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  • Thread starter Thread starter Mist1kaL
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IR said:
I was explaining fat vs muscle. I wouldnt say "out of shape people are unhealthy", Fry.

You would not say "Out of shape people are unhealthy". So you would go and say "Out of shape people are healthy" ?

As Ryhno mentioned, BMI means d*ck all.

Back up these facts with some good reliable sources and I will admit you're 100% completely in the right.
Omg. Ok this is it Fry if you dont get it fine. When you merely said out of shape people are unhealthy that demonstrated to me, Especially, a non team player trait. When I see out of shape people you think i say your out of shape your unhealthy? NO!. I say whats your diet like? Do you play sports? Exercise? Nice abs! Things like that - team player traits ok. Its anti social to say what you said. Get it?
IR said:
Omg. Ok this is it Fry if you dont get it fine. When you merely said out of shape people are unhealthy that demonstrated to me, Especially, a non team player trait. When I see out of shape people you think i say your out of shape your unhealthy? NO!. I say whats your diet like? Do you play sports? Exercise? Nice abs! Things like that - team player traits ok. Its anti social to say what you said. Get it?

If I see someone, I usually don't comment on what shape they're in.


You're right, I don't get it.

IR said:
Its anti social to say what you said. Get it?

IR said:
Im not trying to bring people down like im reading in your recent posts.
What kind non sense is in me saying fat weighed more than muscle?
Do you actually read posts or scooble through them?
thats why I included the vitamins and minerals. Vitamins E, B, and C antioxidents are good for cardio and so are minerals. They should be watched in every diet.
Calorie intake is directly related to amount of exercise, weight, height and age. I have an excel spreadsheet if anyone wants one. And everything ive stated was on topic and had to do with weight.

Ok let's go through this point by point, 
1) Yes, you caught me, I'm really into bringing people down on the internet, I'm an internet tough guy. I believe Infanteer has my magazine somewhere. And if you're talking about the newbies on here that posted 10 different topics in an hour, well they got banned, so do you think I was too hard on them?

2) Prove to me that a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. Show me a scientific equation that proves one pound of something is heavier than one pound of something else.

3) I read all your posts, that's why we are having this discussion because your posts are just based on your opinion and you have no fact. Like I said, you post and try to make it sound complex so people will believe you. It has no basis in reality.

4)Antioxidents such as vitamin E, B and C and minerals are good for cardio? Now you see, that has no basis in reality at all, your just posting bs. Antioxidants and vitamins don't have anything to do with cardio. Antioxidants are fighters of free radicals in the body, they are thought to prevent diseases such as cancer and stroke. Vitamins do way too many things to list, but aiding in your cardiovascular fitness is not one of them.

5) Oh this is a good one, yes calorie intake is related to all those things. However, if you want to lose weight, you need to have a calorie reduction in some form, be it exercise or diet or both. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, if you want to lose one pound you need to find a way to rid yourself of 3500 calories, it doesn't matter how big you are or what you do, 3500 calories is 3500 calories. Now if you reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day for 7 days a week you'll lose a pound. Also add some exercise and you will lose more, it's not that complicated. I bet your magic spreadsheet has a different solution.
Only one thing I can add here.

Antioxidents such as vitamin E, B and C and minerals are good for cardio? Now you see, that has no basis in reality at all, your just posting bs. Antioxidants and vitamins don't have anything to do with cardio. Antioxidants are fighters of free radicals in the body, they are thought to prevent diseases such as cancer and stroke. Vitamins do way too many things to list, but aiding in your cardiovascular fitness is not one of them.

Antioxidants get rid of the free radicals produced in your system from intense work outs.  They can be found in the skins of many fruits (the redder the apple the better it is for you) and vegetables, though supplementing isnt a bad thing...  Some multivitamins you take come with herbal extracts that speed up your metabolism.

Apparently, I'm not a 'team player' and I'm 'anti-social' ...?? Because I have a clear understanding of being healthy.

