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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

I told My best Friend Who Is older then me that I wanted to use him As A reference On my Army Application. He Said why do you  want to Join The Army. I said I want to protect my country in this time Of war. He replied What War?? Theres  A war going on... Where ... I was speechless But then I said ahhhh yeah In Afghanistan. Been going on for almost 10 years... He said oh really and what are they doing over there ... 
Lets just say I decided not to use him as a reference.
True story.. :cdn:
Hmm lobster, Yeah we had a can of that come in a care package.  but our fingers got sticky eating it so we had to put down the cards.............. or was that laptop's gee with all this time on our hands not doing anything..............

ah well those who dont have a clue will remain blissfully ignorant.  Now if we can just stop them from procreating.
Technoviking said:
I agree that MMA for Ontario is a good thing; however, it just shows where the morals for the Ontario Gov't appear to be:



The ONT government didn't give a shit about MMA until they realized that the UFC could very easily sell out the skydome, and turn in HEAPS of cash.

Apparently, this province buys more Pay Per Views per capita than anywhere else on earth.  MMA is HUGE in southern Ontario. 

The government clearly do not care about what its people want, or safety; they just know it means money to them.  I'm grateful they decided to let it be legal nonetheless.  There is a lot of promising talent from here; Claude Patrick, Sam Stout, Mark Holst (an instructor of mine who now fights for the UFC).

Doing some basic section attacks on my BMQ-L Course in Edmonton, one of my fellow candidates ( a little 'bigger' and a little older than the rest of us) asked "why are they making us do this on such uneven terrain? We were in one of the training fields directly south of the golf course in Edmonton, in a field with a few truck ruts and some gopher holes. I damn near fudged my huggies when she asked that one. I was dumfounded into silence, and couldn't even come up with one of my usual witty retorts.
That sounded like a three letter answer - D-U-H.  Have to add the exasperated head shake with it for ultimate effect.

After volleyball tonight a few of us stopped in for a beer at the local pub and one girl ordered a chicken salad along with her beer..................the waitress brings the salad, places it in front of her and then asks if she needs a fork with that.
Forget drinking and driving... drinking and texting is too funny..

My girlfriend just showed me this site: http://textsfromlastnight.com/

PSA: Don't Drink and Text

edit: may be a bit vulgar and off colour for some..

Today Online link

Aussie teacher tells class to plan terrorist attack ...

05:55 AM Aug 26, 2010ADELAIDE - A high school teacher who assigned her class to plan a terrorist attack that would kill as many innocent people as possible had no intent to promote terrorism, the school principal said yesterday.

The Year-10 students at Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School were asked to pretend they were terrorists making a political statement by releasing a chemical or biological agent on "an unsuspecting Australian community".

The task included choosing the best time to attack and explaining their choice of victims and what effects the attack would have on a human body.

"Your goal is to kill the MOST innocent civilians," the assignment read.

Principal Terry Martino said he withdrew the assignment for the class on contemporary conflict and terrorism as soon as he heard of it. He said the teacher was "relatively inexperienced" and it was a "well-intentioned but misguided attempt to engage the students".

Student Sarah Gilbert, 15, told the West Australian newspaper she was horrified by the assignment.

Sarah - whose mother lost a relative in the 2002 Bali bombings - wrote a letter to her teacher explaining that her beliefs were more important than getting good grades.

"I have written this letter and refused to do my assignment for reasons of my belief, just as terrorists murder thousands of civilians for their belief," she wrote in the letter published by the newspaper.

The Education Department's director has requested a full report on the incident. AP
I think that all students should have to write such an assignment. It would wake them up to modern reality a little. Maybe.
Loachman said:
I think that all students should have to write such an assignment. It would wake them up to modern reality a little. Maybe.
Back in my day, students wouldn't be told to use a chemical or biological agent. Mollycoddling, I say; everything handed to them on a platter!
CorporalMajor said:
MMA recently got legalized in Ontario.  Us fans are delighted, but there are also many sappy whiners who liken it to dog-fights or somehow think it is any more dangerous than any other contact sport.  Some even think children will become violent and society will implode, just like it was supposed to when gangsta rap became popular or with violent video games.    I consider statements such as those, the "dumbest things I've heard today".  Man some people are wimps.  If you don't like it, too bad, don't watch it, but spare me your crying.

Sorry, I can't agree with you on that.  I've played a lot of contact sports (hockey, football, rugby) and not one of those games has the object of pummeling of an opponent in an attempt to injure.  In fact, the training and use of protective equipment is especially designed to reduce the chance of injury.  In 18 years of rugby, I was only carried off a field once and crawled off twice - and I played at a pretty high level.

