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Yet Another Upgrade...

The Tijuana Jaurez latrine analog strikes a chord, Mike.

Can you cange the colours while keeping most of the new, high contrast, scheme?

My suggestions, for Army.ca:

1. The greens should all be much, much darker - starting as a real rifle green which is damned near black - maybe, to keep a light infantry theme, some red trim could be used, too; and

2. Each of the posts on a page and each subject on subject list on the more senior page should have alternating slightly darker backgrounds: maybe a very light, faded khaki (tan) and 'cream.'
E.R. Campbell said:
1. The greens should all be much, much darker - starting as a real rifle green which is damned near black - maybe, to keep a light infantry theme, some red trim could be used, too; and

If we truly want to keep this Place a Proper Canadian Light Infantry theme, no two pages should ever be alike.
The new design looks messy to me. From top to bottom there's an olive menu bar, then light green fading to white, and suddenly a grey background. Looks like someone was a little gradient-happy. Functionally it's fine, but I'd get rid of the gradients and green pastels.
Everyone is talking green, green green. Has anyone given ANY consideration to DARK (NAVY)BLUE!! After dark (Navy) blue belongs to the SENIOR Service, even if we do wear black right now.

Other than that the sites not too bad as far as bulletin boards and the such go. Mind you this is the only site like this I've ever been on.
Would that be the "Senior" Service that's only celebrating a centennial next year?  ;D
Michael O'Leary said:
Would that be the "Senior" Service that's only celebrating a centennial next year?  ;D

I always liked getting into that arguement with senior service with my ex Navy Dad.  :-)
Coupled with my innate shyness, I've let it sink in for a day before commenting to see if it grew on me at all.

Sorry Mike, but I really prefer the original darker colours.
Sorry Mike, but I really prefer the original darker colours.


Up until 5 minutes ago when I started reading this thread, I thought army.ca was broken.

I appreciate the effort Mike, but I'm pretty sure this colour scheme has been banned under the Geneva Convention. Or at least it should be...
Sorry Mike,

I agree with FDO. The Navy.ca colour scheme was better under the old system. Even with a few green bars snuck in.  ;)

Under this scheme, I like the new symbols. The look sharper. As mentioned by others, I like colour fading....when it matches the Navy.  ;D

As always, thank you to you and the DS for the terrific work you to do provide this site for us.
For quite a while I have found the lack of contrast in the dark colours an issue with eye strain.
IMHO I could live/like with off-white but think some lighter version of the previous colours could also work as a compromise.
I'm hooked on your site Mike so thanks for the enjoyment in the past and future.
How come there are no icons? Do I have to activate something somewhere?
I like the new olive green quote boxes; much easier to read the black font.  Looks good.  Mike- You're doing great!  (need one of those 'thumbs up' smilies).
Thanks for the feedback all. It's most certainly a work in progress, and I promise that I'll eventually reach an equilibrium where everyone is equally disheartened with the changes. ;)

All kidding aside, I do appreciate the feedback, there are things that I won't recognize on my own, so the feedback is good. I'll try to knock things off the list as time marches on, but don't let my lack of progress slow down the feedback... I'm still collecting it and will get to it.
Loachman said:
It is most definitely easier to read, but that's not worth giving up the famous and distinctive green   blue screen as far as I am concerned.

Fixed that post for you.  ;)
Mike Bobbitt said:

It's impossible not to notice that things have changed around here. Please note that it's still very much a work in progress, but I'm interested in hearing your feedback, whether it's to report a problem or simply give an opinion about the changes.

Please bear with me, it will come together over time!


Hate to complain Mike, but new White background is far too harsh with LCD Monitors (contrast-brightness), plus black print too light and font too small. What was wrong with the old Pages.

Some will say well adjust your monitor, well why should I go to all that bother every time I log on to Army ca., when my Default settings are just fine with all other Sites.

IMOP, I don't like it.

Cheers Mike.
Technoviking said:
Call me crazy ("You're crazy, Technoviking!), but I like the new look.


Okay your CRAZY, you probably also don't believe in the old saying 
"if it isn't Broken, don't Fix it".
I've never subscribed to that theory. As many of you probably know...

If it ain't broken... I need to start tinkering. ;)

I basically have two modes: Trying to make improvements and trying to fix the problems arising from aforementioned improvements. It's a tough way to make a living.

And with that in mind, I can assure you that the tinkering will continue for some time yet, so don't get too enamoured or disheartened with the current style.
It's growing on me.  Mike, the muted pastel alternating colours of the posts is an improvement to the glaring white which was first apparent.

I'm wondering if you'll want to remove the choice of yellow as a colour altogether? It doesn't show up well on a white/pastel background.

Thanks for the upgrade!
