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What religion do you consider yourself

So what do you consider yourself

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Roman Catholic, although if Jedis can remove ladies clothing with their mind I may consider converting. ;D
I was baptized as a Lutheran, but then raised in a fairly secular household (what do you expect from a household of Godless Swedes :D).

I'd love to have an FSM bumpersticker. I don't think my girlfriend would much care for it, considering that she aspires to be a chaplain.
Blackadder1916 said:
Unless CFAO 26-4 has been rescinded or amended, the following are the abbreviations that go on the ID discs.

3.     The religious denomination of the member will be abbreviated as follows:

Anglican ........................... ACC
Atheist, Agnostic, or no religion .. NRE
Baptist ............................ BAPT
Christian Science .................. CS
Greek Catholic ..................... GC
Greek Orthodox ..................... GO
Jewish ............................. JEW
Latter-Day Saints .................. LDS
Lutheran ........................... LUTH
Muslim ............................. MUS
New Apostolic Church ............... NAC
Other Protestant Denomination ...... OPD
Pentecostal ........................ PENT
Presbyterian ....................... PRES
Roman Catholic ..................... RC
Salvation Army ..................... SA
Unitarian Universalist ............. UNI
United Church ...................... UCC

4.     A member claiming a religious affiliation other than those shown above will be classified Other Denomination (OD).

This is not a complete list.  Here is the Religions in Canada as listed on the CF site.
Jedi but the mind thing isn't working very well thus far.....mind you we are just in our infancy...give us time! :salute:
Yrys said:
I think that there a lot of "cafeteria" Catholics around the world. If you regard all the dogma and the custums of the Vatican, I'm sure there is almost always
a belief or a custom that someone has in dispute. Even if the minimum standard of the RC is not that high (read on the Vatican website : mass every Sunday,
Eucharitie and confession once a year, and support the Holy mother church).
To amplify this, there are 6 Precepts to being a Roman Catholic
1.  "To keep holy the Lord's Day by attending Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and to rest from servile labour" (There are two holy days of obligation in Canada: 1 January, which is the solemnity of Mary, and 25 December, the solumnity of the Nativity.   There are six holy days of obligation in the United States:  the two mentioned above, as well as Thursday of the sixth week of Easter, the Ascension, 15 August, the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, 1 November, the solemnity of All Saints and 8 December, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception)
2.  "To confess your sins in the sacrament of Confession at least once a year during the Easter Season."
3.  "To receive holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter Season."
4.  "To observe the days of fast and abstinence according to the norms of the Church."  This needs amplification.  Fasting for Catholics means eating one main meal and smaller amount of food at other times of the day.  Snacking is forbidden.  Abstinence means no meat is eaten, and this only applies to Catholics who are 15 to 60.  
The following days are days of fasting:
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
The following are days of abstinence from meat (mammal and fowl: fish is permitted):
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
Now, ALL Fridays are days of penance, and abstinence from meat is the preferred form of penance.  As Canon 1251 says: "Abstinence from eating meat or another food according to the prescriptions of the conference of bishops is to be observed on Fridays throughout the year unless they are solemnities..."  Hence Meatless Fridays.
5.  "To observe the marriage laws of the Church" and
6.  "To contribute to the needs of the church."
Now, this is not meant to sell Catholicism to readers of this post, just to amplify the post that Yrys put up.

(modified spelling errors)
Another look at peyote... perhaps a more realistic approach?  John Safran does an Australian tv show called 'John Safran vs. God'  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZaTeSof6HI
Why is Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster not on the list?  It is as valid as any other faith.


Mortarman Rockpainter said:
To amplify this, there are 6 Precepts to being a Roman Catholic
1.  "To keep holy the Lord's Day by attending Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and to rest from servile labour" (There are two holy days of obligation in Canada: 1 January, which is the solemnity of Mary, and 25 December, the solumnity of the Nativity.   There are six holy days of obligation in the United States:  the two mentioned above, as well as Thursday of the sixth week of Easter, the Ascension, 15 August, the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, 1 November, the solemnity of All Saints and 8 December, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception)

Your listing of the precepts of the Catholic church brought back memories long suppressed of Sister *******, a lean, wizened, mean little nun of the old school who wielded a strap, ruler or any other implement (including her faith) with the enthusiasm and skill of a medieval Crusader.  She taught Catechism and, despite some character flaws, had a hilarious sense of humour.  But, no one since (not recruit school instructors, RSMs, ex-wives, nor a Rwandan mass murderer) has been able to instill the same level of dread.  While Sister ******* may not have mellowed before receiving the final sacrament, the Church did, but has it mellowed to the point of only two days of obligation.  I don't keep up on these matters.  I am, alas, a lapsed Catholic.  But, according to the Canadian Forces there are more days of obligation.