Ugh, slowly going I am crazy...
your posts make no sense, either from a scientific or grammatical standpoint. I don't understand what you're trying to say. I do know that from what I have managed to decipher, you have a very shaky understanding of the human body, how it works, and what you should do to improve it's performance.
paracowboy said:
your posts make no sense, either from a scientific or grammatical standpoint. I don't understand what you're trying to say. I do know that from what I have managed to decipher, you have a very shaky understanding of the human body, how it works, and what you should do to improve it's performance.

Very true. I mainly don't understand what you're trying to say IR, because I'm having a hard time reading your posts. However, from what I can...decode, I don't agree with.
Cardiovascular disease is proven scientifically to be from vitamin and mineral deficiency. I have a book on cellular medicine written by a registered by an MD. Vitamins and minerals cure and prevent cardiovascular disease. A pound of muscle is denser than fat, so for the same pound it occupies less space.

Most of us are born capable of being just as cardiovascularly strong as professional NFL players with proper nutrition and conditioning.

I appreciate the time you are taking with me to discuss weight; cardio, nutrition, and exercise.

Sorry for being unclear.

Hey Mistikal,

Sorry I have just read your question after this post evolved:

How much do u have to weigh to be in the CF? what if your over the # do u have to lose weight or will they still accept you in

My 2 cents:

You of course need to meet all basic requirments first. Period. But then "Youre in"....

Dont worry about it. If you can pass the basic medical requirments you should be ok. For example I doubt they will let people away with this now as they really are picky now with recruits (which i think is half the problem with recruiting and with trying to sell the forces as a "good job" instead of a "99.9% need not apply catch") but in 1991 I was not even up to the level required for weight. I got on the scales, they said, "How much do you wanna weigh?"..i said "what?"..they said, "Do you wanna weigh 15 pounds more?"...I said "Yes" and that was that...I was then the"right" weight on paper and on to training...

If I was 15 Pounds too light, by the time I got fed into the army sausage machine ...started heavy manual labor like Building Bridges, filling sandbags and other Engineer stuff and team player mentality I was a much smarter and happier bigger individual in a short time and 10 times harder mentally and physically then just a short time before.I really felt good. I think that for some people, before they got in the army they just didnt do anything that would make them actually eat enough or stay in shape etc..well, when you get in the army even if youre just on the nose to pass the weight requirment,or if youre almost over it youll work hard, be tired and youll eat ( and youll loose weight if youre a few pounds heavier or youll gain it )trust me...I liked the routine the army gave me...it works...

Being a smaller guy as well, you gotta push yourself and once people know who you are and how you can drive it when youre tired and do a good job nobody will even glance at you for your weight but you darn well gotta be able to do your job. I saw some big and small guys even in the Engineers who were lazy and weak as heck and shut down when they were tired. I saw some big guys who everybody pointed   at as out of shape that were hard as nails and could push it! I think the team needs the guys of all sizes just like the elephant and the mouse in the fable.

I personally think its all about   personal drive so if youre lighter or need to loose a few lbs dont sweat it. Not about whats behind you or whats in front( i.e am i too small or light)   but whats inside. Think that and nothing will stop you with things like this that smaller size people worry about.

My 2 cents,

Hope it helps.
Mist and to you wannabe's who are thinking of enlisting...
overweight, underweight, or juuuust right, it's all irrelevent to the CF! Suck it up, and do it. You may regret it later, you may not. But, I guarantee you would always regret not trying. If it were easy,anybody could do it, and it wouldn't be worth doing, would it?
It ain't about weight, height, hair colour, or fashion sense! It's about guttin' out the hard stuff, and overcoming whatever gets thrown at you. It's about making your nation safe and protecting the helpless by killin' dirtbags. Either you got the parts, or you don't. And there's only one way you'll know.
Your call.
good ol' copy/paste. Wish people would try a 'search' first. Prehaps Mike should highlight the button and put little ribbons and balloons around it or something to catch their attention ::)
Is that a bluestar on your noggin? ;)....or are you just happy to see me?.....
LurkingKuna said:
Is that a bluestar on your noggin? ;)....or are you just happy to see me?.....

