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What were the proudest moments in your CF career?

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"all though I don‘t know if it‘s something to be especially proud of but I think I learnt how to consume alcohol responsibly as a soldier too.

And this is relevant how? Not to mention this whole thread, "proudest CF moment"; watching someones back while they puked at a club and making paintball equipment?
sorry to hear that WindWolf, that must be tough. I‘m glad u have the heart to burry your medals with your son, he must have been quite proud of you. My condolences.
I think the proudest moment in my short career as an infantry soldier is completing a ruck march from The Gulley to the Tent City in Meaford.

I don‘t know what the distance is, maybe 6-8km, but me being the idiot I am, didn‘t have the ruck on properly and I thought my back was going to snap going up Warner Hill. I fell back from the rest of the platoon about 500m or so.

But a master corporal stayed with me and challenged me to keep going and to never quit and I didn‘t.
Then I got pissed at myself for being dumb and falling back, so I half ran, half fast walked to catch up and went to the right in front of platoon.

I learned a valuable lesson in ruck marching (I‘m never, ever putting on a ruck half assed) but I didn‘t break and I didn‘t quit, so I take pride in that.
Thanks guys,appreciated.
And so would Cori.

HFL: now that is a Mcpl that knows how to lead.
Learn from him.

Regards. :cdn:
Ouch.. Warner Hill @ Meaford. we did a run up
that hill *no ruckmarch thank God) so I can
definately sympathize with you there.
Yes jungle,those little thing‘s that those who we are trying to help, do or show us are what realy matter‘s and mean‘s so much to those of us who have been overseas and only we realy understand there heart felt meaning‘s.

I hope other‘s get to experieance at least one of those moment‘s in their career because when it happen‘s it‘s a shock and thought provoking as to the worth of you being there.
Wolf sorry to hear of your loss.
A friend in the Royal Engineer‘s has just gone through a similer tragidy.

While in Kuwait just two day‘s from the start his daughter(only 11) was run over and killed by a speeding driver on their local,quite road.He‘s been caught doing this before and is known to the Police.

My mate was flown out asp and was a bit of a mess as you may understand not only from the loss but also having being geared up for war.
Thank god he‘s ok and handled it well.
Hello everyone:

Thank you for your replies to my question as it is appreciated!

If anyone has any other thoughts/memories to add to this thread, please go ahead.

Veteran‘s son
I‘m not in CF yet,but I know if I were,to find this guy and kill him would be my proudest moment.


Osamin Bin Ladin needs to be taken out of this world if he is still alive.
Hello everyone:

I am wondering if anyone else wanted to mention the proudest moment(s) in their CF career?

In your careers in the CF, you probably had many proud moments.    :salute:    

Again, all of your replies are appreciated!

Mike a proud veteran's son
A little Backgrounder:
When I went through Basic in the early 80‘s, some NCO‘s liked to play the numbers game.
I got caught up in some major politics and the number game. At first, my Squad NCO was a guy, that knew me briefly when I was a kid, as he hung out with my cousin. Believe me, there was no favortism. In private, he once told me, he would drive me harder than others,cuz he knew me and also because I was a Newfy like himself and HE did.
H*LL begins:
The good ole RCR Sgt had to leave as his Mother was on her dying bed. We then got a Navy guy, who I was warned by the Sgt enjoyed the numbers game.
For 4 Solid weeks he failed me, he rode me and trashed my kit each and every day and each night, I would get it back in order.
Day before the Platoon WO Inspection, good ole Sgt, showed up that night and in private, went ballistic on me,for failing. I explained what happened and he understood.
He then went and looked at my kit, and said its immaculate just like when he left, BUT C******* you have to fail because the PL WO will pass you and the end of the week, the Master Seaman will fail, in turn you will then get the boot, cuz back then, you couldnt fail pass the 7th week.
I told him, I aint a quitter and I will continue staying up everynight with little sleep, so my kit is top notch everyday. He then told me, if I didnt fail the next day, he would comeback in the middle of the night and kick the living sh*t out of me, for not listening to his valuable advice.
At 5am the next morning, I inspected my kit and I was good to go. I then thought of what he said and just broke down. I swear a Guardian Angel then told me what to do.
I grabbed the long sleeve shirts and wrinkled them slightly, as I knew that was the PL WO‘s pet peeve.
Insp came, the WO was impressed at everything till he looked at the locker and he then said
"You failed C*********** "
Proudly and as loud as I could muster, I said "Thank You Warrant"

I then got recoursed and joined the smallest Recruit Course in Cornwalllis History, which later we were dubbed the "Devils Brigade".
We started with 21 & graduated with 13.
Our grad day was Rememberance Day and it was so fitting.

