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How much do u have to weigh to be in the CF? what if your over the # do u have to lose weight or will they still accept you in
There is no weight specification in recruitment.  However, excess weight may affect performance
during the fitness test.  The bottom line is applicant must pass the fitness test and be medically fit. 
for example, the heavier you are, the harder a push-up is going to be.

You still need to do the same number of push-ups as the candidate next to you who is the same age, sex and about 1/2 your weight.

Just make sure you can pass the fitness test.
Your weight is refered to as Body Mass Index. The chart is on the physical fitness guide. If your in the red, it could mean your not physically active enough.
BMI is not an accurate way to guage someone's physical fitness...as was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt in the late '80 in the CF. Alot of solid, physically fit soldiers were kicked out because of it.

My pers experience.....

I was hiting the gym alot back then, wrestling too. I was 5' 7" weighing in at 180 lbs. My body fat was at 6% (I was put into a dunk tank, pinch with calipers, weighed etc at the Sports sciences department at U de M un Moncton)

Went in for the new BMI test for fitness...came out with a 32  ::)

I could do pushups until the cows come home...situps were a breeze...chinups were a yawn. I was benching a bit over 200 for a warm up. (I wish I was in the same shape now  ::)  )

The MO said I had to loose weight. My reply was "You point to it and I'll get rid of it....Sir"

I am convinced the idiot who came up with the idea of the BMI should be shot and hung.

Do your best during the testing. If need be start working out before. Good luck.

Very well said Franko, at 5'11" and 280lbs I'm a fat b*stard by BMI standards somewhere around 40  ::) Yet, I'm working on a 5k run 3-4x week, I do Judo and TKD 2x per week. I lift weights 4x week and I play ice hockey 4x week. But hey, those guys with the right bmi will kick my ass on bmq right?  ;)
Weight has nothing to do with it at all. I know a guy who's about 5'7 - 5'8 and about 260-270. Does barely any working out at all, but he can certainly run and do pushups for a big dude! It's f*cking insane!

As for BMQ, I would most definately expect Ryhno to kick my ass at the PT. I'm lucky if I run a few times a week. Hectic life schedule sucks.
Its a fact the heavier you are the more likely your going to have health problems. LBM (lean body mass) is the way to go. If you are increasing LBM, you are going the right way for physical activitys such as cardio, weight training and sports. Also, nutrition and overall health are improving. Strength, endurance and stamina from fat is much less compared to muscle.  Also, muscle weighs more than fat; therefore muscle is much stronger than fat. Its simple: muscle appears from a built routine; so, muscle shows your body IS nourishing and training. :cdn:
Endomorphs, ectomorphs, and mesomorphs.

Some people are big and will always be big. They can be healthy. Now, overweight out of shape people are unhealthy.
I was explaining fat vs muscle. I wouldnt say "out of shape people are unhealthy", Fry. Its all about improving, maintaining and enhancing health.

Heres a link to our governments healthy living strategy (Phase I of the Healthy Living Strategy development emphasizes healthy eating, physical acivity and their relationship to healthy weights.)

"It's a fact the heavier you are the more likely you are to have health problems"

Weight is not the issue there poncho, it's fat or unhealthy weight, I suppose you're going to tell me that a 250lb body builder is more likely to have problems because he's "heavy" The BMI is a non starter, NFL super elite athletes are considered obese by it...Ray Lewis, Edgerrin James, Jamal Lewis all tubbies.

Strenght, endurance and stamina (which are the same thing) have nothing to do with fat. How can you compare it to muscle? Fat is excess stored energy, calories that your body doesn't need so it stores it. When people lose weight they do it through caloric deficiency and use of excess stored energy.

Ah yes, the government, that bastion of truth and healthy living, who have been telling us for 30 years to not eat any fat and store up on that bread son, it's good eatin'
Stored fat means one is slowing and weighing his metabolism down = not burning fat and weakening the heart = bad news for cardio. Linebackers are prone to diabetes and many other diseases that a running back never gets. I said from the start, increase physical activities and that includes bodybuilding. Every kind of exercise has a different benifit to the body. For example, Yoga focuses on concentration and stretching, Hockey builds cardio and legs, A football linebacker builds upper body strength, a good bodybuilder, which I am a great fan of, isolates and builds every body part. Losing and gaining weight has alot more to do than storing/burning calories including excercise, protein, fat and carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals intake. Everyone has a different body type, eating and exercise routine. Finding the amount of nutrition and exercise to make acceptable levels of physical fitness is great. But adjusting exercise, protein, calories, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals accordingly to see better gains in physical fitness is tricky and takes YEARS of experience.
"Linebackers are prone to diabetes and many other diseases that a running back never gets."  Prove it. Do you even know what a linebacker is? You may be getting your positions mixed up.

