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Your best 'meeting a celebrity' story......


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In the spirit of "What are you listening to" and "Favourite military movie," I have decided to ask.....

I think mine would be meeting Keifer Sutherland getting on a Canadian flight to Orlando. Very polite and even took the time to spell mine and my wife's name properly.

Then there was when I met Jason Alexander....but we'll see if this post takes off....
I met Gordie Howe the last time I was at home waiting for my ride at a Timmie's in Kitchener.
shoulda bought that man a coffee, but I wasn't thinking.
I was in the same room as chris tucker, but I had too much beer and I didnt realize he was there. I've also met alot of canadian bands, no one special though.
My father ran into the Prime Minister in downtown Vancouver last week (he was crossing the street with reporters etc..)  and he also ran into ozzy Osbourne in a Star Bucks.
  I was working my shift at the airport and met Christina Applegate a few weeks ago here in Halifax! 
What do you do at the airport? Wayne Gretzky greeted me when he landed here @ Hamilton once.
Well these are kinda lame stories - more like a grocery list.  How about some details?

I beg to report I was actually star struck by Joe Clark.  I was a courier downtown at the time, and he was a lawyer for Milner Fenerty, a local law firm.  I was walking back from Canterra Tower, kind of in the north part of downtown near the river, very deserted, the block I was on was a huge empty field (it has since been converted into a parking lot) - one of very few left.  Anyway, I see him coming down the sidewalk - no secret service, no nothing, just Joe Who.  I was so surprised to see him I just kind of stared, probably mouth open.  He smiled, I think he was happy to be recognized and knew what was going on - and said "Good Morning" to me.  I was too starstruck to say hello back.

Of all the people to be starstruck by - Joe Who!!!  I am still embarrassed by it but like to tell the story.

Joe Who had one of my friends fired; he was a mail clerk in the Milner Fenerty mailroom - poor guy sent Joe's passport for updating via regular mail instead of registered.  That was it for HIM. 

This was before Joe's return to politics, naturally, and he was just a regular citizen and ex-PM at the time.

OK..I'll bite.
    The fam damily was sitting at a restaurant at Ontario Place two summers ago just after seeing Cirque de Soleil. In the midst of devouring my cheese fries, I watched Jason Alexander walk out to the patio and begin walking toward our table. Nearly choking on my food, I pushed my chair back, reached around with my hand and introduced myself. He returned the introduction and proceeded to his table with his family....directly behind us. When I returned to my food, the family was asking who that was.
   "Was that someone you work with?," they asked.
   "Look for yourself," I replied.
They did, and each had a look of pure shock......"GASP!! It's George!!"
Needless to say, the rest of the meal was nothing but George jokes.....No double dipping, SHRINKAGE!, stuff like that.
Oh, by the way, his son looks exactly like Nelson Muntz. I shit you not.
Hey Pte. Mckibbon.................I'm in Dartmouth and i saw RICKY from trailer park boys at Zelllers the other day!!!!!...............The funny thing was that he was in charachter, but doing normal everyday shopping....LOL!
On my first ever CP job...before I had any training or even knew what I was doing I met Natalie Portman at the Toronto Film Festival. I don't know how she felt but I was scared sh1tless...There were tonnes of screaming male fans with all their hormones in overdrive and her and...me!

Somewhere there is a bit of film footage of me standing behind her at an interview outside Roy Thompson Hall (Toronto) wearing a green suite and looking terrified!

I have since met a number of stars and their entourages. None were as scary as that night with Queen Amidala!  8) :-* 8)
CallOfDuty said:
Hey Pte. Mckibbon.......I'm in Dartmouth and i saw RICKY from trailer park boys at Zelllers the other day!!!!!......The funny thing was that he was in character, but doing normal everyday shopping....LOL!

lol nice, they are completely screwed up...in a good way though
nothin better than "sorry ricky I gotta go, kitty drank garbage juice and now shes got the sh**s"  ;D
Whats Jessica Simpsons little sister? Ashlee? Anyway's last time I was in LA on Sunset (I think) I was walking down the street to my car and she bolted out of a resturaunt and into a Rolls Royce and I never noticed. My family pointed it out to me to see if it was true I took another walk by the car as it was still parked to check out who was in the back and sure enough it was her. Then not even ten minutes later I was driving down the street and right next to me it was her and her enterouge. I must have been staring because they started to give me the thumbs up, peace signs and what nots. Closest I've ever been to a celebrity. And it was a really nice car.
A number of years ago I was in the Grand Hotel in Lindsay for beer and pizza, when Gordon Pinset came in with some other people and sat at the next table.  Didn't get his autograph as I didn't want to bug him.
Last year, I had Tie Domi hold the door open for me at a driving range in Windsor.  Nice guy.
I've met Pinball Clemens.  He was signing autographs before one of my football games.  I also met him when he came to give a talk at my school.  He was a really nice guy. :)
Early 70's at the Elmwood Casino Supper Club in Windsor. I was there in my greens with a buddy, waiting in line to go in and see Anne Margret. The owner came out and brought us in through the kitchen and gave us a table up front. During Ms Margret's performance, she would walk around the room as she sang. She stopped at our table, sat on my lap, with her arm around my neck and sang part of her song. When it was over, I couldn't have stood up if the house was on fire.

Oh, and as a kid. I used to deliver papers and run errands for Paul Martin Sr, when he was at home in Windsor. Great person and Statesman. Not at all like his son.