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Canadian/UK/Australian Militarys...Experience??

What was the point of your post Korporaal?
GAP said:
What was the point of your post Korporaal?

I believe he posted his response from within the quote tags, his post seems to start after the end of Wes's post with "I guess there is two sides to every story, but this is how it was told outside SA."
Korporaal said:

The point was in response to Wesley Down Under`s previous statements.

Then don't put your response inside the quotes.....why would anyone read 3 screens of quotes (which are hard to read at the best of times) to try and figure out where the quote ended and your response started?
Hey...PLAY NICE !!!

I  was trying to figure out the quote feature....and only saw what had happened once the message appeared on the screen, I then went back and tried to fix it...ahh why bother.
Korporaal said:
Hey...PLAY NICE !!!

I  was trying to figure out the quote feature....and only saw what had happened once the message appeared on the screen, I then went back and tried to fix it...ahh why bother.

The end tag [/quote] is what you need to look for. It sometimes goes down a couple of lines and it is easy to assume the last word of what you copy and pasted is the end. If you put you comments after the [/quote] tag, you shouldn't have any  trouble.  ;D
I did try that...it didn`t work, so their must be something with my settings which I`ll have to check.
Though i wasnt in Canada for long there are a lot of differences in how our Army's work. Traditions have changed or been modified (Saluting is an obvious one) from the parent British example. Equipment and intent is fairly far apart, Australia's environment is different to Canada and thus we have a different way of looking at kit and ideas. What we do overseas is different, Canada has more of an active role in fighting in Afghanistan. Australia, with diggers in East Timor, Solomon's, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc is a little more stretched in what it can.
Our countries policies are different, Harper in Canada is doing what he see's as right, taking on the Taliban, despite it being unpopular with parts of the Canadian community. Howard is doing what he see's as right but at the same time is held back by our lack of numbers.

Look at what you want to do, i love the Australian Army but would consider maybe moving to Britain in another 4 years and trying it out over there. You might want to see about the CF and then do what Wes has done and come across over here.
Oh, and a definate pro for the ADF is that apart from School of Armour and School of Artillery in Puckapunyal, you wont go anywhere that really is as depressing as Petawawa.
As depressing as Petawawa?

Obviously you haven't visited Shilo ;)
I have given this question a lot of thought and at the moment
the CF seems like a pretty good deal, but how long is this going
to last?.If the "not going to fight George Bush's war for oil"crowd
get back in power them I have my doubts, they will not be willing to
spend the money needed to bring our military back to a level that
is required and the CF will slip back to its pre A-Stan levels.If that
happens you will have a quiet life in one of Canadas garden sites
Gagetown,Wainwright,Petewawa,with slow promotions,gradually
selfdestucting equipment,excitement will be provided by the odd
exercise and maybe a trip to some war-torn African country where
you will wear a blue beanie,have 5 rounds in your mag,and be told
not to take sides,while around you one side massacre the other.When
you get back,your civilian friends will be wondering why we have an
Army,after all  the Americans couldn't allow anything to happen to us 
could they?.
Australia seems to be a better bet in the long run,Australia,it seems to
me is on the front line given what is happening in the Asian counties
on their northern borders,political and religious unrest plus massive
rearmament in those areas.The Aussies seem to have come to the
conclusion that a country, to remain independent,should be prepared
and able to defend itself,a lesson that the majority of Canadians have
yet to absorb.So my choice,given your options,would definitely be
MTS - I will simply echo DAFTANDBARMY's comments. I am a Canadian who served 6 years in the British Army, Royal Engineers, and I have now returned to Canada to join the CF, as quite simply, it was the best option for me. I don't regret a thing about my time in the UK, HOWEVER, if I knew then what I know now I would've stayed and joined the CF.

Feel free to PM me for more info on the British Army/UK lifestyle pro's and cons.

geo said:
As depressing as Petawawa?

Obviously you haven't visited Shilo ;)

You've never been to Singleton or worse Shoalwater Bay, now thats depressing, ha!


What you say TM is a good point. While Canadian politicians can tie rags around their eyes and say that everyone loves each other and would never attack Canada (Jack, oh Jack, where are you?), Australian politicians often malign the ADF in a similar way. I suppose its one of the vices of living in a 1st world, western country that people find it challenging to believe others aren't as content as themselves. Australians live in a country that is neighboured by states struggling to say afloat, both democratically and financially (Solomon's, East Timor etc), the largest Islamic nation in the world with moderates trying to control a growing bunch of lunatics while pretending that its all going well (Indonesia) and a super power near by with more people then land and a dubious record in all things (China).

