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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Police sued in 'john' sting

Calgary cops roughed up and questioned a suspected "john" before driving him home without charges, a $225,000 lawsuit claims.

And in his statement of claim, a copy of which was obtained Thursday by QMI Agency, Joseph Bertrand said he did nothing improper - other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Bertrand said he was a passenger in a friend's van when the unnamed driver allegedly solicited an undercover police officer.

Shortly after midnight on Feb. 5, 2010, the vehicle was pulled over, his court documents state.

An officer approached Bertrand, in the passenger seat, "and advised the plaintiff that they were being stopped for prostitution-related offences," it says.

The claim states they were told "the driver of the vehicle (drove) up next to an undercover officer and allegedly attempted to solicit the officer for sexual services.

"The plaintiff had no part in this activity," the lawsuit says.

"In fact, while the vehicle was parked an officer approached the plaintiff and asked if he was 'interested' so to speak, and he emphatically denied and refused any involvement in any such 'activities'."

More at link

Seriously?  Your buddy wants to pick up a prostitute and you're just along for the ride*?  ::)

*Pun intended  ;D
PMedMoe said:
Seriously?  Your buddy wants to pick up a prostitute and you're just along for the ride
No one thinks about the poor guy stuck holding the camera while everyone else is having fun.....
Journeyman said:
No one thinks about the poor guy stuck holding the camera while everyone else is having fun.....

Oh yes, after he "emphatically denied and refused any involvement in any such 'activities'".  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Oh yes, after he "emphatically denied and refused any involvement in any such 'activities'".  ;)

Well if you're going to deny something you better make sure you "emphatically" do so.  8)
Danjanou said:
Well if you're going to deny something you better make sure you "emphatically" do so.  8)

"I strenuously object?" Is that how it works? Hm? "Objection." "Overruled." "Oh, no, no, no. No, I STRENUOUSLY object." "Oh. Well, if you strenuously object then I should take some time to reconsider."

Journeyman said:
No one thinks about the poor guy stuck holding the camera while everyone else is having fun.....

sad reminisces again?  ;D
Cake? Did some say cake in civy street  :o

LOL, that is worth a +1
First Citizen-In-Right said:
To All Canadian Forces Personel,

Effective Immediately, All Are Under the Lawful Chief Command of First Citizen-In-Right.

Former Commander-In-Chief Governor General has been found unsustainable in Canada.
"I didn't think it was unusual for a Community Clinic to be open at 1 in the morning"

Jack Layton . . who wants us to believe  he is intelligent enough to be th Prime Minister  of Canada.

MGalantine said:
I've been away from Army.ca so long that my grammar and spelling's gone backwards in progression. :(

Not a full rout, merely a temporary retrograde maneuver?
From Failbook:

There are fake dead pics circulating.
9/11 was an inside job. 'claiming' you killed Bin Laden and burying him at sea while torching the compound where you 'claim' to have killed him leaves no evidence.
Also let's the Americans think the boogey man is gone when really, he's been in the White House for decades


Thankfully not one of my friends...
"No jackass, the b-52 was a world war 2 plane. It had been around before the US had even entered the war. I'll bet my paycheque on it."

Drinks on me next Ottawa M&G!
Sapplicant said:
"No jackass, the b-52 was a world war 2 plane. It had been around before the US had even entered the war. I'll bet my paycheque on it."

I feel it's also worth mentioning that he was 100% certain that the b52 and the Avro Lancaster were one and the same. I really wish I was making this up.
Old Sweat said:
Is he the new NDP defence critic?

No, but he does believe, firmly, that he's smarter than everyone else around him, and knows what's best all of us. Perhaps he could make a leadership bid for the Liberals, or the Bloc?
I suppose I should have checked this place out more during the election, but since it's still on that topic... On FB, this girl posted a "Shit Harper Did" link and a discussion followed. One of the first things she said:

"He blatantly puts economics before the greater good of the people in this country, and increases spending in military, security, and surveillance - none of which are to benefit me or any other working class citizen."

I stayed the hell away from this convo...