoty b
Chemtrail conspiracy has been a mainstay on Coast to Coast for at least 10 years...
My wife firmly believes in Chemtrails, We often see planes flying above the city where we live leaving trails in a criss-cross like pattern which seem to slowly dissipate into light clouds. Her theory is that they do it here to control weather in someway during the spring/summer seasons.

Not sure if I completely buy into it, however the planes do fly in areas that are outside the local incoming/outgoing air traffic lanes, and in a pattern. As well whenever they do this 'chemtrailing' clouds do slowly form and keep the rain clouds away and let for some pretty nice sunny weather for a few days. Whether there is any truth to this I have no idea.
Weather control? - and what a wonderful job we're doing.    ::)

Reassess those repetitive patterns as if they were connecting airports outside your local area.
Contrails do have subtle effects on the weather (apparently after air traffic in North America was grounded after 9/11, there was a measurable change in temperature over the continent) but this is hardly earth shattering news to people who are scientifically literate.

I am always curious to hear how chemical or biological agents dispersed in the stratosphere are supposed to:

a. remain reactive after exposure to such a hostile environment
b. be targetted anywhere
c. remain a standing program by the black helicopter crowd for decades despite the lack of any unabiguous effects from said chemical or biological agents.

The answer to "c" might be the induction of chemtrail hysteria is the desired effect....

Note: the only reason I even know about this stuff is during a foray in local politics I was accosted by a potential voter who demanded to know what I would do about chemtrails if elected. I'm pretty sure losing that vote didn't materially change the outcome of the election...

JBoyd said:
My wife firmly believes in Chemtrails, We often see planes flying above the city where we live leaving trails in a criss-cross like pattern which seem to slowly dissipate into light clouds. Her theory is that they do it here to control weather in someway during the spring/summer seasons.

If your wife beleives in |chemtrails", she will divorce you within a year of you becoming an AES Op........IF you ever do become one. You will then be part of the chemtrail conspiracy.  ::)

Not sure if I completely buy into it, however the planes do fly in areas that are outside the local incoming/outgoing air traffic lanes,

So you are telling me that you can read LO/HI charts and can tell me where all the routes are ? You are also familiar with being cleared "direct" rather than going from navaid to navaid ?

As well whenever they do this 'chemtrailing' clouds do slowly form and keep the rain clouds away and let for some pretty nice sunny weather for a few days. Whether there is any truth to this I have no idea.

Educate yourself a little............



Chemtrails have long been one of my favourite conspiracies as the people who believe in them are generally just harmless tinfoil hatters rather than the type of truly unhinged paranoids who are convinced that thermite brought down the WTC after all the Jews were told by Mossad to stay home on 9/11. When Usenet was still a going concern, you could lose yourself for many delightful hours on their groups.

That said, can I suggest that when it comes to usage, we refer to them as 'kooktrails' as is the common practice, to distinguish ourselves from the True Believers™?
CDN Aviator, I think she believes more in what is described in the Wiki link you posted as 'cloud-seeding' more than anything else. She pretty much only cares about their existence and not their usage/effects.

CDN Aviator said:
So you are telling me that you can read LO/HI charts and can tell me where all the routes are ? You are also familiar with being cleared "direct" rather than going from navaid to navaid ?

I should have worded that line a bit differently so that it read 'the planes do fly in areas that appear outside the local incoming/outgoing air traffic lanes'. I appologize, No I cannot read those charts and am not familiar with that type of information. I only meant to say that over the years we have observed what seems to be the common areas that the commercial airliners fly when they are coming to or leaving the local airport, and that these contrails form in areas away from what seems to be the common areas and in a relatively distinct criss-cross pattern.

As for Cloud-seeding, that appears to be what the trails here doing as the result from criss-cross contrail patterns result in cirrus-like clouds. The Wiki link mentions the intended results being increases precipitation, however the common result here seems to be the opposite. If it were not for the pattern that these trails seem to form my Wife most likely would have passed them off as normal contrails long ago.

Thank you for those links, I will forward them on to my Wife when she comes home from the hospital.
Chemtrails are just a cover story.

Fluoridation of water is the most dangerous plot yet conceived.
Tango2Bravo said:
Chemtrails are just a cover story.

Fluoridation of water is the most dangerous plot yet conceived.

Followed closely by the "flu shot"
Tango2Bravo said:
Chemtrails are just a cover story.

Fluoridation of water is the most dangerous plot yet conceived.

Heh - in the 1970s, IIRC, the CF brought in a reg that base water had to be flouridated, and because CFB Kingston is on municipal water, that meant everyone else in the area served by that pumping station was getting it too, although water in the rest of the city was never flouridated. Hysteria ensued, and continued to ensue for more than two years.

In fact, if you Google 'cfb kingston' and 'flouridated water' you'll see the hysteria continues to ensue, because the base turned it off in 2008, which was proof that the plot to kill / impose mind control on all citizens through flouride was either a) successful or b) killing a conspicuous number of people and couldn't be maintained.
By restricting my fluid intake to BudweiserTM and Maker's MarkTM I have been able to keep my vital essence.
... that would explain a lot about Kingston...

And anyone who would willingly consume Budweiser (or at least consume it while sober and it's not the last bottle left in the fridge) should be looked upone with suspicion...
Tango2Bravo said:
By restricting my fluid intake to BudweiserTM and Maker's MarkTM I have been able to keep my vital essence.

After all, one must keep a grip on those precious bodily fluids, right?  ;D
Budweiser is like having sex on a beach.....

Both f****g close to water !