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  1. Pencil Tech

    Bump beside the knee

    Might be a calcium deposit.
  2. Pencil Tech

    Cost of Chinook Helicopter

    ;D Yes the all-important "meetings meetings"! Well, the way they announced it just looks like they are buying 16 helicopters for three times what they're worth but I guess I just don't get the subtleties of helicopter shopping.
  3. Pencil Tech

    Cost of Chinook Helicopter

    OK, the helicopter announcement went out today and the CBC reported it as being worth $4.7 billion - $2 billion for the aircraft and 2.7 billion for the maintenance contracts.So $2 billion for the aircraft. That works out to $125 million each, and yet I've seen the price of an individual CH-47F...
  4. Pencil Tech

    GG Too Booked for Queen's 80th Birthday

    I'm with Duey. God Save The Queen.
  5. Pencil Tech

    The "Right" is wrong

    I think it's going to take a whole generation to de-brainwash Canadians re this "peacekeeping" fantasy. No matter how many letters to the editor are written, or articles by Lew Mckenzie are published, these people like Ryan, Staples, etc keep coming out with the same tired tune.
  6. Pencil Tech

    reserve do they leave stuff out?Or cram stuff in?

    Seen. Only dry though, right? Re Reg Force SQ, they used to include Driver Wheel and comms as well.
  7. Pencil Tech

    reserve do they leave stuff out?Or cram stuff in?

    Don't forget that in the reserves after BMQ you do the Soldier Qualification (SQ) course, which is about the same length as the BMQ course so the total is around 45 training days. In the regs in the last few years they had a shorter SQ course and I may be mistaken, but have they not integrated...
  8. Pencil Tech

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    Well, actually CTV has a poll out today that says 55% support having our troops there and 41% opposed, so already that's a change, as people get more information about the mission.
  9. Pencil Tech

    Gen. Hillier pushes plan to boost army enrolment

    That's a great idea and would take a bit of the strain off the training training aspect of recruitment.
  10. Pencil Tech

    Canadians attacked after taking command

    That was very nicely put by Gen Fraser in the CTV story. You know, I'm beginning to think we might want to start using the word "peacekeeping" again, and educate people about the reality of that endeavour.
  11. Pencil Tech

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    Kind of like Yugoslavia under Tito, or the USSR.
  12. Pencil Tech

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    I would really like to add to Lost_Warrior's comments, with which I agree. I really don't understand why the US let their relationship with Saddam deteriorate to the level that it did. Here was a secular non-Islamist Sunni tyrant totally in opposition to the Shiite theocracy in Iran. Now you...
  13. Pencil Tech

    Liberal Party Minister Defects to Tories

    I don't like separatists. Separatists are goddam traitors.
  14. Pencil Tech

    Liberal Party Minister Defects to Tories

    Well no, I couldn't vote for the Conservative who won in my riding because it was revealed during the campaign that his campaign manager was an Alberta Separatist, so I didn't vote for my MP. "On that basis, Mr Emerson obtained the best "deal" he could get for his constituents..."  ???
  15. Pencil Tech

    Liberal Party Minister Defects to Tories

    Well a Conservative principle, or rather a Reform Party principle, used to be accountability to the voters, and the right to recall MPs (which as you know you can do provincially). Oh I'm sure he'll get a "deal" on softwood lumber, he'll have to take any deal, even the worst deal imaginable...
  16. Pencil Tech

    Liberal Party Minister Defects to Tories

    Oh I see. So those of us "outside of BC" have to just settle for the guy we voted for in our ridings. Maybe we should just not bother having elections, since there's no guarantee that the guy we stupid voters choose will be "widely respected in business circles".
  17. Pencil Tech

    Any guitar players out there?

    Hey guys, I like playing blues. I have a Strat and a 65 Fender Deluxe Reverb reissue.
  18. Pencil Tech

    Liberal Party Minister Defects to Tories

    OK, I am really, really, really glad the Liberals got tossed out. Brad, tell me differently if you want, but this was all so supposed to be about ethics and accountability, remember? Surely what Emerson and Harper have done is worse than Stronach and Martin, no? Stronach can at least say that...
  19. Pencil Tech

    Liberal Party Minister Defects to Tories

    OK, I am NOT a Liberal, I did NOT vote Liberal, and like many Canadians I voted for A CHANGE, remember that slogan from just a few weeks ago? The same few weeks ago when Emerson was telling the voters of his constituency that a Harper government would ruin the country? Well, I don't care how...