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What would the world be like if.... (for fun)

what would the world be like if George Wallace was prime minister. (sorry everybody) :salute:
vorden said:
what would the world be like if George Wallace was prime minister. (sorry everybody) :salute:

What would the world be like if we didn't have Income Tax, only a HST ?
George Wallace said:
What would the world be like if we didn't have Income Tax, only a HST ?

To expound on that, what if everyone paid income tax as a percentage of their income; no write-offs or bonuses.
What would the world be like if there was no morning jolt of caffeine running through our bodies?
What would the world (and all the chairs) be like if our knees bent the other way....
211RadOp said:
What would the world be like if there was no morning jolt of caffeine running through our bodies?

:mg: :crybaby:  ummm, HE double L? 
211RadOp said:
What would the world be like if there was no morning jolt of caffeine running through our bodies?

We would wake up late in the afternoon and go to bed at 0200....
What would the world be like if the leafs didn't suck at hockey?
canada94 said:
What would the world be like if the leafs didn't suck at hockey?

We would all be wearing winter jackets watching the game with the devil.....

What would the world be like if Canadian content wasn't required by law? (I say this, but I'm watching Due South as I type)

What would the world be like if the dark ages never happened and science was allowed to flourish without threats of being labeled a heratic
NavyShooter said:
What would the world (and all the chairs) be like if our knees bent the other way....

Why chairs? We would sit like my cat (or dog) on our butt!

ME - the centaur