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Who here has a Cadet Medal, what is it, and what did you have to do to get it?

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PViddy said:
Be careful.   The props denote the level(s) completed, not how many years you have been in Air Cadets. Given, usually the two go hand in hand, however you can spend 7 full years in cadets having acheived level 5 complete after 5.

Very true, as a matter of fact, that's my situation at the moment. I still feel the way I do, if a cadet is worthy of having been given the medal, they should have been able to pass all their levels, if they failed one, odds are they shouldn't be given the medal.

Also, once a cadet hits level 5 complete, they shouldn't need to have this medal to prove to everyone that they've stuck it out. They should be able to be proud of their accomplishments without a shinney little piece of metal hanging from their chest.
I think the medal is a fine idea: no problem here being rewarded for service to such a great cause when God knows how many teenagers would rather be shoved in a house all day doing nothing. :)
do you have to apply for medals? or do the officers just decide? if so, how do they find out how much out side of cadets public service you've done and what not? (for the legion medal)
You apply for the Legion one and the Strathcona one... the Bravery medals too, in a way, as you need eye-witness accounts or evidence that the event occured.

Either way, for the Legion medal, you only need 3 letters of reference, signed, validated, as they do check.
Um, no.

You, as a cadet, do NOT apply for the Bravery, Lord Strathcona or Legion medals. The nomination is done by the corps/squadron CO, Sponsoring Committee and others.

You can, of course, let your corps/squadron know of your interest in one/all of these medals.

See the appropriate CATOs:

http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/1316B_b.pdf (Bravery)
http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/1316D1_b.pdf (Strathcona)
http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/1316E_b.pdf (Legion)


In my Corps, you certainly apply for Strathacona and Legion: Bravery was just a guess.  :P

We may be doing it wrong, I suppose, but I had to express interest myself in being nominated for the medal when I was awarded it. Hmm...
Whats the duration time from when you first apply for the medal (let's say Legion) till you actually get it? And in that CATO document it said:

"a. met all requirements of the corps
annual mandatory and optional training

I have 100% attendance and have been on every single "optional training available to me

"b. participated in a minimum of three
community service events, in addition
to those supported by the cadet unit
through its LHQ program;"

So if I went poppy selling for 25 hours in November I only have 2 more events left?

"c. regarded by peers and superiors as
exemplifying the model cadet;"

I'm always getting complements as how good of a cadet I am and how hard I try. 8)

So do you guys think I should go for it when I finish the Community Service?
I do believe application deadlines have passed: at least in the Atlantic region, they have.

They usually require all letters, CO recommendations, and what not in by around early March so that the medal can be presented at the ACR.

Again, I could be wrong: this is just how it happens at my Corps. :)
Yeah that sounds about right. No big deal since I still have to do a bit more recorded community service. So lets just say I'm good to go and the deadlines have passed, how do I go about this? Do I write a letter or something to my CO or do I fill out an application here? (My Squadron gives medals out once in a blue moon)
If you do receive a medal and join the CF are you authorized to wear it or can you only wear it on your cadet uniform?
MCpl Saorse said:
I do believe application deadlines have passed: at least in the Atlantic region, they have.

They usually require all letters, CO recommendations, and what not in by around early March so that the medal can be presented at the ACR.

Again, I could be wrong: this is just how it happens at my Corps. :)

Once again, read the CATOs. They are very clear on "who why where what and when".

'Expressing interest' is not 'applying'. And they all require a CO's involvement.

I am going based on local Corps ways; not always the most reliable sources at times.

My best advice for you would to now follow Duke's advice and take a look at them, since my Corps obviously does not do it right.  :P
Good morning!

As a cadet, I got the Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Cadet Excellence. Even though I was the first to get it in a 10 year period at my unit, I did not get it because I had the criteria to get it. The CO at the time expressed it clearly that as my unit's cox'n, it was not an automatic for me to get the Lord Strathcona medal. However, the Lord Strathcona medal was given to someone who did not have the criteria to get it. He just became a PO2, only did a TWGT course, and did not complete 3 years as a Sea Cadet. Therefore, that year, that CO did not respect the criterias for the medals.

Now, since 2002, we have a selection's officer at my unit that makes sure that the people that will receive these medals, respect the criteria, and is chosen in an impartical manner (and seeing that I was the selection's officer for two years straight, I can confirm that it is impartical).

:salute: Good day! :cdn:
So, are you going to give your medal back?  ;D

(Just kidding!)

I should if I want to really prove that I respect the norms of the medals given within the Canadian Cadet Movement ... however I got it framed two years ago, and it would be a shame to brake it open (the frame did cost $50 for a $9 medal (and with mounting at William Scully, it would be $14).
Yeah the date the Legion Medal is due March 31. So I won't get it this year! If you want to apply for one, what do you have to do to notify your Sqn. Staff? Write a letter? Tell them in person?

I've got the ANAVETS for topping my CLI Adventure Course at Vernon during the summer of 2004.

For that one, just be a model cadet, do well on your fitness, help your fellow cadets and DS out.

foxtwo said:
Yeah the date the Legion Medal is due March 31. So I won't get it this year! If you want to apply for one, what do you have to do to notify your Sqn. Staff? Write a letter? Tell them in person?

You shouldn't have to apply for the medal, of course each corps/squadron has their own policies.  In my corps the CO gets input on the officers and in some cases the RSM on who they feel merits the medal.  The CO applies for the medals ensuring the cadet meets the prerequisites.
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