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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Well it seems you can murder your baby and get away with it (Casey Anthony case), or as in Quebec, your marriage can breakup, you get depressed and you get away with killing your two children.......

all I can do is shake my head....
startbutton said:
I answered that i would pull my pistol and order him to the ground and if he still came at me I would put one into his chest
Aparently, great minds do think alike!
My DND computer has crapped out on me and won't boot (i.e. completely useless).  I phoned the Help Desk and started the work ticket.  The technician called me later, when I wasn't there, and leaves the following message:  "I need some more information from you, so I've sent you an e-mail.  Please respond to that, so we can get started."  So how does one receive and respond to an e-mail on a computer that doesn't work?  :facepalm:

Dilbert is not a comic strip - it's a training manual.
Pusser, if you're lucky then there are other computers in your shop you are able to log on to?
Bzzliteyr said:
Pusser, if you're lucky then there are other computers in your shop you are able to log on to?

Oh, I had access to another computer, but they didn't ask that question.  They just assumed that I could receive their e-mail.
Danjanou said:
sounds like Rogers customer service or the IT dept where I work ::)

I sent Telus an e-mail from my phone, to indicate a problem with my cell phone: when I went to answer calls on the phone, the person on the other end could not hear me, but I could hear them.

Telus Customer Service called my cell to talk about it...
Air Canada fined for no French

Article Link

A Federal Court judge fined Air Canada $12,000 on Wednesday after an Ottawa man accused the airline of failing to serve him in French during several flights he took in 2009.

The court ruled Air Canada didn't respect its linguistic obligations under the Official Languages Act.

Air Canada was ordered to pay Michel Thibodeau, and also cover his $6,982 court costs.


Thibodeau filed a similar language complaint against Air Canada in 2002 and won.

Now, I'm no Air Canada fan, but this is just stupid.  I should go to Quebec and sue any place that doesn't serve me in English.  ::)
PMedMoe said:
Air Canada fined for no French

Article Link

Now, I'm no Air Canada fan, but this is just stupid.  I should go to Quebec and sue any place that doesn't serve me in English.  ::)

If you Google this guy's name, you'll find that he has a history of suing Air Canada for, amongst other things, not being able to order a pop in French - despite the fact that he probably speaks English as well as any Anglophone.  Can you say "litigious"?  ;D
It's people like him that waste tax payer's money with silly lawsuits.. I hope he gets "frappé par une voiture" one of these days... gives the rest of Quebec a bad name...
Looks like he gets two nominations for separate statements...

Ottawa man will sue again if he's not served in French

Article Link

An Ottawa man who successfully sued Air Canada for failing to provide service in French says he'll sue again if he runs into the same situation, but he hopes it doesn't come to that.

"My wish is that at some point in the future, very shortly, Air Canada will be able to fully respect the Official Languages Act and I won't have to do this again," Michel Thibodeau said on Thursday.

"I'm not doing this for fun. It's a lot of time: weekends, evenings. I do this on my own. I have no lawyer, no money for a lawyer and nobody wants to go through this. But at some point you have to stand up for your rights or lose them."

Thibodeau and his wife Lynda sued Air Canada after they weren't provided service in French on two trips between Ottawa and the United States in 2009.

According to the Official Languages Act, Air Canada is required by law to communicate and provide services in English and French when there is a significant demand in the minority language.

So, define "significant demand"?  Does him and his wife out of an entire aircraft constitute "significant demand"?

Wolfe is rolling over in his grave now, I'm sure.  Can we put him on a no-fly list?

As a private corporation (AC was privatized in 1988), can't they just refuse to accept his patronage?  No business in Canada is required to provide goods or services to anyone they don't want to.
Pusser said:
As a private corporation (AC was privatized in 1988), can't they just refuse to accept his patronage?  No business in Canada is required to provide goods or services to anyone they don't want to.

It is apparently a "Crown Corporation grandfathered responsibility" to provide service in both official languages where a sufficient requirement exists.  Apparently the Federal Judge thought that a fully bilingual Federal civil servant was really disadvantaged, and not just trying to be a pain in the proverbial a$$....a $12,000 a$$, so it would seem.

The judge also needs a smack in the head for interpreting the "sufficient requirement" as they did.

Wow, the previous article links don't go into as much detail as this one:

Court orders Air Canada to pay couple $12K for lack of French services

The case arose out of two trips Michel and Lynda Thibodeau made in the first half of 2009 between Ottawa and the United States.

They argued they could not get service in French when they checked in, at the boarding gate and aboard the flight, and that an announcement about a change of baggage carousel was made only in English.

The Ottawa couple each sought $25,000 in compensation.


Thibodeau expressed disappointment with the amount awarded, saying it's the third time a court has ruled in his favour against Air Canada over the years.


The Montreal-born Thibodeau, who has lived in Ottawa for the past 15 years, called it "extremely important" for him to be able to live in French.  So, go back to Montreal and give up your PS job.

More at link


Wonder where they flew to in the U.S. that's so French?  New Orleans?  Trust me, the Cajuns don't understand Quebecois.

Edit to add another article link.

In one case, he requested a 7Up in French and was served a Sprite.

Geez Lousie.  Did it not occur to him that maybe they didn't have 7-Up?  ::)

A little bird told me that Michael Moore was planning an expose (can't find the e with the acute accent. so sue me) about the greedy underbelly of the legal system, but it was axed when they estimated the ensuing lawsuits could exceed the GDP of 80% of the UN. Apparently it would have been called The Good Old (s)U(e) $ of A.
At a motorcycle Poker Run (at each of five stops, you draw a card; best poker hand at the end wins), it is announced that the winner has a pair of aces.

A couple of people point out that they had two pair.

"Yes, (with a 'you dummies' look), but he has two ACES."