Like that day and every Rememberance Day since, tears will always flow down the sides of my face, as I STAND PROUD to be a Member of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Sorry for my long windedness, but you asked.

I don‘t know about you guys but I don‘t think the military issues kit so that it can be used in games ie. Paintball ect. I think a little more respect for kit should be considred and applied,
About 3 weeks ago I went to paintball (indoor) and there were 2 CF guys there in full uniform. Not the kind of stuff that you get in the surplus store (thats what I use) but brand spanking new CADPAT uniforms with highly polished boots.
Personally I thought they were crazy, I‘ve never had to look after regular a CF uniform myself, but I was in Sea Cadets briefly once a really long time ago, and I definately wouldn‘t have screwed around with that uniform outside of the hall where we did our drill.
To MuaiFui ( im not in CF yet ) but one of my proud moments ( if it happened :D ) would be to capture Usama alive and not dead. Any fool can kill, I think it would be far greater to bring him to justice.. killin‘ him would just portray him even more as a martyr ( sp ? )

I remember this one time going paintballing there was this ONE CF soldier there.... he had camo n everythin‘. Now, this was one of those big outside fields mind you, with quads and mounted turrets on it. YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY! Ill be walkin all low through the tree‘s * whap* Whered that come from! Then u see the army guy. The guy was a machine... . :o I hope i never have to face a Canadian Soldier in battle..
Say what? I don‘t understand what you‘re saying

He then went and looked at my kit, and said its immaculate just like when he left, BUT C******* you have to fail because the PL WO will pass you and the end of the week, the Master Seaman will fail, in turn you will then get the boot, cuz back then, you couldnt fail pass the 7th week.
Yeah, I had problems with it too...I think what he was saying is that you had to fail the course before the 6 week cutoff, because then, they could say you just weren‘t getting it and needed to recourse. If you failed after the 7 week cutoff, you obviously had been getting it, and slacked off...so they didn‘t want a slacker in the Forces, and you couldn‘t re-course.
You hit it, right on the head Gunnar!!!!
Back in those days, if you failed past the 7th week, there was no recourse, you headed to the Storage Room and grabbed your civvies.
The Master Seaman went ballistic, when I said "Thank You Sir" cuz I bet him in his game and I was getting recoursed, instead of him,failing me at the end of the week and then getting the Release.

I got my last digs in, at the finish of my Grad Parade. The good ole Sgt and a Mcpl from my original Platoon were congratulating me on my earned success and the Master Seaman interrupted with a smarta$$ comment. I gave him some choice words, and he looked at the 2 NCO‘s and said "did you hear that?" and they both turned their heads and said, they didnt hear anything, it was so F*ken sweet.
That Master Seaman, knocked my orig Squad down from 31 to 16, but the Pr*ck never got me. Alot of fine potential Soldiers were lost due to him.

my most memorable moment? well it hasn‘t happen yet, but it‘s suppose to my first parade night back. when my co pins my jump wings on my chest (I was the first course to use the casa plane as their main jumping plane in march, and it didn‘t qualify as a plane to jump out of until 4 months after my course). Sept. 11th is sneaking up, can‘t wait to get my wings on my chest.
but for one that has actually happend, first time jumping was an incredible feeling. stalwart guardian of this year is going to be a field ex I‘ll remember for a long time, I really enjoyed my time out there.
I don‘t know about you guys but I don‘t think the military issues kit so that it can be used in games ie. Paintball ect. I think a little more respect for kit should be considred and applied,

Guys like you really make me laugh...have some respect for the kit...good one there keener!
Proudest Monent?

Many, but one that sticks is a friend getting his Jack, and thanking me in front of the mess for not screwing up his chances (I was his sec 2i/c for recruit training, a few yrs before).

I have 50 guys and girls who I helped to become soldiers, and am proud of all of them.

There is a reverse side to that coin though... "Politically Correct" decisions made to pass troops that didn‘t even want to be there in the first place - A Capt. offering to resign his commission rather than pass one specific candidate, and being told that it wasn‘t his decision to make.

Good times outweigh the bad, and even the thickest thud eventually realizes when they don‘t belong - Thank God and good NCOs.