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Who is all waiting for selection board results?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maverick
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hmm not the first time i saw that happen here  , it just shows people ! stay on top of the recruiters! i also had a few snafus' with them should have been meritlisted 2 months ago , oh well keeping my fingers crossed , till then just get physically better .
Bail what trade did you get yourcall for man? when you leaving and where? give us the details!!!

September 25th is a saturday? i thought it was a friday.... why wuld they sit on a saturday? somethings messed.... im gonna call them tomorrow morning and get us some hard facts, sick of this hear say cr@p.

I think me, PARAMEDIC and Shulaev are gonna be going together - so once one of us gets our call then were good i think...  when we get there my last name is Pendola but everyone calls me Maverick anyways so.. lol hopefully we can meet up and stick together.
Try waiting for three years, and then being told in April the selection board meets September 15th, and that is when your fate will be determined, when you are QL5 qualified in the Reserves for the same trade in Reg. Force AND the trade is "code red", paying bonus.

This is hubby who's been waiting; I have to admit he's more patient than me, I would have told them to shove it at least two years ago!  ;)

Recruiting in Vancouver still hasn't heard anything from the selection committee...
Well I found out I missed this Septembers selection but that there is another on in Oct... :crybaby:

Put away all the crap you think you know and listen up!

I called this morning and talked to a clerk who handles the files and he says, that the selection board has met already and made there decisions, the skilled trades a.k.a "stress" trades as he mentioned are being called first for there basic training, and that NO artillery, combat engineers or infantry have been contacted yet in all of canada, they will be the last people to be called. He said that if i dont get my call for 031 Reg force Infantry by this thursday then to call him, i suggest everyone do the same. This is a canada wide selection board obviously and is the only one till late January, you miss this one, your sitting for a while.

so good luck to us all in the upcoming days.

These are the facts! Good luck!

Well thats the best news I have heard in a while. I was thinking to myself today I had to sit out an extrea month, so this is a breath of fresh air. Thanks for the info!
They called me yesterday offering me a job.  I'm heading to St-Jean on october 12th, which leave me with 2 weeks to get ready.

Don't give up people.  It might come sooner than you expect.
congrats fog patrol :salute:

dont want to sound like a jerk, but I feel that a lot of people would benefit if you stated in your post about which trade you going for so that all people waiting for that trade will get a headsup knowing that they maybe called soon. After this long wait a lot of people will surely be irate about hearing saying they got the call, many may not have read your earlier posts about which trade you were applying for. Sorry didnt mean to single you out.

I believe this would be a nice format for peolpe to follow and it might relieve some anxiety for people waiting.

"got the call for my trade 031 infantry getting sworn in....leave for bmq on..."

neways congratulations and have fun

you deserve it

:salute: :cdn: :salute:
Infantry, but im doing my training in french.  I don't know if the english and french selections are done at the same time or not.
I'm still waiting, not sure if I made the september selection deadline. My medical and interview were complete on Sept 9th, and my physical was complete Sept 13th.

I'm waiting for reg force infantry.
ATTA BOY MAV way to find out the truth , yes i know theres a lot of bollocks going around people but i cant stress enough to stay on top of the recruiters . Hmm  I also think that Para Mav and I will get in at the same time , haha u can call me ICEMAN !!!!!!! Paramedic can be Goose . Enough of that shit , anyways good luck to everyone people looks like it the final stretch for some of us , this week is crunch time . Cheers . PS Like the screen name my last name is SHULAEV 031 INFANTRY HOOAH!
I'm waiting for either armour or infantry job offers (reg force) but I was merit listed on Sept 20 so I guess I missed the infantry selection   :crybaby:

Anyone know when they select for armour? Thats my first choice.
Fine I'll be Goose although I aint going out like a punk  :threat: , good luck to all fellas .
Lol Im goose coz I have already been taken out of the equation. :'(

Turns out i may not be getting in till may of next year. security clearance hasn't come back yet according to the clerk and this was done almost six months back. This is a really hard pill to swallow especially at this time.

have fun guys work hard , I'll catch up with ya'll when i do get my call..whenever that maybe.

I have a good mind of telling them to stick the job where the sun dont shine..when they eventually say are you still interested :threat:
Well Maverick is definately a go!

Iceman is definately shulaev as we'll be competing for the best of the best lol

Goose is definately paramedic as he will be missed with his unfortunate demise but he will be never be forgotten and someday resurected and turned into Viper.... but thats a different story... lol

"I feel the need.... the need for speed."

read Shulaev's post to read more about my dates- "GOT THE CALL 2:30PM"
how can I forget Bigwig , we're going to the same joint after basic  8)