Well, one of my former compatriots retired back to Nfld. She never did get a phone hooked up. She just uses her moms and anyone looking for her just calls her mom. Her mom will walk out the back door, down the short incline, grab the daughter and say "phone!" I though at first "can you imagine", but have since learned that a whole lot of relatives use moms phone/# (and some non-relatives too) for contact purposes. Apparently this is not uncommon in the small towns in Nfld.
Perhaps that's what's going on with the number you have too. Essentially, it is a number to contact them at, but is not "their" number - nor will it be them who is likely to answer ... but whoever does will either get them on right away or walk that phone to them and have them call you back if you leave a message.
TRY that outside the "stone age" here in the rest of good-ole friendly Canada. The Newfs have a system - and it works. (All this from a girl whose family never bothered to own a TV until she was in Grade 12 to the shock and horror of all her friends ... I lived - I certainly wasn't from the Stone Age ~ Iron Age perhaps).
Can you just imagine if we imparted said system onto the CF? My gawd, my boss would actually have to walk directly accross the hallway to contact me rather than phoning or emailing ... geez ... that might help with the CFs overall fitness too. I wonder how our predecessors managed to pull off two victorious Great Wars ...