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Yet another version of the Recruiting Web Site

whiskey601 said:
Come on guys - stick to constructive feedback. This is a trial version, not yet the real deal.

It is? gulp...I thought it was the end product. If that is the case, take my points as suggestions...I work with a lot of people who are still using legacy computers and dial up...it's important to them to
Ya, the highspeed point is huge. My sister is looking at joining the forces, and she is on dialup, it took her almost 10 minutes to load the first page. I fixed the problemby emailing her the exact link to the page she wanted. Having a non flash, HTML site is critical. My parents(sister lives with them) lives in a rural area only 20 minutes north of barrie. So they are not that far out of areas that have highspeed, but dont have it. Think of the millions that are not near a big city.
M. Houle, highly recommend a splash-page with [high-bandwith][low-bandwidth] options to enter the site.
Good2Golf said:
M. Houle, highly recommend a splash-page with [high-bandwith][low-bandwidth] options to enter the site.

examples can be seen for CBC radio (click on a link for a city and you get the choice) or CTV news video clips...has choice of high/low speed connection
I took a quick look last night at the armour page, lots of good video and you felt that you were being talked to, which is good. It's a bit like organized "word of mouth" like a friend giving you the straight goods. so bonus points on that. But I would give up on the webpage if on Dial-up. You need a watered down webpage for those who are dailup only. A lot of kids up North have no access to high speed. Also make sure that it is designed to be included in web searches.

This site is aimed at the younger population that has not been part of the military, perhaps you should include a link to a page aimed towards ex-members, serving reserves and older guys, trying to bring them in.
GAP said:

Has he any idea at all of how much of this country does not have High Speed Internet? Is this Toronto/Ottawa centric?

Typical IT S*%t...."it works for me, I can't help it if you and your equipment are inferior".

If you are going to a national audience..then your sites MUST be backward compatible...not everyone can afford all the bells and whistles!
A simple script will detect whether the targeted computer is flash capable and default to the lowest common denominator.

Um.. but they are making it backwards compatible? I don't see your point, it's like you are negatively agreeing with him.

drfhoule said:
Thank you, I just removed reference to the Blackhawk. Unfortunately the Maple Leaf site has been down for some time now but I will endeavour to find the article on C17 as soon as possible.

I think this is the article I was thinking about: http://www.forces.ca/site/Community/MapleLeaf/html_files/html_view_e.asp?page=vol5_7airforce  Two CF pilots on exchange with the USAF flying the C-17 at McChord (actually from a couple of years ago) ...

HTH & for the record, I am not having any technical problems with the site.
drfhoule- an idea that I've seen elsewhere. How about trade profiles, ie XXX Trade, a description of training and conditions of work, and a link to a serving soldier/sailor/aircrew who has filled out a questionairre 'Why did you join? ' What has your best moment been so far?' 'What are comes next in your career' 'What do you like best about your trade?'

Also links to field army units would be helpful, so persons already in the process can check out the units they could be posted to, and persons thinking about joining can look at their options as to postings in certain trades.

Other than that a great site and a great change from the old site.
I think the new site is done quite well. 

It is flashier, has more bells and whistles however, I am surprised that some of the video content is so old.  Image tech is still listed as Photo Tech (in the video) which isn't even the trade name and hasn't been for some time.  Many of the other trades are filmed in the early - mid 90's, showing old uniforms, equipment, etc.

Looking forward to the new, new site.

In the browse all jobs dropdown,  all of the officer positions do not actually say "officer'.

Example.  If you want Artillery Officer,  you have to click on Artillery.  The NCM jobs are there, however, listed under their more descriptive titles "Artillery Soldier-Field".

If I was a newbie, I would just click on Artillery, and think that it was only open to officers.....
My trade, Electrical Distribution Tech, the video is really out of date and is all of the construction engineering trades. The MOC is incorrect. Needs to be updated. The fella on the ED Tech site is some good looking too...(Me ;D)

The career matcher doesn't work also.
The introduction page looks better.
The rest is fairly much the same except the colour changes.
A lot more gloomy looking.
Looks great!