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What religion do you consider yourself

So what do you consider yourself

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I'm a recent FSM convert.  I used to belong to the 4th Reformation Creepy Walking Pastaists but it didn't work out.
ArmyVern said:
I clicked athiest, but according to Wikipedia ... being an athiest means that I really can fall into the category of FSM.


Changing to appropriate avtar now, I'll be over it by Sunday.  ;)
uncle-midget-boyd said:
All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!!
*bows down*

Bane said:
I'm a recent FSM convert.  I used to belong to the 4th Reformation Creepy Walking Pastaists but it didn't work out.

Godless heathens....




Kiefer Sutherland voice in the youtube video IS strange ! Is it because I've only heard it in French (dubbed by someone else) ?

ArmyVern said:
I clicked atheist, but according to Wikipedia ... being an atheist means that I really can fall into the category of FSM.

wiki :
"Due to its recent popularity and media exposure, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is often used by atheists, agnostics (known by Pastafarians as "spagnostics"), and others as a modern version of Russell's teapot[5] and the Invisible Pink Unicorn."

Even if wiki is talking about atheist and agnostic, I think it is a good church for anyone believing in separation of church and state (and school).
Yrys said:
Kiefer Sutherland voice in the youtube video IS strange ! Is it because I've only heard it in French (dubbed by someone else) ?

It's what happens when you take Peyote....


the 48th regulator said:
It's what happens when you take Peyote....


Another light bulb moment :), brought to me by a kind mod.

ArmyVern said:
I really can fall into the category of FSM.

If I fll out FSM on my dogtags or date capture sheet, will they reproduce it as FSM and accpt that or will they just write down Other Demonination or something?
Yrys said:
Civile hijack

What is that ?

We are issued nets, when we get into basic, so that when we are on leave we are able to find a woman.

It comes issued to us when we get our axes and hemets with horns on them.


Yrys said:
Even if wiki is talking about atheist and agnostic, I think it is a good church for anyone believing in separation of church and state (and school).
If guess if that works for you, but let's not re-open that can of worms!  ;)
Flawed Design said:
If I fll out FSM on my dogtags or date capture sheet, will they reproduce it as FSM and accpt that or will they just write down Other Demonination or something?

I was sitting here wondering the same thing.  :o
Years ago I put C of E on my dog tag order form,  the tags arrived with ACC on them.  I ordered new ones with NRE on them.
the 48th regulator said:
We are issued nets, when we get into basic, so that when we are on leave we are able to find a woman.

It comes issued to us when we get our axes and hemets with horns on them.



Sort of like the Borat wedding sack. ;D
The guy walking around Pembroke with one friday night is me.

I like you...how much?
I'll get this out of the way so that people don't think I'm completely hijacking: Agnostic.  Now...

I am really impressed how respectful this thread has remained, but I have to ask; why does this need to be brought up (aside from shear curiosity) in the first place?  Topics like this are usually a bomb waiting to go off.  I am happy enough to have the freedom to follow my own path in life (and others their own).  I'm also happy to see the open and accepting air of others in this thread.  Isn't that enough?

KingKikapu said:
why does this need to be brought up (aside from shear curiosity) in the first place?  Topics like this are usually a bomb waiting to go off.  I am happy enough to have the freedom to follow my own path in life (and others their own). 

I would say no need to brought up, just freedom to post...
Fair enough.  I just think this whole 'keeping score' thing can lead down unintended paths.  For freedom sake, I voted, but I think this is where I stop commenting on this one.

much regards.
Flawed Design said:
If I fll out FSM on my dogtags or date capture sheet, will they reproduce it as FSM and accpt that or will they just write down Other Demonination or something?

Unless CFAO 26-4 has been rescinded or amended, the following are the abbreviations that go on the ID discs.

3.    The religious denomination of the member will be abbreviated as follows:

Anglican ........................... ACC
Atheist, Agnostic, or no religion .. NRE
Baptist ............................ BAPT
Christian Science .................. CS
Greek Catholic ..................... GC
Greek Orthodox ..................... GO
Jewish ............................. JEW
Latter-Day Saints .................. LDS
Lutheran ........................... LUTH
Muslim ............................. MUS
New Apostolic Church ............... NAC
Other Protestant Denomination ...... OPD
Pentecostal ........................ PENT
Presbyterian ....................... PRES
Roman Catholic ..................... RC
Salvation Army ..................... SA
Unitarian Universalist ............. UNI
United Church ...................... UCC

4.    A member claiming a religious affiliation other than those shown above will be classified Other Denomination (OD).

If you read his original post -- I think he's just looking to see how diverse an audience we have here; he's not looking to start a bun fight ... he flat out states that he's not looking for fights etc.

Now, speaking of bun fights ...  ;)

Your post questioning it's requirement (necessity), is the first controversial post of the thread. Ironic that.

This thread is fine. And, it's going well. We are a pretty diverse and accomodating bunch around here. I really don't see the requirement or the necessity to turn this thread into a debate about whether or not religion should be discussed.

We aren't at the dinner table after all.
I'm surprised that Unitarian Universalist is there, as they're saying that they don't have many followers...

ArmyVern said:
Your post questioning it's requirement (necessity), is the first controversial post of the thread. Ironic that.

This thread is fine. And, it's going well. We are a pretty diverse and accommodating bunch around here. I really don't see the requirement or the necessity to turn this thread into a debate about whether or not religion should be discussed.
While I don't think I would go as far as saying I was being controversial, I did note the irony.  In any event, I read you loud and clear.  My apologies.  Forget I brought any of it up.