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Whole Iltis Purchase

eah that's what i though, shouldn't be a problem just a checkup from a mechanic would do.
by the way i noticed all of them have on the odometer around 30-60K, is this reasonable?
or the army tempres with the reading on their vehicles? Or... the odometer can go only up to 99,999.9KM, which leads me to believe that just by odometer reading i will have no clue on what the true usage on them is.

oh eah the auction, the prices ranged from 1.7K-2.8K, and so random with respect to overall condition(some of the bidders are trigger happy :threat:). The 1.7K was a peace keeping model, all white with a UN writing on the side.
There was even a guy who drove up to the auction right infront of me on a road registered Iltis, kina cool...

I was looking at the Crown Assets Disposal website last month and there were tons of listings for Iltis parts from various regions of the country. There were also 30-40 complete vehicles for sale in Petawawa and a similar number in Valcartier. Even if they have all been sold they haven't dissapeared and they are out there.


For the guy looking for an Iltis in B.C. there is a place in Kelowna that has surplus Belgian vehicles for sale. Not sure of the web address but search google and you should find it.
If my friend can put a 49 willys jeep on the road legally with no windows, doors, roof, seatbelts or turn signals I sure as hell hope an iltis is legal! Then again the MTO dosent really make a whole lot of sence....
In respect to the odometer question.  I would not go by what the Odom says at all.  When we ( the techs) change the speedo head,  we are supposed to write the old reading on a sticker.  these stickers after a while are either ripped off by bored troops or rubbed clean after years of being outside.  best guess is that most will be around the 1mill mark.  I did find an old operators manual for one, i would be happy to copy and send to who ever wants one.  Also you can get most parts from the VW dealer.  (when i did recruiting shows its the Audi dealer)  lol
whoa dude, are you sure? this is unbelievable, i didn't expect 1million km.
by the way i would like a manual and i just sent you an email, so please send me a copy.

by the way, we're on this subject, and me having an iltis fever, guess what i found online? do a google search for an "Iltis Axe"
this is another german product, purpose built one of the best, and wouildn't it fit just right on an iltis? if you get your hands on one of the old axes you will see that is has Iltis emprinted in Italics. Can it get any beter than this?

i have another request guys that are going to the auction at innisfil or ottawa, can you get us(the once covering the rear :threat:, and not going to the front) some news of how it went, any unique items, what are the prices etc.
i could check the auction website later on, but this is most responsive site so far, and it is more interesting chating with people with same interests in any case.
Hello, in responce to the Milage.  It will be close.  and very hard to to tell.  for sure it will be over 100,000 km .  As for the quality of the Iltisessss here,  Most were sent to Afgan and gladly left there.  Smart idea if you ask me.  so the remaining ones well be used as spare parts, and a few might actually be in good condition. Also majority of the frames are bent,  just from the design flaw.  I have heard of a company in the GTA that buys/ repairs and then sells cert. iltises.
recoverygod said:
Also majority of the frames are bent,  just from the design flaw. 

Care to enlighten the not knowing with respect to the design flaw..........Its a box steel frame, easy to lose an outrigger, but with respect to a design flaw (ie structural)?  The transverse leaf spring mount did develop stress cracks, primarily of Dukes of Hazards style launching, there are alot of good Iltises currently for sale.  a case of beer and I'll fire up the MiG!!  For the price they are going at auction, its an outstanding deal.  With respect to the mileage, it a Volkswagen engine, its good easily for at least 300K.
The vast majority of cracks will be around the base of the roll bars, basically the middle of the vehicle or on the spring mounts. Like LRover says, mostly due to "Drive it like you stole it."

That being said, unless you plan on loading it up with a TOW kit (google that one, really cool looking, but a little scary) or some weird up-armour you want to rig up in your basement, they will be perfectly fine for bombing around in the back 40 or for hunting. Pavement driving will not be a concern.
Heading down to NTVA now. From the looks of the runlist  the stationary ones are being auctioned off first and the moving ones are going right near the end of the lane so the prices might go for fairly cheap. Who knows but it will be interesting to see.
For those so inclined. There are lots of 12 and 4 (two runners) that go on auction in Fredericton @ 1600hrs 12 Dec. Details at the bottom of the link.

