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  1. Trooper Hale

    2007 Queen's Christmas Message

    http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page6157.asp Her Majesties message to the Armed forces. Its really fantastic. God Save The Queen.
  2. Trooper Hale

    Tim Hortons in Theatre Merged Thread (in AFG, no plans to preposition)

    I still find the idea of having a drive through at a coffee shop amazing. In Australia its cutting edge to have a drive through at Hungry Jacks. Hell, we dont even have anything like Timmies unless you count Starbucks and lets face it, no one does. I should open up a franchise here, i'd be a...
  3. Trooper Hale

    Eyes Right

    Where ever the kids from, its still a dead smashing bit of work from both him and the chap leading the march. The kid will treasure that memory for the rest of his life. I know i would.
  4. Trooper Hale

    Merry Christmas from Australia!!

    I'll quite happily second that. Hopefully all the lads overseas have a nice quite day and get a couple of near beers to enjoy. Also hope that all you lovely Canadian folks in Canada have a nice white Christmas. Weather here should be quite nice for tomorrow, my mums family are coming over so...
  5. Trooper Hale

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    Its like an RSM's dream! Hundreds of beautiful women with hundreds of uniform discrepancies! Look at the shoes for a start, all different. An RSM would be yelling for weeks and loving every minute of it!
  6. Trooper Hale

    Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool

    Now its my turn, +10million. Its my theory that Vietnam Vets didn't just change Vietnam, they changed the whole Western world. Their acts, their dignity and their example have made our countries what they are today. Like i said though, Britain needs to make sure that history is not repeated and...
  7. Trooper Hale

    Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool

    Aw shucks  :-[. Thanks Roy
  8. Trooper Hale

    Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool

    Aye, and its the same here. Vietnam vets werent the most popular people running around when they got back. But i thought it'd changed. I thought people had realised that that isnt the way to treat soldiers. Vietnam Vets in Australia are passionate about protecting soldiers from being maligned...
  9. Trooper Hale

    Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool

    Thats really quite disturbing. That people could be so shallow and self absorbed to complain about any kind of people with any kind of disabilities using "their" pool is a sad indictment on the community and the society that spawns them. What makes it all the more shocking is that the women are...
  10. Trooper Hale

    23 NOV 07 - Another Australian KIA in Afghanistan

    This is the first i've heard of this. I've only just got home from being bush. More bad news for us. Rest in peace dig.
  11. Trooper Hale

    Canadian/UK/Australian Militarys...Experience??

    What you say TM is a good point. While Canadian politicians can tie rags around their eyes and say that everyone loves each other and would never attack Canada (Jack, oh Jack, where are you?), Australian politicians often malign the ADF in a similar way. I suppose its one of the vices of living...
  12. Trooper Hale

    Canadian/UK/Australian Militarys...Experience??

    Though i wasnt in Canada for long there are a lot of differences in how our Army's work. Traditions have changed or been modified (Saluting is an obvious one) from the parent British example. Equipment and intent is fairly far apart, Australia's environment is different to Canada and thus we...
  13. Trooper Hale

    Absolutely Brilliant RAAC video

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flPKVv-GNvY I really enjoyed this. Its tops.
  14. Trooper Hale

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    The car looks like a Lada and if it is, thats the fastest one of them has ever gone! Even the ocean is too good for that disgraceful attempt at a motor vehicle.
  15. Trooper Hale

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    Same movie. "I dont think you understand...They killed my dog"
  16. Trooper Hale

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    "Playing"? I'd hardly call it "playing"  ;D Ironduke seems to barely raise a sweat naming anything, show him a chunk of steel and i reckon he could tell you the make, model country and then the type of round that destroyed it!
  17. Trooper Hale

    ** FLASH ** Another Australian KIA in Afghanistan

    Amazing history. The bloke did bloody well and he's a dead-set hero. I'm proud to be in the same Army as he was and his example is something for all of us to look at and attempt to emulate. Well done boss. Rest in peace.
  18. Trooper Hale

    What is your military status?

    Bit of an update. I've just moved to the School of Armour, Puckapunyal, for my ASLAV crewman course. So now i only check Army.ca on the weekends :'( Its not all bad though, only another 20weeks till the course is over! :P
  19. Trooper Hale

    Favourite War Movies

    I just watched "We dive at Dawn". Its an absolute classic and i loved it. Especially the tattooing the wrong girls name tangent that went on. I almost felt like joining the navy... Then i remembered that all the Navy offer is Rum, Sodomy & the lash. And i dont like the lash. ;D
  20. Trooper Hale

    British Military Current Events

    He'll usher in a new age for the Commonwealth, mark my words. He's impossible to find fault with, He's an absolute inspiration and He, with Prince Harry are bring youth back to the monarchy. I intend to be in England one day in the hopefully distant future when HRH The Queen passes, when Prince...