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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Political Correctness gone awry. Again.  ::)

Toronto councillor in 'hot chicks' tweet flap

A Toronto politician is in hot water after his "inappropriate" comments hit cyberspace on Monday.

Councillor John Parker was on hand at a Heritage Toronto event Monday to unveil a number of plaques honouring some of the city's notable past citizens, including Marshall McLuhan.

Although the event went off without a hitch, the councillor made waves later in the day when he expressed his view of the overall event on the popular social networking tool Twitter.

"Delighted and honoured to help unveil eight new Toronto heritage plaques and meet hot chicks in the bargain," he wrote. "I love my job."

Parker, known as a humourous and lighthearted tweeter user, nonetheless quickly took the tweet down. However, he refused to apologize for his comments.

"I have no such plans. The words are down and the words were meant in good fun and in good faith. No harm was intended and as far as I'm aware no offence has been taken," he told CBC News.

"I'm just sorry that any of this distracts anyone from the importance of the day's events."

He also blamed the media for making city hall a place where fun won't be tolerated.

But Mayor Rob Ford was not impressed with the councillor's remarks.

"It's inappropriate," Ford said. "I'll talk to John and I'm sure he'll apologize."

Wow...  it's getting to the point where fun will be bred out of us.  Heaven forbid someone makes a joke about something, because it may offend someone!!!

Good on him, though for not apologizing.  I think we need more politicians with a sense of humour.  It's just a shame that our society won't let them into office...

What a waste...

"It's inappropriate," Ford said. "I'll talk to John and I'm sure he'll apologize."
Proper thing; I mean, I'm sure the ugly chicks have feelings too.  ;)      <--- this means it's a joke.
"@#$%, the guy at AutoZone told me to put grease on the pads to prevent them from sticking to the rotors and generating too much heat"

...and he wondered his brake performance was lacking.  AutoZone is good for many things, advice from the kid making $0.50 over minimum wage is not one of them.
Confounded PAT said:
...and he wondered his brake performance was lacking.  AutoZone is good for many things, advice from the kid making $0.50 over minimum wage is not one of them.

And anyone that would follow that advice has no business doing their own brakes anyway, and endangering everyone else on the road. Really not much smarter than the one that gave the original advice.
Stacked said:
Didn't hear this but I saw it... All my car tires slashed and the mirrors broken off, with things written all over it.  Now, if you're going to do that... Don't write my initials on it saying "XX IS GAY". That's a dead give away I know who did it, that it wasn't just a random attack. And there's only one person in the city who knows what kind of car I drive, and guess whos handwriting it matches (I have samples). Should this go into the stupidest criminals thread? :rofl:
Oooh.. You must have broken her heart good!  :o
During lunchtime routine (watching Family Feud) a Pte asked:

So what will they do when they run out of questions?
Stacked said:
Didn't hear this but I saw it... All my car tires slashed and the mirrors broken off, with things written all over it.  Now, if you're going to do that... Don't write my initials on it saying "XX IS GAY". That's a dead give away I know the person who did it, that it wasn't just a random attack. And there's only one person in the city who knows what kind of car I drive and where I live, and guess whos handwriting it matches (I have samples). Should this go into the stupidest criminals thread? :rofl:

Crack.... WTF did you do?!
One fellow merc was wondering,
He knows that 15 days and over of detention you get sent to CFSPDB. He knows the routine there.

But, if you get sentenced to under 15 days dentention, you stay in the guardhouse. My fellow merc wants to know like what is the routine like if you are a detainee in the guardhouse and not in DB?

Teflon, you forgot this:

chris the merc said:
BTW, some mercs I know want to know what will happen if you ever told staff members, "but staff, I did it this way in another country's military?" Have anyone of you ever encountered that?

PMedMoe said:
Teflon, you forgot this:


Yeah, saw that one as well but I'm pressed for time - Busy going through the July issue of Soldier of Fortune classifieds to find my next suicide mission gig - Us "mercs" gotta pay the bills (AirSoft shit is pricey!)
Teflon said:
Yeah, saw that one as well but I'm pressed for time - Busy going through the July issue of Soldier of Fortune classifieds to find my next suicide mission gig - Us "mercs" gotta pay the bills (AirSoft shit is pricey!)

milnews.ca said:
One or two crazy ones here:  "20 Craziest Job Interview Questions and the Right Answers"

If we were playing Russian roulette and had one bullet, I randomly spun the chamber and fired but nothing was fired. Would you rather fire the gun again or respin the chamber and then fire on your turn?

Actually that's not a bad question... If you leave the cylinder in it's current position, you have a 1/5 chance of getting the bullet since we know one chamber was already fired and didn't have it. If you spin the cylinder, you're back to a 1/6 chance and better odds. So it's a decent question to see what kind of analytical skills a candidate has. Plus it'll probably knock them back a bit and you can gauge their reaction. I've been asked how many gas stations exist in the US as a similar analytical exercise. In that case, the answer doesn't matter as much as the process you used to get there. :)
Mike Bobbitt said:
Actually that's not a bad question... If you leave the cylinder in it's current position, you have a 1/5 chance of getting the bullet since we know one chamber was already fired and didn't have it. If you spin the cylinder, you're back to a 1/6 chance and better odds. So it's a decent question to see what kind of analytical skills a candidate has.

For anyone who is still skeptical about that solution, it becomes clearer if you consider two or three (or up to five) trigger pulls in a row without the player getting shot.

This would also be a good way to explain the solution to the Monty Hall problem.  (When given the chance, you change doors because this will, more often than not, improve your odds of winning.)
Maybe it's a trick question and the possible employer has no intention of hiring anyone who plays Russian roulette as it tends to cause huge messes in the lunch room that the cleaners balk at cleaning up.
I've heard it said that Armoured courier companies ask, during your interview, if you "ever thought of robbing an armoured car?" and if the answere is no they won't hire you. Apparently it's something everyone thinks about from time to time...
BernDawg said:
I've heard it said that Armoured courier companies ask, during your interview, if you "ever thought of robbing an armoured car?" and if the answere is no they won't hire you. Apparently it's something everyone thinks about from time to time...

It's true. I worked for an armoured car company in Ontario and during my interview I was asked that very question and I answered yes to it and told him that I had a working plan on how to do and I still got hired ( not that I would ever do it). The question I liked most was you and your partner are coming out of a bank with a cart full of money and a guy approches you with a knife in his hand and demands the money what would you do ? I answered that i would pull my pistol and order him to the ground and if he still came at me I would put one into his chest 