Australia's military will always have to be strong and under the Howard government money has been almost literally thrown at us. Pay is fantastic and since the last pay rise i think its on the same level or there abouts as the CF. Quality of equipment is great, even if the quantity is a little lacking. The people are fantastic and the depth of knowledge is brilliant. Its generally a great Army to be part of, and the uniforms are dead suave.
If i were thinking about joining a foreign military however, and I lived in Canada, I'd try the CF first. Serve your own country before you serve someone else's. I dont think you'd regret that.

And to Wes, at least with Singleton or Shoalwater bay you dont expect anything. Seymour's quite a large town, you could be fooled into thinking it had some form of human life in it. Sadly that isnt the case, beneath the flannel shirts, mullets and filthy beards beat the hearts of bizarre creatures not versed in normal human protocol.
daftandbarmy said:
25 years ago I'd say give it a go (hell, I did). But with all the action and interesting opportunities, plus excellent benefits and high quality people  in today's CF (the many fine people on this forum are good examples!), I'd say that the odds are stacked heavily in favour of staying in Canada's military.

Regardless, some questions you want to ask yourself before you decide to make the leap - to the British Army anyways:

1) Are you prepared to support the foreign policy of another country, even if it is diametrically opposed to Canada's?
2) Are you prepared to be treated differently? No matter what you do, you WILL be singled out and be severely 'razzed'. You may experience downright discrimination (not my experience, but it's possible). You will need a thick skin regardless. You will always be under pressure to do better than the others.
3) Are you prepared to be away from home for months, or years in some cases, while your mates get to go home regularly to see mummy and daddy? Could you handle up to 9 - 10 months away from your unit's home base per year?
4) Can you handle the possibility of encountering much different, and apparently ruthless and 'constitutionally unfair', physical or other selection processes which you may fail, with little or no chance of appeal?
5) Pay and benefits may be much different than you can expect in Canada. British troops get paid much less for example. Are you prepared for less pay, worse living conditions and potentially marginal benefits?
6) If you are killed or wounded (it happens, but not to me, right?), are you prepared to take the risk and put your family through the extra hassle?
7) Can you handle less attractive women, warm beer, cold showers, bad coffee, shabby quarters, awful dentists and endless cups of tea (oh, the horror)

On balance, unless you're planning on making a fortune from the book you write about your experiences, I'd hang here. The modern CF rocks, dude.

PM me if you'd like for any further discouragement or insipid, pre-publication, self-promoting war stories.

Para Regt (seconded to 3 Cdo Bde for 2 years)
Still tabbing after all these years ;D

D&B....thanks for bringing it all flashing back!!!

After spending 2002-2006 back with HM Forces I can tell you things have not changed a great deal.  On pay though, I think you will find that they earn the same if not more than us...rank for rank...

However what is left in the pocket to jingle after the tax man has his cut does not go as far as our pay does on this side of the pond.

Still, looking back I enjoyed my Brits days (78-87, it was hard, and the conditions pretty sh_t, so what)....getting to go back in 02 and running into the old mates, some still serving was a unique opportunity.

All the best....old fart... ;D
daftandbarmy said:

Don't you mean sh_te? You're losing your accent....  ;D

Not only are you trying to give me PTSD....but a complex to boot....

Lord luv a duck...
Hmmm, I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes the recruiting process for the TA or the RMR? I am currently serving in the army reserves here in Canada, however next year I am going to the UK for grad school. I really enjoy being part time in the military, and I would love to continue doing it over there. Also, I know that if you are a commonwealth citizen who has not live 5 years prior to the application date you need to get a special waiver, does anyone know how that is obtained?

If you are going there for school, I am certain there is a policy you can parade there, right in the UK, with a UK TA unit. Do a search on here for that, or check into it through your Militia unit.


Wesley  Down Under said:
If you are going there for school, I am certain there is a policy you can parade there, right in the UK, with a UK TA unit. Do a search on here for that, or check into it through your Militia unit.



There was a Canadian reservist doing just that 2005/2006.  He was an officer I believe, attending a UK college.  So it can be done.  The Army Staff at CDLS (L) in London could advise.

Old fart...
If you actually go to New Zealands Army's website you'll see they recruit from the Commonwealth... however they only want current or ex-serving as they say.


We are currently increasing our recruiting pool to include applicants of foreign nationality in order to meet personnel resource needs. However, we currently only have vacancies for current or recent ex-serving full time military personnel from either UK, Australia, USA, Canada or NZ.