"Losing and gaining weight has alot more to do than storing/burning calories including excercise, protein, fat and carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals intake."

Caloric intake - energy expulsion = weight loss or gain. Eat more than you put out? Gain weight. Eat less than you put out? Lose weight. Explain what vitamins and minerals have to do with weight loss or gain?

"physical fitness is tricky and takes YEARS of experience."

And your YEARS of experience?
meant to say lineman

Canadas food guide to healthy living explains how much carbs, protein, vitamins and minerals you should be eating a day. Calories are supposed to come from a healthy combination of the 4 food groups. If you align your calories to the amount of exercise your doing, than you wont lose (burn excess calories and muscle) or gain weight (store excess calories into fat) .

Over 10, but im still trying to improve  ;)
Out of shape people are... unhealthy yes.

There is no way you can look some out of shape person in the eye and tell them that being out of shape is healthy, because it isn't. If it was, the CF wouldn't implement standards to make sure that people are fit and in shape prior to applying, during training, and throughout their career.
Look, I don't know what your trying to prove here. Your statements are all in gobblygook. "If you align your calories to the amount of exercise your doing, than you wont lose (burn excess calories and muscle) or gain weight (store excess calories into fat) . " What kind of statement is that, what does that mean? You also babbled about vitamins and minerals having to do with weight loss, could you explain how? You said that fat weighed more than muscle, can you explain this? You just type nonsense, and some people will come on here and read your nonsense. You told someone on another thread that he should build up his chest and shoulder muscles because of his bad elbow. Can you make any clarity with your posts, it seems to me you just type stuff that you think is sophisticated and you think other people will think is sophisticated. With your 10 years of fitness experience you are trying to tell people on here about vitamins and minerals and other foolishness. Here's the straight down, excess calories, no matter if they are carbs or proteins or fats get stored as energy, excess energy which turns into body fat. If you want to lose weight, you need a caloric deficit, one pound of fat is 3500 calories folks, there are 7 days in a week, if you eat 500 less calories per day, you'll lose a pound a week. Add some exercise daily and you may even exceed that. It has nothing to do with anything else.
Island Ryhno said:
Look, I don't know what your trying to prove here. Your statements are all in gobblygook. "If you align your calories to the amount of exercise your doing, than you wont lose (burn excess calories and muscle) or gain weight (store excess calories into fat) . " What kind of statement is that, what does that mean? You also babbled about vitamins and minerals having to do with weight loss, could you explain how? You said that fat weighed more than muscle, can you explain this? You just type nonsense, and some people will come on here and read your nonsense. You told someone on another thread that he should build up his chest and shoulder muscles because of his bad elbow. Can you make any clarity with your posts, it seems to me you just type stuff that you think is sophisticated and you think other people will think is sophisticated. With your 10 years of fitness experience you are trying to tell people on here about vitamins and minerals and other foolishness. Here's the straight down, excess calories, no matter if they are carbs or proteins or fats get stored as energy, excess energy which turns into body fat. If you want to lose weight, you need a caloric deficit, one pound of fat is 3500 calories folks, there are 7 days in a week, if you eat 500 less calories per day, you'll lose a pound a week. Add some exercise daily and you may even exceed that. It has nothing to do with anything else.

Im not trying to bring people down like im reading in your recent posts. Im trying to help. What kind non sense is in me saying fat weighed more than muscle? Do you actually read posts or scooble through them? Another person his elbow hurts when doing push ups and I replied work out those 2 to put less stress on his elbows. Scoobled through that too, did ya. Plus more information is better than less, thats why I included the vitamins and minerals. Vitamins E, B, and C antioxidents are good for cardio and so are minerals. They should be watched in every diet. Calorie intake is directly related to amount of exercise, weight, height and age. I have an excel spreadsheet if anyone wants one. And everything ive stated was on topic and had to do with weight.
and the battle is on!

I still disagree with your stance that out of shape people are healthy. ;D
Fry said:
and the battle is on!

I still disagree with your stance that out of shape people are healthy. ;D

Did I say they were healthy fry really read my post. I said overwieght people are more likely to develop health problems. and thats a fact!. I just didnt enjoy it when you said being overweight/ out of shape is unhealthy, because its all about improving, enhancing and maintaining weight...