Curious if anyone has an Iltis insured on the road in Ontario. Just looking into getting one and my insurance company was a little unsure to start with.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
There are quite a few insured and on the road in Ontario.  In most cases when the vehicle is bought at auction you can go to the MTO and have it registered as an Off-Road Vehicle  (ie a little green and white plate ala motorcycle/atv etc...).  To have it registered as a motor vehicle, honestly your best bet is to go to a small town somewhere, as they more frequently deal with bizarre registrations and in most cases are much more lax with "procedures" (but yes i can be done in downtown Toronto also...just be ready to jump through alot of hoops, stand on your head, and find the pink elephant!).  You will need your safety Standard Certificate stating that the vehicle is fit and meets the requirements for road-worthiness in the province.  It a good idea to visit your local scale and get the vehicle weight and bring in a copy of the scale reading with you.  worst case scenario ref registration is you'll have to go somewhere else to get it registered or declare that its home built.  Before you laugh.......the primary things they are seeking apart for the safety certificate is the make and model (ie the vehicle identification number....which is tied to ind. manufacturers.........which Bombardier is not one of them.......and no data plate will give you sufficient data to have it vin'd as a VW or Audi).  So your options are to have it authenticated (by a qual pers or organisation to be an actual Volkswagen Type 181 or have it registered as home built).  As for the insurance......well hopefully you have a vehicle already insured, as provincial law will cover the new vehicle under existing insurance for X number of days, so once you get your registration you are set.  All the insurance companies will insure almost anything as they want your money, they can find a category to place it.  No they will not have a listing in there book or computer for an Iltis, but nor do they for most foreign vehicles or older North American spec. vehicles.  If I can get a 1936 Royal Enfield registered and insured, you can get an Iltis done.  Just keep your insurance basic for starters, so liability, then work up from there over time. 

There is a Canadian compnay out west..........yes i will be very vague...........that imports very similar vehicles into Canada....mind prove worth your wile to fire them off an email and ask about registration and insurance issues................think ILTIS and the country where you live and google the life out of it.
I just purchased an Iltis with 9000 km's on it from an outfit in Edmonton.  Guy's name is Sung Yoo and he buys good ones and then repaints and repairs them.  Got it off of E-bay.  No problem insuring or registering in Alberta.  Checked it out top to bottom and am pretty sure mileage is correct, no damage and no rust.  Everything works.  Still some goods one out there.
oh man...I really want one of these things  :-\ but they're hella expensive for a beater....damn...
I have seen some real beaters sell for about $2000, but they do need a lot of work.  The one I bought is complete and needs nothing done to it, but cost $8000.  Only bought it because it is virtually perfect and the Iltis is one interesting little vehicle.  Not a whole lot of good ones on the market right now. Guy in Edmonton has bought up, what appears to be the entire inventory of the military Iltis spare parts.  He claims he has $3,000,000 worth of parts.  I have seen his shop and tend to believe him.  Go to www.iltisparts.ca for further info.
One man's junk is someone else's treasure.

FWIW, I liked the Iltis - except when I had to get in or out of the back seat wearing webbing or TV....
geo said:
One man's junk is someone else's treasure.

FWIW, I liked the Iltis - except when I had to get in or out of the back seat wearing webbing or TV....

Yup!  The only vehicle I can think of that you had to climb up to get out.  ;D
I took my 11 year old grandaughter and 6 year old grandson for a ride the other night, and that made the whole purchase worth while.  The grandson was so excited to be in an"army jeep" that he vibrated for over and hour and couldn't quit talking about the awesome vehicle.  Grandaughter was just as excited.  Can't wait for summer to pull off the canvas and go cruising with the kids.
I'm going to have a look at an Iltis tomorow. I've done my research and here in Manitoba I'll be able to register it as a motor vehicle without any problems. It will run me about $700 per year for insurance and licence.

My question is does anyone know where I'll be able to get a rear antenna mount for the Iltis? I want to rig it up for mud RECCE and am going to need some bits and pieces.

RJK :tank:
I have found lots of parts on E-Bay under the heading of "Iltis".  Three of the main sellers also have stores in the Edmonton area and will sell off of E-Bay.  I bought my Iltis from iltisparts and he has a website at www.iltisparts.ca.  You can also try www.iltisparts4x4.com.  E-Bay is the best to look at, as there are at least 5 Iltis parts dealers that use the site regularly.