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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

FlyingDutchman said:
Customer:  I'm an american, and I just want to know, is your price in american or canadian dollars?
Me: ....Canadian.

I was really really tempted to say 'Actually, its in Euro.'

Should have said Greek Drachmas
cupper said:
Should have said Greek Drachmas

:rofl:  Soon, soon....

Although it sounds like the customer may not have known that those aren't presently in use - if they knew what they were at all. 
PMedMoe said:
The six dumbest things schools are doing in the name of safety

The writer is as funny as hell.  Too bad the stories are true.....

Hah, #6.
We are preparing a generation of kids who don't know how to spell, and don't know how to recover from mishaps.  The leaders of tomorrow, folks! 
Twitter feed reveals nirvana of human doltishness


The NeedADebitCard Twitter account offers a fine list of people who have shared pictures of their new debit dards. Yes, from the front, names attached. Please facepalm now.

by Chris Matyszczyk
July 2, 2012 4:03 PM PDT

This is for all who believe trust between humans was dead.

This is also for all who somehow thought that homo sapiens were frightfully sapient people, merely hamstrung by the limitations of the technological world.

For this is a Twitter feed called NeedADebitCard. It serves a vast social purpose.

Yes, it reveals all those who happen to share pictures of their brand new debit cards. Full frontal. Numbers exposed. Names attached.

It is currently unknown who is behind the site. However, the names of those who indulge their Instagramming, most creative selves in order to expose their debit cards seem entirely real.

Hark at Brandy Frazier (Twitter handle @BrandyFagsack), who excitedly tweets: "My debit card came in the mail today! http://instagr.am/p/MlDXt6ycRY/."

Yes, there really is a picture of her debit card.

What is most compelling, of course, is that there are so many of such posts. Indeed, if you crawl to #NeedADebitCard, you will be appalled, delighted, sickened, amused, and astounded by these tweets.

Naturally, some speculate that the vast majority of those tweeting these pictures are teenagers, who have so little money that their identity is scarcely worth stealing.

However, this is surely a dark view of affairs.

Isn't there something so stupendously endearing that the need to share our most intimate secrets has now far overtaken our need to protect our insignificant selves?

This is the future. It is one of trust, openness, and a connectedness beyond all imagination.

Mark Zuckerberg told you so, didn't he?.

bridges said:
:rofl:  Soon, soon....

Although it sounds like the customer may not have known that those aren't presently in use - if they knew what they were at all. 

I still have some Deutsche marks kicking around the house. Wonder if I can still use them? =D
cupper said:
Twitter feed reveals nirvana of human doltishness



In Twitter's defence (or that of some of its users, maybe), there are occasionally some useful & interesting things on there.  Lately I've been watching @TTLast Spring, where someone has been tweeting in the guise of Cdn artist Tom Thomson (who presumably died 95 years ago yesterday) and expounding on various theories related to his disappearance.  Interesting for history & art buffs.  Sadly, I've not found any free money yet.  :( 
North Carolina outlaws climate change.


Jeff Horwich: In North Carolina, lawmakers have passed a law about planning for rising seas. Basically, it forbids coastal communities from making any plans that factor in the latest climate change science.

From the Marketplace Sustainability Desk, Eve Troeh reports.

They can bury their heads in the sand over the issue, but only until the beach is eroded away. :facepalm:
Ironic: if you're far enough into the boonies where you have to burn pine cones to recharge your phone, you're not likely to be able to get coverage anyways...

cupper said:
North Carolina outlaws climate change.


They can bury their heads in the sand over the issue, but only until the beach is eroded away. :facepalm:

That's mind-blowing.

"The North Carolina legislature can no more hide this information than they can vote to ban rainy days."

daftandbarmy said:
Ironic: if you're far enough into the boonies where you have to burn pine cones to recharge your phone, you're not likely to be able to get coverage anyways...


I get a kick out of the comments that follow that discuss whether this device will charge anyting other than an iPhone.  That's because your Android phone will sense the power coming through the USB cable and say, "no, I'll be having none of this pine cone generated electricity..." :facepalm:
Pusser said:
That's because your Android phone will sense the power coming through the USB cable and say, "no, I'll be having none of this pine cone generated electricity..." :facepalm:

;D  I dunno, my Android phone seems smarter than me some days.

I explain the apparent dumbness two ways:  1. some people, especially if they're wrapped up in an iWorld, may not know (?) that other devices also use USB chargers.  Hopefully not, but who knows.  2.  "iPhone" is starting to be used as a generic term now, for all smartphones.  Maybe that was part of Apple's plan all along.  :Tin-Foil-Hat:
bridges said:
;D  I dunno, my Android phone seems smarter than me some days.

"iPhone" is starting to be used as a generic term now, for all smartphones.  Maybe that was part of Apple's plan all along.  :Tin-Foil-Hat:

Similar strategy worked for Coca-Cola.
Pusser said:
Similar strategy worked for Coca-Cola.

:nod:  For that reason, I ask for "Coke or Pepsi" when I'm in a restaurant & in the mood for some caffeinated, brown sugar water.  I'm sure that alone will diminish Coke's dominance.  In my mind anyway.     
bridges said:
:nod:  For that reason, I ask for "Coke or Pepsi" when I'm in a restaurant & in the mood for some caffeinated, brown sugar water.  I'm sure that alone will diminish Coke's dominance.  In my mind anyway.   

Odds are, that might be heard less often than "Oh, sorry....is Pepsi okay?"

PMedMoe said:
To which my niece replies, "Sure.  Is Monopoly money okay?"  ;)

There are many Canadian sailors who have passed off Canadian Tire money as "legal" Canadian tender in ports around the world.
Pusser said:
There are many Canadian sailors who have passed off Canadian Tire money as "legal" Canadian tender in ports around the world.

Not very honourable of our Navy  :(