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Dozen's gather for anti-war protest at U of G

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
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Thats right, on St Patties day, dozens of students gathered under the direction of our oh-so rediculous CSA external affairs commissioner to protest Canada's 'occupation' of Afghan and Haiti. 

Anyways, I need some intel as it were. Michel Keefer, supposedly an ex-navy officer in the CF, now an avid anti-war activist. Does anyone have any info on this waste of skin? Was he actually a naval officer? He spoke at the rally.

I wish I had some pictures from it.

And for anyone wishing to engage in an open, intelligent debate (sarcasm was intentional) with my student union's external affairs commissioner (and local commie party candidate), here is his website... http://www.csaonline.ca/external.html 
This guy?
Michael H. Keefer
BA Royal Military College, MA Toronto, DPhil Sussex - Associate Professor

Just Google his first and last name to see where his sentiments really lie.

Just another example of someone who has made an example of how to earn money off of the socialist leanings of others. Funny, his military credentials are nowhere to be seen?
Michael isn't so much "anti-war" as anti-American, anti-corporations, anti-Conservative, etc.  Various members of the Keefer family have been kickin' around campus for years doing the angry leftist routine, but then what self-respecting university doesn't have a few lefties hanging around  :D

On the other hand getting out a couple of dozen of anything on a campus of 20,000 isn't exactly a rousing testament to his influence on campus.  :(
FWIW Michael was born in 1948 and not a career military officer so I'd imagine his exposure to anything "navy" ended decades ago.  Still you've gotta love spin ::)

U of G was also one of the universities that "asked" that CF Recruiters not be allowed on the grounds during job fairs.
Scott Gilbert arguments about why the CSA would not allow the military to set up a stand at our job fairs are just about as bad as the arguments of the 30 or so "protesters" on campus the other day, I heard a bit of what they were staying while I was waiting at the bus stop. I also thought it was funny that their posters around campus advertising the protest had a quote from General Hiller on it, something like "Our job is to be able to kill people." Well isn't it? It is the army's job to protect Canada and Canada's interest through the use of force if necessary. But with the protesters yelling chants of "Where is the peace in peacekeeper?" its pretty obvious where they stand on the role of Canada's military. I'm working on a response for our school newspaper right now but they are hardly worth the time.
Piper said:
Good luck, if they even publish it.

Remember the Ontarion's motto..."Free Speech..unless the CSA does not approve it in which case no one wants to hear it because we express the real feelings of all students".


You could alomost ne talking about "The maple Leaf" there Piper....... ;D
There's a considerable difference between having the ability to do something and considering it a goal; strictly speaking most police officers have the ability to use deadly force, however it'd be pretty hard to claim they work at it.  The good news is that Gilbert's term is over so the goofiness might slow down a bit.  See the "activists" as providing a break from having to deal with stuff that really matters ;D
I just spent some time trying to gather any info. in regards to this protest and I couldn't find anything. I was however able to find endless amounts of info on Keefer. From what I found he seems like a decent Prof. in the way that he provokes thought, its too bad he does it from an extreme leftist platform. I found articles based on some of his (for lack of a better term) sermons, He seems to preach making decisions upon fact and research,(not a horrible thing to teach) but doesn't support his own arguments very well and seems very vague about his own sources. Maybe this was a result of sensational editing, but in the end I grew tired of his rhetoric quickly. To close, from my opinion, if he wants to rally students to hold rather inconsequential anti war efforts than so be it. I'm proud to protect his freedom to do so, lets just hope he doesn't destroy any young minds along the way.
I don't mind some one having a left-leaning position. I'm a bit of a pinko myself. BUT, I really dislike when people take no effort to educate themselves about the situation on the ground.  :argument: When any group of people are asking to stop the occupation of Haiti......... All people like the good prof, what's her face with the bad web site that shall not be named (cause I forget her name right now) and this Scott dude at U of G want is to push their ideals, their point of view. Regardless of reality. I no longer try to argue with these people, as soon as they find out I'm a soldier, my opinion means crap. All I can do is try and point some of them towards educational material. CBC, BBC World, Red Cross/Red Crescent, maybe a HISTORY BOOK!!!!!!! (they're called textbooks, and actually have information in them, not just stuff to get a paper done).

I've been trying to find a poem online, the one where "It's the soldier not the reporter that protects freedom of speech...."
Anyone got a digital copy of that? Maybe we could make it into a sticky or post it on the front page.
Well last night I left Gryph's about 0100 hours and went to the Subway where upon my fine dining I was reading the Ontarion. :-[

Some "good stuff" :rofl: in there about the protest, such as......"Keefer says Guelph students should look into the causes of the wars in Afganastan and Iraq, which he characterizes as "Wars for resources. Wars against democracy."
Another goodie,
He also sees the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 as a "self inflicted wound on the US."

The BS goes on and on............however this I must know....was this one of you guys?

"One dissenting spectator disagreed, however. He yelled out that NATO was protecting the rights of little girls to go to school in Afganistan."

I don't have any 'ins' as to when they plan these things, let us know here when the next one is......[takes me all of one minute to get there.]
Count me in, at the very least it'll be a good excuse to go for a beer afterwards!  ;D
Wookilar said:

U of G was also one of the universities that "asked" that CF Recruiters not be allowed on the grounds during job fairs.

Wow! No military recruiters... Hmm! I guess they don't like the military very much. Oh well.
bbbb said:
Wow! No military recruiters... Hmm! I guess they don't like the military very much. Oh well.

Thank God You clarified that... cause I had no idea....  ::)
bbbb said:
Wow! No military recruiters... Hmm! I guess they don't like the military very much. Oh well.

Hmmm, another gem from this widely read and articulate poster... ::)
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Some "good stuff" :rofl: in there about the protest, such as......"Keefer says Guelph students should look into the causes of the wars in Afganastan and Iraq, which he characterizes as "Wars for resources. Wars against democracy."

I'm a leftie and I find that funny. War for resources in A-stan? I guess the rock, insect and poisonous snake shortage in Canada is far more serious than I realised. War against democracy?  Saying stuff like that ruins all credibility. We all know how democratic the Taliban was :-X.
When the first report came out about the CF no longer being welcomed at U of G, another school was mentioned, but none of us remember who/what/where... Anybody else remember?
An affiliate of U of G, maybe?
bbbb said:
Wow! No military recruiters... Hmm! I guess they don't like the military very much. Oh well.

GO!!! said:
Hmmm, another gem from this widely read and articulate poster... ::)
Agreed. One can only hope he reaches whatever posting numbers goal he's set for himself pretty soon.

Once he backs off the mindless drivel he's been posting in several threads recently, he can start building a reputation of someone whose opinion is worth reading. Not today, I'm afraid.
