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Where do you call home?

Where do you call home?

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Born near Prince Albert, Sask. Moved to Winnipeg in 76, then to Calgary. Now back in "WinterPeg" since 1990. Go Riders!! Go Bombers! I'm soooo confused. ??? :o
Born In Vancouver, BC grew up in North Vancouver and a few lower mainland areas before moving to Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC.
Grew up in Waterloo Region, Ontario, but so the saying goes, 'home is where the heart is' now I call Minto, NB home, or at least, I hope to soon. *come on posting*
Born in west-end-Toronto-the-bad-1958

Places I've also lived:

-Hockley Valley, Ontario (pronounced "Huckley" by the locals)
-Calgary, Alberta
-North Bay, Ontario (blueberry/pickerel heaven but blackfly headquarters)

Now living in Guelph, Ontario

But I call home Wasaga Beach, Ontario because that's where my mom lives and it's where the family gathers.

Lethbridge, Alberta!!  The hidden gem of the west...

-  Very little crime
-  Awesome weather
-  Little snow or coldness in the winter
-  No rush hour (Maybe a couple of extra cars, thats it)
-  2 big post-secondary institutions;  LOTS OF GOOD LOOKIN' GIRLS AROUND
-  Lots of country music n' pickup trucks

I know, I know...I'm a redneck.  But I love my hometown!
Lil_T and I have the same coordinates....

From Nova Scotia, Cape Breton to be a little more specific.  Currently living in the fabulousness that is the Ottawa area. 

Inverness County  to be even more specific...


Engineer said:
Lil_T and I have the same coordinates....

From Nova Scotia, Cape Breton to be a little more specific.  Currently living in the fabulousness that is the Ottawa area. 

Inverness County  to be even more specific...



Hey, I'm from the other side of the Island - Industrial CB area, to be more specific. 
I'm surprised how many Nova Scotian's use this forum compared to some of the bigger provinces..

I live in Annapolis Valley, NS currently. Although I will probably never live here again once I move into the world of the CF  :-\

Retirement area maybe.. But I am liking the looks of city living.. Oh boy, I need to stop planning 30-40 years ahead.
I was born in Ottawa Ontario, however I have lived in Halifax NS my entire life so I have plenty of salt water in my blood in my humble opinion. I am a Maritimer through & through. Ironically enough I will most likely be headed back to Ottawa in the very near future for schooling.
I live in the Hood.... know as Uplands self help housing safest neighbourhood in Ottawa, honestly who has time to do any crime around here the MP's drive by like 15 times an hour
Born and raised in Toronto.  Full time City employee since I was 18. Home is in the High Park area. 
My wife and I enjoy summer vacation travelling in Canada. 
Posted to Pet, living in Deep River, born and raised in Windsor Ont. Go Spits!
CBH99 said:
Lethbridge, Alberta!!   The hidden gem of the west...

-  Very little crime
-  Awesome weather
-  Little snow or coldness in the winter
-  No rush hour (Maybe a couple of extra cars, thats it)
-  2 big post-secondary institutions;  LOTS OF GOOD LOOKIN' GIRLS AROUND
-  Lots of country music n' pickup trucks

I know, I know...I'm a redneck.  But I love my hometown!

And lots of wind.
stealthylizard said:
And lots of wind.

Red neck or met variety??

Ft McMurray here. Not quite sure what is home as born in Montreal, lived in Edmonton twice, TO, Ottawa twice, Kingston, Victoria, Pet and Gagetown.
I have been posted or lived in almost every province in Canada and this question still plagues me. I am Canadian but Manitoba is where my wife and I hang our hats, so-to-speak.
We are modern no-mads. hehe

Oil Can said:
I have been posted or lived in almost every province in Canada and this question still plagues me. I am Canadian but Manitoba is where my wife and I hang our hats, so-to-speak.
We are modern no-mads. hehe

Manitoba here as well. Gave up the nomdadic life in 99
We like it here allot. Myself- anywhere could be called home, I tend to see the best in all places we have lived in. My wife is from Winnipeg so the decision to retire here became easy.
