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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Today I had a rather, interesting gentleman come in and ask quite a few questions about joining the CF.

After asking me for a half an hour about the Fitness Requirements (and trying to get me into an argument about the necessity of the Fitness Requirements vs. the willingness to TRY HARD!) I fully believe that he was sincere and not being sarcastic when he asked me about haircuts (as follows):

Him: So, about haircuts {pause} ...

Me: Yes, you must get a haircut to match the standard.

Him: Everyone does? Really?

Me: Unless you are exempt for Religious reasons i.e. your are a member of a recognized religion requiring you not to cut your hair like Sikh or an Aboriginal of certain bands

Him: But what if I'm really spiritual?

Me: :brickwall:
I would have said "Oh, well, in that case, no, you don't need a haircut.  Sign right here and welcome to the CF."
That Paula Abdul is leaving Idol.......seriously though, who cares?  ::)

I must be the only one that doesn't watch these kind of shows?
But on a bright note.. we aren't hearing about Michael Jackson anymore on entertainment shows!!
Otis said:
Today I had a rather, interesting gentleman come in and ask quite a few questions about joining the CF.

After asking me for a half an hour about the Fitness Requirements (and trying to get me into an argument about the necessity of the Fitness Requirements vs. the willingness to TRY HARD!) I fully believe that he was sincere and not being sarcastic when he asked me about haircuts (as follows):

Him: So, about haircuts {pause} ...

Me: Yes, you must get a haircut to match the standard.

Him: Everyone does? Really?

Me: Unless you are exempt for Religious reasons i.e. your are a member of a recognized religion requiring you not to cut your hair like Sikh or an Aboriginal of certain bands

Him: But what if I'm really spiritual?

Me: :brickwall:

Are you allowed to say "well, then you need a toga and a harp, not a recruiter"?
OH Wait....we'll make an exception just for you, but you have to go Strathcona (Sorry Guys)
Eye In The Sky said:
Are you allowed to say "well, then you need a toga and a harp, not a recruiter"?

I WISH I was allowed to answer with things like that!
ruckmarch said:
That Paula Abdul is leaving Idol.......seriously though, who cares?  ::)

I must be the only one that doesn't watch these kind of shows?
I make 2 and my wife would be 3...and counting, who's in ???

Otis, don't we all wish that???  But sarcasm costs extra!  Dumb looks are still free!      ;D
...ooooh!...my wife works there and she often comes home sans smiles!  I guess the customers get those all day and I get what's leftover...and it ain't Mcnuggets!!!! LOL
PMedMoe said:
For smiles, go to McDonald's.  ;)

I'm not sure if this is true for All McDonald's but the one here seems to have a hiring policy which involves only letting the most inept work there
Didnt the HRC order MacDonalds to hire back someone who was dissmissed for not washing thier hands enough? That can explain some of it
Almost everyone knows we have subsidized education programs in the CF. ROTP is probably the best known. Join as an officer and we'll send you to university for 4 years and give you a job at the end. So we enroled a bunch and sent them off to ssee the University Liason Officer (ULO) at the base. After they got thier instructions the Warrent Officer says "OK be here tomorrow at 1300, That's 1 pm." Easy enough to follow. One future General says "sorry sir but that won't work for me I have to go to work at 1" Should have seen the vein in the WOs forehead. And if that wasn't enough the second said "yeah me too, I can't make it. I'm going on vacation" Anyone ever seen a WO's forehead explode? These are future of the CF.

Looks like training is going into overtime!!
FDO said:
After they got thier instructions the Warrent Officer says "OK be here tomorrow at 1300, That's 1 pm." Easy enough to follow. One future General says "sorry sir but that won't work for me I have to go to work at 1" Should have seen the vein in the WOs forehead. And if that wasn't enough the second said "yeah me too, I can't make it. I'm going on vacation" Anyone ever seen a WO's forehead explode? These are future of the CF.

Looks like training is going into overtime!!

Fine, be here at 0100.  That's 1 a.m.  ;)
I work at 1-800-O-Canada... needless to say I have hundreds of stories. But today's...

Me: "Well ma'am, since you need to get that information from the American government, I will have to refer you to their diplomatic representatives here in Canada- such as the embassy or consulate."

Caller: "Do they have a website?"

Me: "The American government? Of course it's--"

Caller: "WAIT- WAIT!! I can't use that website!"

Me: "Why not?"

Caller: "Because, you said it's AMERICAN. And I'm in Ontario! How will the Canadian internet work for an American website?? This is no help..."

Me: "Ma'am, it's the world wide web, you can access it."

Caller: "Nooo!! That's impossible! I'm all the way in another country! You don't know what you're talking about."

Oh. Ok. Sigh.
