Several (try as I might, I simply couldn't settle on just one ... which is probably a good thing, since to do so would be an implicit admission that I'd reached a pinnacle of some sort ... chuckle):
1. Wearing full dress for the first time, for my family (first as a private, and then again as an officer - my grandfather was a private in the Boer War, and my uncle was a sergeant during the Second World War).
2. Receiving a letter from LGen Belzile stating that I was a credit to the Army.
3. Flying home in uniform from CABC with my jump wings sewn on (followed many moons later by having my German jump wings pinned on in Altenstadt - Danke Schein, Oberst-Leutnant Engel).
4. Courses:
a. Passing BOTC (and having my first platoon comd come up to me at the course party, shaking my hand and saying he didn't think I was going to pass but that he had to hand it to me for doing so - that simple gesture meant the world to me at the time). Getting an "A" on my Young Officers' Tactics course, top student on my Senior Officer Staff Course, passing my cbt tm comd crse, passing MCSC as a mere captain (when majors failed); and
b. Instructing on any course that I once took as a student (I won't bore you with the list).
5. Officially being granted the designation of DS (Directing Staff) at Staff College in Toronto (yes, I've got it in writing).
6. When a tiny, frail, elderly woman walked up to me and said "Thank you for bringing peace to our village" (on Op AKWESASNE), and years later when I met an elder at a conference and he told me how this history was now being passed down.
7. Every time I have the opportunity to speak in public, in uniform.
8. Op ATHENA (everything, right from pre-deployment trg to when I was back home and my five-year-old son told me one day in a teensy, tiny voice ... "Daddy, I wanted to go to Afghanistan with you").
9. Wait and see ...