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Where do you call home?

Where do you call home?

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Winnipeg for way too long. Looking forward to wherever I'm sent. I used to fear Quebec, but hey--I'll get to learn a new language. It's all good. Anywhere but here!
Currently living in Duncan, B.C. (A.K.A. Drunkin' Duncan), but home is either Onanole, Manitoba, or Lake of the prairies. And soon home' s going to be Regina, Sask. :) 
Born in Toronto, grew up in Deep River, Ontario. Moved back to Toronto for university. Lived in Raleigh, North Carolina for two years.

I get really annoyed with Toronto at times, but I always seem to end up back here  ;D

Anyway, Ontario, born and bred.

Cambridge, about half way between London and Toronto - very close to Kitchener/Waterloo.  Right now going to school at Western in London and doing my flight training.
I was born in Mississauga, Ontario. It's right next door to Toronto, so it's usually easier just to tell people that I'm a Torontonian (don't know why this gets me in trouble sometimes when I'm out of town? Hmm.....). Spent some time being raised in Los Angeles before returning to Mississauga. I spent my college years in Barrie, Ontario before returning once again to the 'M-dot'. And now with my reg force application going through....who knows? As much as I love the big city, I would love even more to see more of this great country. I would especially love to spend some more time in B.C......it's gorgeous!
I was born in Calgary when my dad was stationed there. I moced to Gander, Newfoundland when I was 5, just before the Base in Calgary closed. Dad from Newfoundland, mom from cape breton, and I consider my self a newfoundlander
Home is where I happen to be at the moment.  Growing up an army brat, with 13 moves sponsored by the military and 6 more on my own I have a serious case of Itchy Feet. I tend to think of Germany as "home" more than anywhere in Canada though, 'cause that's where I got my start.  ;)
born in England, moved to Australia joined the navy there for 10years then moved to Canada (Montreal)where i joined the army. so i'm my own multicultural society.
Calgary, AB, at the base of the beautiful Rocky Mountains.  Born and raised, but won't necessarily remain.  Love it, but who knows where my country will call me to.
I was born in Oshawa Ontario, what a hole that place is... currently living in Whitby Ontario, I spend alot of my time in toronto,

some other places I lived was central Indiana U.S, B.C.

places ive been include those above and Borden Meaford and Sudbury Cornwall.. yeah I don't get out much :P
smoke said:
I was born in Oshawa Ontario, what a hole that place is...

Funny you mentioned that, while I was in college @ Niagara my roommate was from Oshawa and often referred to it as 'The Dirty Shwa' ... Never been there so couldn't say one way or another.

Anyways, I'm from in Hamilton, Ont. Born and raised.
The Dirty Shwa is an apt description, though perhaps a little rich coming from someone from Hamilton!  ;D  (just kidding!)  I just bought a condo in Oshawa last year and am already suffering from buyer's remorse, and nervous about what the fate of GM is going to do to the city - though I am impressed at the strides they are making to clean the place up.

I was born in Oakville, Ontario and spent most of my time shuffling between there and Cape Breton Island where my mom's family is all from.  My father got tricked into immigrating to Canada many years ago from England (it's a bit of a long story, but he thought he was coming for "training" for a banking job in Barbados with the Bank of Nova Scotia - but the time to go down to Barbados just never seemed to come.)  I had a brief interlude living in Paradise (Costa Rica) before deciding to get an education at Trent University and joining the CF.  From moving around so much I don't really consider anywhere "home", though oddly enough the closest feeling I get to it is my parents' house near Truro, Nova Scotia - a house I never actually "lived" in but it just feels like the house I grew up in, I guess because so much of their stuff is the same.
From Nova Scotia, Cape Breton to be a little more specific.  Currently living in the fabulousness that is the Ottawa area.  :P
After spending all my first half century and more in the Windsor ON area, when I finally retired from Chrysler's I pulled the plug and moved to the booming metropolis of Lucknow in the base of the Bruce Peninsula. Sure as hell wish I'd done it sooner! The country is beautiful and fishing and hunting aren't bad either. Love the small town atmosphere!

