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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Betcha' they still say the pledge of allegiance in the school though.
I was under the impression it was a evangelical-conservative  advocacy group filing the lawsuit.  frig it though when in Rome blame the Liberals ;)

It seems the Alliance Defending Freedom, the organization complaining about the Yoga, actively goes to schools proselytizing and trying to get intelligent design taught as science. 

I guess seperation of church and state only applies if its not your religion ;)

I just don't know where to start with how stupid this is.

Kat Stevens said:
I just don't know where to start with how stupid this is.


Wow just wow....
Kat Stevens said:
I just don't know where to start with how stupid this is.


I'm not sure which is more dumb.

The arse wipe racist who wasn't charged for the racial taunts, but presumably was charged with some other offenses related to the disturbance, deciding to get some sort of payback by filing a complaint against the officer who didn't file charges over the racial taunts.


The dumb bureaucrats that decided to launch an investigation into allegations that the officer had a thick skin.

(of course I may be totally wrong in my interpretation too.)

cupper said:
The dumb bureaucrats that decided to launch an investigation into allegations that the officer had a thick skin.

(of course I may be totally wrong in my interpretation too.)

Did they have a choice on the matter? Admittedly this is a stupid situation but if the police were to ignore the situation and not investigate it could just make a mountain out of a molehill.
GD said:
Did they have a choice on the matter? Admittedly this is a stupid situation but if the police were to ignore the situation and not investigate it could just make a mountain out of a molehill.

I would say the whole mountain thing started when it was decided to discipline the officer for having the unmitigated gall to not be offended by a drunken moron. 
" I wish I was poor so I could have the work ethic of a poor person"

From a female 20 something with a silver spoon issue.  :facepalm:
daftandbarmy said:
" I wish I was poor so I could have the work ethic of a poor person"

From a female 20 something with a silver spoon issue.  :facepalm:

Well I am sure there is someone out there who is willing to make her poor. Then she can see what it's like first hand and IF she develops a work ethic - which I doubt she would.

And a work ethic is not the sole property of the poor.
David Suzuki event organizer threatens to call police on Sun News reporter
More at link.

There was a bit of a strange scene at a David Suzuki event on Tuesday night in our nation's capital.

According to Sun News' Jessica Hume, she and her cameraman were thrown out the Ottawa tour stop of 'The Eco Tour ', a series of book launches/debates featuring economist Jeff Rubin and Dr. Suzuki.


    When we first arrived we were welcomed, asked how long we’d like with the good doctor and where we should set up our shot. When it was revealed we represented Sun News, we were no longer welcome.

    David Suzuki didn’t just refuse to speak to us. He refused to appear altogether, sending a handful of hostile event organizers to remove us from the premises.

    After much debate and my reiterating I would be staying to ask a question, one of the event-organizers-turned-Suzuki-mandated-attack-dogs turned to the sizable crowd, incensed that I wouldn’t leave quietly, and yelled for someone to call 911."

Hume added that Green Party leader Elizabeth May, who was moderating the event, pleaded to organizers to let her stay but to no avail.

'David Suzuki is against freedom of press' was the narrative in fellow Sun News reporter David Akin's blog. And, in this case, it's hard to argue with him. Suzuki comes out looking bad, Elizabeth May looks good.

If you're wondering, however, why Suzuki might not want Sun News in attendance, maybe this will shed some light.

Sun News — and especially Ezra Levant — have railed against Suzuki over the past several weeks. Last month Levant wrote about Suzuki's speaking fees and his 'creepy' riders.

"Here is an exact quote from John Abbott College’s Mary Milburn, in an e-mail obtained through access to information: “We have learned, via Dr. Suzuki’s assistant, that although the Dr. does not like to have bodyguards per se, he does not mind having a couple of ladies (females) that would act as body guards in order that he may travel from one venue to another without being accosted too many times along the way.

    “Why females you ask? Well, he is a male. No seriously, I believe it is his way of being discrete and less intimidating.”"

At the age of 13 my daughter went with a group of school kids to see him talk. When she came home she told us he was just really angry and 'used the f-word a lot'.

You'd think he'd have the intelligence to handle these things.
His whole existence as an expert (in anything) falls squarely on the back of the CBC.

If they hadn't initially idolized and continually promoted this fruit fly studying demagogue to further their own agenda, we wouldn't be saddled with him now.

You reap what you sow. ::)
recceguy said:
His whole existence as an expert (in anything) falls squarely on the back of the CBC.

If they hadn't initially idolized and continually promoted this fruit fly studying demagogue to further their own agenda, we wouldn't be saddled with him now.

You reap what you sow. ::)

Therefore, he's got to be in the Governor General succession plan... right?
daftandbarmy said:
Therefore, he's got to be in the Governor General succession plan... right?

If it can be given to CBC journalists, it can be given to CBC psuedo scientists.

Hate the game, not the player.
Sorry if I touched a nerve ;)
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's government is selling vintage French wine at around 5,000 pounds a bottle ($7,500) in a bid to make its wine cellar self-funding as part of a national austerity drive and clamp-down on extravagant expenditure.


This should curb binge drinking. Frightening they've amassed such a large cellar with taxpayers' money in the first place...
I wouldn't have served that to an inmate,” he told the Sun, adding that people regularly walk into the kitchen area from a parking lot where there is an abundance of goose droppings.

obviously this guy has zero army experience & never been on IMP's for a 6 week ex. Then 'fresh' haybox comes to your hide & you accidentally drop your trackpad veal cutlet in the dirt. You pick it up, shrug, wipe it off on your filthy khakis & drop back onto your malmac plate.... nobody bats an eye  :camo:
'I chase him, I bite him'... the crime report written by a DOG


Police are under investigation for jokingly filling in a witness statement in the name of a force dog.

Officers became exasperated when prosecutors asked for an account of a crime from a ‘PC Peach’, not realising Peach was the name of a police dog.

So they completed the form as if it had been written by the alsatian, and signed it with a paw print.

The dog’s statement read: ‘I chase him. I bite him. Bad man. He tasty. Good boy. Good boy Peach.’

The form was pinned up at a West Midlands Police station last week for the amusement of colleagues, who are often at odds with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) over the handling of cases.

Another officer took a photo of the statement and it found its way to a ‘cop humour’ page on Facebook on Friday.

The image was later deleted but the dog section of a different force, West Yorkshire, enjoyed it so much they posted the image on Twitter in a tweet that was shared more than 150 times.

The CPS, however, failed to see the funny side. Officials are believed to have complained to police that their mistake has been turned into a very public joke.

This is being considered  by West Midlands Police’s Professional Standards Department and the officer who shared the picture, PC Mark Tissington, referred himself to the internal discipline unit. Sources say he is unlikely to be reprimanded.

DCI Julian Harper, from West Midlands Police, said: 'The Professional Standards Department is looking into this, early enquiries suggest it is a light-hearted exchange as a result of a misunderstanding around a police dog and a police officer.  The matter will be investigated.'

It comes just a week after The Mail on Sunday revealed new guidelines for police on the safe use of the internet, which advise officers against sharing ‘operational material’ online.

Ian Edwards, chairman of the West Midlands branch of the Police Federation, said: ‘It’s a difficult time for police and sometimes humour is a  way of venting frustrations. I would urge our PSD to be even-handed in the way they deal with it.’

The CPS declined to comment.
