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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

1RNBR said:
This didnt happen today but about two weeks ago i took my kids to my parents for the weekend and bought them pizza from pizza hut. Well my mother was working so i told the girls to leave a couple of pieces for nanny.  I left the boxes on the stove. My mother gets home and see the boxes on the stove, she opens then top one, then closes it, them moves it to the counter about 5 steps away and turns around and opens the 2nd box and she looks at me and says:

mom: so you bought pizza?
me:  ??? umm yeah
her: was it expensive?
me: no
her: So where did you buy it at?
me: ???WTF ??? your kidding right?
her: no

I turned and walked away.

The following morning took the girls to Tim Hortons, and came home, my mom asked me where I went, and this is how the conversation went

mom: where did you go?
me: Tim Hortons
mom: where?
me Tim Hortons
mom: Where?
me: (in a louder voice getting annoyed at this point) TIM HORTONS
mom: Who is Tim Horton?
me: ( I looked at my father and he looked at me both completely dumbfounded) Dad is she for real?
Dad: yep never a dull moment!

I walked away shaking my head.

I love my mom!

That's funny!!  ;D
The dumbest thing I heard today? That's easy:

Senator Elizabeth May

Oh, I almost forgot Bob Rae's gem:

"Nobody won the election."
You do not need body armour when dealing with criminals... Realy?
OK, I heard it yesterday, but close enough-

Jack Layton "PM Harper, you have lost the support of the Canadian People..."

While watching Firepower:Tanks.
"The 105mm main gun of the M1 Abrams has the ability to take out any opposition."
This show is from the Discovery channel network(History channel, Military Channel)
You would think that with all the knowledge base and editing they would get it right, Throughout the entire episode they said it had a 105mm gun.
CEEBEE501 said:
While watching Firepower:Tanks.
"The 105mm main gun of the M1 Abrams has the ability to take out any opposition."
This show is from the Discovery channel network(History channel, Military Channel)
You would think that with all the knowledge base and editing they would get it right, Throughout the entire episode they said it had a 105mm gun.
The original  M1 Abrams had the the 105mm rifled barrel, the M1A1 and A2 switched to the 120mm smoothbore barrel.
The episode was from '06 And they where talking about the M1A2 and how it effectively employed the 105mm gun in OIF, not once did they mention that is uses a 120mm.
Also apparently the LAV3 was developed by the US Army not General Dynamics Canada (According to Firepower)
I heard some of Mr. Dion's speech. Does that count, as neither my French buddy nor I could understand him.
OldSolduer said:
I heard some of Mr. Dion's speech. Does that count, as neither my French buddy nor I could understand him.

All you had to say was "Dion spoke" and we would have understood. I don't know if he counts though as he speaks everyday, and all sounds equally dumb.
OldSolduer said:
I heard some of Mr. Dion's speech. Does that count, as neither my French buddy nor I could understand him.
...was that him talking??????
I swear I could hear a baby crying about something.... :crybaby:  it's not fair!!!

"Bottled water's bad for the environment"..."Well only the bottle"
Chapeski said:
All you had to say was "Dion spoke" and we would have understood. I don't know if he counts though as he speaks everyday, and all sounds equally dumb.

I can't understand him but I am sure it was dumb. Also went to a staff meeting for my where one of the grand Frommages stated that saving money in your department and returning it to help pay the defict was not good because the army might spend it on a new tank.  ::)
Well,  Dion's rebuttle looked like it was done with a Webcam in his parent's basement.  Sometiumes it isn't what you say,  buit also how you say it that can make something dumb.
Yeah.... like what gives with the lousy camera work on his response to the PMs broadcast ???
At 1st I thought it was my eyesight that was going (always a possibility)
Looks like it was done with a toy webcam - while being handled by .... a child

Maybe not dumb, but certainly funny.  Here in Ottawa, some deterioration of the Chaudière Crossing was noted recently and so the bridge is closed.  When one of the deejays on BOB FM (93.9) mentioned it on the news, it sounded like they said "Shoddier Bridge" which, I guess, it is.  ;D

Bridge Closed
Overheard this tidbit

Q.  How long did you smoke for?
A. 50 years
Q. How many did you smoke in a day?
A. Depends on how much I drank!


You have to love the honesty.
Dissident said:
"The password is FRIDAY, Challenge: Foxtrot, answer:Romeo..."

Perhaps the person who chose that, figured that "Friday" was only a five letter word.    ;D
" Driver, what bus is this ? Where does it go? ".... meanwhile, the destination sign on the front and the side explains it all ::)!!!!