A little bit from column A... a little bit from column B... LOL. Bluestar rocks.
paracowboy said:
Mist and to you wannabe's who are thinking of enlisting...
overweight, underweight, or juuuust right, it's all irrelevent to the CF! Suck it up, and do it. You may regret it later, you may not. But, I guarantee you would always regret not trying. If it were easy,anybody could do it, and it wouldn't be worth doing, would it?
It ain't about weight, height, hair colour, or fashion sense! It's about guttin' out the hard stuff, and overcoming whatever gets thrown at you. It's about making your nation safe and protecting the helpless by killin' dirtbags. Either you got the parts, or you don't. And there's only one way you'll know.
Your call.

I understand. I just get carried away with whats in my diet. Should I even care about that?  
IR said:
I understand. I just get carried away with whats in my diet. Should I even care about that?  
of course you should. Absolutely. The body is the most complex machine created, and the better the fuel, the better it runs. You wouldn't put Regular gas, or worse Diesel into a Ferarri Countach, right? You should to eat healthy, whenever possible. (You should certainly try to do so a lot harder than I do. If my wife or the Cooks aren't there to feed me, I live on Tostitos, cereal, ice cream and beer.)

The first thing you need to do is educate yourself a bit more. And this is one area where bodybuilding excells: diet. I'm not saying eat what they do, but following the guidelines with some common sense has kept my pants' waist the same size, even though I've gained nearly 50 lbs in the past 10 years.
So true...

I gained 20 kg since 1991...for me all i needed was someone like the cooks to cook for me and a steady diet of hard work also prescribed at work coincedentally! ;)

Just some of my own experience....

Now when i am working in africa for example once with the SPLA/UN (Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army/UN Demining team) for a year and a half, it can be rough cos soemtimes you dont get proper vegtables or food AT ALL..i once lived on one task isolated clearing an AT minefeild road task deep in sudan on lentils and bread for about 2 months, no showers, no air conditioning, in a pup tent in some serious indian country...with a little tomatoes and potatoes WHEN I could get them ..of course there was always goat to eat...killed with slowey with a hammer in their usual manner and rubbery as a tire so one could only say thats how it was killed after having to chew 100 times...and limited limited water.....and after a while until supply and log caught up but i really felt my body suffer, i got sick felt like crap, but hadda keep going, this was like nothing i had ever experienced in the army....vitamins and drive I think were all that kept me alive!!lol...my wife really learned how it is not to have food as well during the war in croatia...I know of a deceased canadian HVO soldier and some other internationals who ate jam and bread for weeks while fighting at close quarters in central bosnia in searing heat....so, you can drive yourself but your health will pay for it, and tjhat goes the same for feeding   abad diet into the machine!

I also had the oppurtuniy to eat local food as well during that period, We used to catch and barbecue Locusts tied in a bundle and salted, tasted just like bbq shrimp and is extreemly good for you. The locals say it cures tuburculoisis...I also had Bees!!....it was diffrent to try. I can see how people fall apart as the life expectany is so low down there and people who are 30 look 65....most only live till 40.....thats because they lack the important things like a good diet and minerals and vitamins.....

Now when im home on leave I live on the balkans and medeterrainian diet which is actually pretty healthy and I feel great....

For sure it really counts what you feed into yoursefl!!!!

I still think that following a good diet and hard work will see only improvment if you need it, hence why i wanna get out of here and back to work as im gettign soft at home drinking slivovijica and machiato!...the recipe for myself is action, if im at home too long after a while i really get lazy and dont eat right and i suffer...
Fry said:
this is just going nowhere. mods, can you lock this?

If it keeps up...you got it.

Keep it clean troops.