Days of Regular Observance

Roman Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on Sundays. In addition, the following are holy days of obligation in the Church:

  • Feast of Mary, Mother of God: 1 January.
  • Easter Sunday: Sunday after Passion Sunday; date is the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
  • Ascension of the Lord.
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 15 August.
  • All Saints’ Day: 1 November.
  • Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: 8 December.
  • Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Day): 25 December.

Special Observances

Days of special observance include the following:

  • Feast of the Epiphany: Sunday after Christmas.
  • Passion (Palm) Sunday (commemorates Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem; the Last Supper; His betrayal, arrest, imprisonment, torture and trial before Pontius Pilate; and His crucifixion and death on the Cross): Sunday before Easter.
  • Holy Thursday (traditional celebration of the Last Supper).
  • Good Friday: Friday preceding Easter Sunday.
I was baptized as United, consider myself Agnostic, and I've been thinking of converting to Islam.
Blackadder1916 said:
But, according to the Canadian Forces there are more days of obligation.
Interesting.  My source is the book "Prayer Time: A Collection of Catholic Prayers, copyright 2007 by Knights of Columbus Supreme Council".
Re: days of obligation, even "Wikipedia" states the same as I did for Cathoics in Canada:
I wonder if the changes were recent?

I don't practice any religion but understand principles of the Christian faith more than others,I am not for or against any moderate religion it is the fundamentalists and radical sects  I loathe.
NRE , I mite find time for religion when I am done my time in the military

My father was Protestant
My Mother Catholic
I was baptised in the Protestant Church and raised RC guess if i had to say a religion I figure with a upbringing like that I would be Anglican.

Oh ya one one further note my father is a Irish and was a member of the Orangemen until he married my mother a Catholic.

How is that for screwed up :o
ArmyVern said:
I was sitting here wondering the same thing.  :o

Most likely you'll get NRE - No Religious Expression.

Oh, If you have to guess you've not been hanging out in the politics forum or reading my custom signature... :)
Blackadder1916 said:
Your listing of the precepts of the Catholic church brought back memories long suppressed of Sister *******, a lean, wizened, mean little nun of the old school who wielded a strap, ruler or any other implement (including her faith) with the enthusiasm and skill of a medieval Crusader.  She taught Catechism and, despite some character flaws, had a hilarious sense of humour.  But, no one since (not recruit school instructors, RSMs, ex-wives, nor a Rwandan mass murderer) has been able to instill the same level of dread.  While Sister ******* may not have mellowed before receiving the final sacrament, the Church did, but has it mellowed to the point of only two days of obligation.  I don't keep up on these matters.  I am, alas, a lapsed Catholic. 
Hey, I have a good one too.
While I was in school, there were still some nuns in the system. Thankfully I was able to avoid the experience. However, when I started teaching, I began hearing some old war stories from my more experienced colleagues. Some that had taught at our sister high school spoke at length about one of the former principals who happened by a nun. I don't really remember her name, only her nickname; Sister Scorpion Lady. Never mind scaring the crap out of the kids, she scared the living s**t out of the staff. Never met the lady, but based on what I heard, I'm glad I didn't 'cause the stories scared the crap out of me.  :)
I consider myself a Jew. My father's side is notvery religious only doing holidays such as Xmas,Easter. My grandpa's family on my dad's side were all Orangemen. My mom's side is not very religious. My great-grandma on my mom's side was Jewish so I kept the tradition. I do go to a Catholic school which is pretty funny, but I go fro the education quality not for religious reasons.
Well Ak.abdale,

You may be able to explain at your school how Jesus might have celebrate Eastern...
I've read a novel a few years back about a Jewish family adopting a black girl. I've found
the description of the Jewish holidays very interesting.
Well Passover is currently being celebrated, but most of my friends are agnostic or aethist and they said happy Passover which I thought was pretty nice of them.I have taught most people all that I know and I get some really funny questions ,but I answer them to the best of my ability.