Frankly, I think both boxing (which actually has a higher fatality rate) and MMA are both barbaric and only a small step away from the gladatorial contests of ancient Rome.  I don't understand people's fascination with watching this crap.  The Romans loved it and look what happened to them.  In general though, I am not in favour of banning people's forays into stupidity.  If they really want to do this, I suppose it's OK as long as my tax dollars don't support it (including the cost of medical care for what are arguably self-inflicted injuries).  The upside of MMA is the possibility of the fighters removing themselves from the gene pool.
Pusser said:
The Romans loved it and look what happened to them.  In general though, I am not in favour of banning people's forays into stupidity.  If they really want to do this, I suppose it's OK as long as my tax dollars don't support it (including the cost of medical care for what are arguably self-inflicted injuries).  The upside of MMA is the possibility of the fighters removing themselves from the gene pool.
The Roman Empire didn't fall because they had gladiators.  I mean, they had the aquaduct too: does that mean we shouldn't have running water?  Anyway, I get it that you don't want your tax dollars to fund MMA; however, do you feel that you should benefit from the tax dollars that MMA will bring to the provincial coffers?

As for MMA deaths, thus resulting in a lessened gene pool, I'm not aware of a spate of deaths in MMA.  Of course, it's compared to boxing, but in all fairness, you also state that you're not fond of that sport either.  Anyway, nothing personal, I just disagree that MMA is as barbaric as you think.  Of course, neither of us will convince the other, so let's just agree to watch rugby :D

Journeyman said:
Play rugby; watch womens' beach volleyball  :nod:

Hey now let's not be judgemental.....they can watch whatever their little hearts desire. Should that be burly sweaty men.... well to paraphrase George Coztanza " nothing worong with that." >:D
Technoviking said:
The Roman Empire didn't fall because they had gladiators.  I mean, they had the aquaduct too: does that mean we shouldn't have running water?  Anyway, I get it that you don't want your tax dollars to fund MMA; however, do you feel that you should benefit from the tax dollars that MMA will bring to the provincial coffers?

As for MMA deaths, thus resulting in a lessened gene pool, I'm not aware of a spate of deaths in MMA.  Of course, it's compared to boxing, but in all fairness, you also state that you're not fond of that sport either.  Anyway, nothing personal, I just disagree that MMA is as barbaric as you think.  Of course, neither of us will convince the other, so let's just agree to watch rugby :D


My point was that the Roman Empire fell because of their decline into decadence, which included gladatorial games.  The Romans became more interested in living the good life and neglected the administration and defence of their Empire.  The games were not the cause, but rather a symptom.  As for running water, it wasn't the aquaducts, but the lead pipes they used that were the problem - we've fixed that (at least in my house).

If Wikipedia is to be believed, there are significantly more deaths in boxing than in MMA; however, without giving the relative numbers of participants in these two sports, Wikipedia's figures are somewhat meaningless.  My point is that I disagree with any "sport" where the object of the game is to injure someone to the point where they can no longer continue.  I also don't like the tax revenue argument either.  Is it OK to kick puppies as long as you pay the appropriate fee for a government licence?  The Ontario government is in dire financial straits because of bumbling incompetence.  I don't think prostituting itself in order to increase revenues is the right way to go.  Perhaps discontinuing the practice of doing stupid wasteful things might be a better way?

Overall, MMA may not do us any harm, but I don't think it's doing us any good either.

I think I can agree to disagree.  I think the idea of just watching rugby is a good one.  It is after all, the game they play in heaven.  :)
Pusser said:
My point is that I disagree with any "sport" where the object of the game is to injure someone to the point where they can no longer continue.  I also don't like the tax revenue argument either.  Is it OK to kick puppies as long as you pay the appropriate fee for a government licence?  The Ontario government is in dire financial straits because of bumbling incompetence.  I don't think prostituting itself in order to increase revenues is the right way to go.  Perhaps discontinuing the practice of doing stupid wasteful things might be a better way?

The object of MMA is to make your opponent submit.  IF they get injured (a cut or bloody nose might not look pretty but it's not all that serious) than they should have never gone into the ring.

Sure, MMA athletes have the ability to kick and punch harder than any martial artist or boxer.  So much so that, were they to use even 70% of that strength they would kill their opponent (as demonstrated in various Discovery Channel shows...although taekwondo WAS the fastest when it came to kicking  ;D).  The fact that their opponents aren't killed is a testament to their professionalism and control.

MMA is not about beating your opponent into submission, simply about making them submit.  It is a sport where either a stand-up or ground fighter can win based on how they evaluate their opponent and adjust their technique and style to gain superiority.  The referees are fantastic and will jump in when they see that one fighter is clearly going to win before any serious damage occurs.

On top of that, the workout is FANTASTIC.  Never have I ever had such a core workout as the summer I trained in MMA.  On top of that, it helps to increase confidence in yourself and awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, which is certainly a benefit to women.

I've played rugby.  I've played floor hockey.  I train in taekwondo and I've trained in MMA.  MMA made me feel the worst the next day, not from injuries, but from the workout.  All the other sports, in the order given (from high to low) have caused injuries.
And we think we've seen/heard it all  ::)

Cannibal restaurant adverts turn German stomachs

Would you be prepared to sacrifice your testicles, stomach fat or ears for the sake of high-class cuisine? A soon-to-open Berlin restaurant is touting for diners willing to do just that: donate body parts that it says it will turn into gourmet meals according to the age-old cooking habits of an Amazonian tribe infamous for its cannibalism.

