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Yet Another Upgrade...

I'm sorry Mike, but I've had to delete 300 MilPoints for what you've done to the site's look.

I'd hate to see get you get banned for this continued behaviour  ;D
Mike, I know absolutely zilch about what running a website entails, so please bear with me.
What I'm wondering is: how hard would it be to simply have an options menu where users could decide on their own colours ?

I usually log in on Army.ca, but there are/were three other options to choose from, each with its own distinctive colours.
I've logged in on all of them at one time or another.
Frankly I always found the light blue on the Airforce site to be the easiest on my eyes (unfortunately, being an Airforce site, I could never get it to work before noon ...grinning, ducking).

Is a user-customizable-thingamajiggy a viable option ?   
Mike I actually really like the new layout alot eaiser to read the topics . MY only problems is lately I am  having huge problem  trying to login it takes up 10-15min some times .  All the other sites that I go on  internet I have no problem getting on to them really quickly is it just cause of the upgrades ?    I have IE7  windows xp service pack three and I use norton 360 for anti virus . 
karl, we have speed issues that I'm trying to address via other means. The good news is it's well understood, the bad news is that it's likely going to take some time to raise the funds to upgrade our connection.

Bass, it may seem hard to believe right now, but the colour schemes are actually a fine balance that's pretty hard to strike.  Allowing users to pick their own would result in even less readable colour combos than we're currently seeing. Hard to believe, I know. ;) Also, most of the site colours are rendered through images, which can't be built dynamically. So while some colours might be changed, others would be static. Building the colour set for all 4 sites is pretty time consuming, but hopefully will allow some illusion of 'choice' in the colour schemes. ;)

And Journeyman, I was hoping that the "white on white" of the MP logo would prevent that sort of thing. ;)
Fair enough, Mike. I even understood part of that.
At the very least, if we stay with the lighter coloured screens, could you please have the moderators outright ban anyone who uses yellow text in their posts ?
(someone did that earlier today and I nearly head-butted my monitor off the desk -standing up trying to read it with my nose pressed up against the screen...)

Whatever you do, I'll still be grateful for the information and perspective that can be gleaned here.   
        Mike thanks for getting back to me appreciated .  I didn't realize that there was a speed  issue  I just thought that it was something on my side thank you for the heads up

Cheers Karl
The side column colours are a happy improvement, they assist in sharpening the discussion. I also like the alternating shade between posts. It helps when scanning down to refer to a comment. Hiding/Reducing the importance of MPs is a nice touch as well.

As time goes on and improvements are made, it is again taking on the a look and feel of Navy.ca that I enjoy reading.  ;D

Soothing, friendly, comforting dark green again. Much better.

The last version  was wishy-washy and wimpy looking.

My only current negative observation is the apparently white (invisible) text that I am now typing on a white background. It makes proofreading a little challenging.
I have logged on and off, but in this window only the curser is moving, and I am typing blind, the entire screen is empty.

Is anyone else having problems?


Mike hasn't gotten around to this white screen bug yet. He will; be patient.
So we're all typing blind then, ha!

It was fine a couple of hours ago.

Will do a 'wait out'.

Thanks for the info.


Loachman said:

Soothing, friendly, comforting dark green again. Much better.

The last version  was wishy-washy and wimpy looking.

My only current negative observation is the apparently white (invisible) text that I am now typing on a white background. It makes proofreading a little challenging.

Ah!  Yes!  A white horse in a snow storm joke.......it would appear we are being typically Canadian here for all our foreign observers who think we live in a snow covered land year round........Can you see where I left my igloo?
Yikes... fixed the text entry boxes... still quite a bit to do, but at least people can post their complaints now. ;)

(Yes, I know about the buttons. ;))
Looks much better today, the shades of green are alot easier on the eyes than the white background was.  :nod:
So far I think it looks good. The only problem I have is reading the yellow highlighted words on the white background. Can't see them.. Is it possible to change the colour to something darker.

Oh and the dark ble background and the black lettering as I type this reply. I like the blue on Navy.ca by the way.
I was worried for a few minutes.  I was somehow logged off the site and then thought it was intentional (come on now, who doesn't like me?!?!  lol) because I couldn't find any 'login' area.  Checked the thread here and nothing was said but all kinds of members were online.  Hmmm, what could be going on.  Finally figured it out, and thought I would post it here in case anyone else runs into the same problem.  Just go to where the 'home' button is on the left hand side close to the top and hover your mouse along to the right of that where it is all white and you'll see other buttons including 'login'.  Note: this is on milnet.ca, not sure how the other sites are doing.
I was just getting used to the white too  >:(
But i like this colour so, so, so much more ! :dileas: :salute: Good job guys!