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Winter Election?

Good assessment Blackshirt. Even my wife a registered nurse started an argument with me yesterday as to why this Liberal mini budget is not just another attempt to buy themselves in as the governing party, again.  :brickwall:

Most people have effectively been scared by the Liberals and have forgotten actual history (what Mulroney and PC's did vs Liberal spin; Airbus scandal-NOT...), thus are frightened to try another political flavour to steer our national helm.

Personnel I believe this Liberal party could be the most brazenly dishonest ruling party in Canadian history! :dontpanic:

Bring on the election, never too early!!

Read all about it! Tories ruin Christmas!

The lastest from the PM: A holiday election may offend some religious groups. Apparently it is now fashionable for liberals to consider the religious sensibilities of Jews and (as unbelievable as it seems) Christians. Are there no depths to which this government will sink too?
Just makes me want to get rid of them more. Martin is starting to make my stomach turn like the Cretin used to make it. Getting so I can't even stand the sight of him. Thank heaven for TV remotes.
Whenever I watch the house of commons on TV I always get the feeling of insincerity, as if afterwards MPs are secretly buddy buddy and toasting to each other as they legally pick our pockets through coercive tax laws.  After six years MPs receive a pension for which they've paid just a fifth, and get far more than we do after 25 years.

I guess it's a great racket to be in.
Read all about it! Tories ruin Christmas!

The lastest from the PM: A holiday election may offend some religious groups. Apparently it is now fashionable for liberals to consider the religious sensibilities of Jews and (as unbelievable as it seems) Christians. Are there no depths to which this government will sink too?

Who was it that said the art of politicking is to find out which way the crowd is moving and then get in front of it.  Stuff like this is how the Liberals became the "natural governing party".  The opposition parties have to realize that this is going to happen and have a strategy to counteract it before they move, and if they cant figure out a strategy to do this despite having been opposed to the same party (which has been up to the same tricks) since 1993, then I'm sorry but they probably won't be able to run the country either.

If anyother party had managed to portray itself as a "government in waiting", then Canadians would be chomping at the bit to go to the polls.  Harper hasn't been able to do that and should IMHO resign simply over that failure.  The NDP's ideas (while good intentioned) are far too nutty for the average Canadian (although if they were to adopt a New Labour approach the might find there numbers increasing), and the Bloc wants to leave Canada.  I think what you are going to see in the near future is a those people in the conservative party who are interested in actually forming a new government pull pole and leave for a new party, leaving the social dinosaurs, behind.

So what has to be done to make the conservatives palatable to Mr. and Mrs. Upper Canadian?  That is the question that has to be answered, and when it is our democracy will be so much the healthier for it.

I agree.

First, the Conservatives have got to stop before THEY ruin our Christmas. The children! The children! Won't someone think of the children?

Second, Stephan Harper HAS to resign and the malcontents from the Conservative party have to leave and form yet another political party to further divide the votes.

Or how about this...Mr and Mrs Upper Canadian wake-up, stop being such pussys, think for once and throw the bums out!
Strange timing for the Liberals to get religious about tax cuts... ::)

It can't be soon enough to turf these bums out!  :threat:
Jumper said:
First, the Conservatives have got to stop before THEY ruin our Christmas.

Well even if they do this I'm sure that the career managers have a habit of coming out with the Merit Lists right before the Holidays to ruin it anyways!!
Looks like I'm going to have start reading party platforms. It will fit in nicely with the Fantasy fiction stories I'm reading at university.  :blotto:

>Operating Surplus/Deficit has nothing to do with the price of Tea in China, you made the statement that the Liberals created the debt.

If you can't understand that the Liberals produced the debt which compounded interest increased and that the Conservatives achieved what would have been a net surplus in the absence of neither debt charges nor investment gains, I suggest you neither invest nor go into debt, ever.
Brad Sallows said:
If you can't understand that the Liberals produced the debt which compounded interest increased and that the Conservatives achieved what would have been a net surplus in the absence of neither debt charges nor investment gains, I suggest you neither invest nor go into debt, ever.

Well I surely won't invest with anyone who says, here look at this, the numbers on this page don't support my conclusions, but trust me I'm right and if you don't believe me you're obviously simple.
Wesley H. Allen said:
Gotta love Cdn politics   ;D

Do i miss it?




To have a government like Australia's...I'm so envious!  :crybaby:
Christmas election inevitable
PM: Will not prorogue Parliament, Martin says; gov't will likely fall on non-confidence vote at month's end

Anne Dawson
CanWest News Service
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Prime Minister Paul Martin all but acknowledged on Saturday that a Christmas election campaign is inevitable, while speaking with reporters during a refuelling stop here on his return from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in South Korea.

Martin said he does not like the politicking leading up to a campaign, but he enjoys being out on the trail where he can sell his message. "I really, really like campaigns. I don't find campaigns hard. It pays to go to small towns."

He also joked sometimes his message doesn't always get out because it is "filtered," taking a shot at the media.

The Martin government is expected to fall on Nov. 28 or 29 when the opposition presents a non-confidence vote.

All three parties have said they will vote against the Liberals because they have lost confidence in what they say is a corrupt government, paving the way for an election on Jan. 9 or 16. However, all parties have indicated they will take a campaign breather over the holiday period so Canadians can spend time with their families rather than worry about an election.


Earlier on Saturday, in Busan, South Korea, Martin assured the opposition he would not prorogue Parliament to avoid a non-confidence vote.

He had been cagey about whether the Liberals would shut down Parliament in the coming days, but in a news conference before returning home, he was definitive.

"Of course I'm not," he said when asked if he intended to prorogue.

"What I'm going to do is govern right until such time as the opposition defeats us," Martin said, while repeating his promise to call an election 30 days after Justice John Gomery releases his final report on the $250-million sponsorship scandal on Feb. 1.

The prime minister noted, however, he would like to pass legislation bringing in the tax cuts promised in Finance Minister Ralph Goodale's mini-budget before his government is likely defeated. "We would very much like to see the tax package through," he said.

It seems even the PM believes there will be a winter election.


Looks like Thursday is the day the Liberal government falls. I am really hoping for a conservative government that will fund the modernization of the CF.
Yup, Harper drew up a non-confidence motion that will be voted upon tommorrow.  Bring out the campaign buttons!