It really shouldn't matter whether the responses are from men or women as men are also qualified to say:
1) You will be treated the same as all the other candidiates, regardless of sex;
2) For PT purposes, however many pushups you end up doing will be up to your staff etc. PT is done by course, sex is irrelevant; For your fitness test, you will be required to do less pushups than a man the same age as you is required to do to pass. Is this proper?? Well, it's the way it is. That being said, be a real woman ... keep doing them 'til you're the last damn man/woman doing them, or until you CAN NOT do any more. That's what a soldier would do, regardless of sex;
3) Are they easier on us?? No, nor should they be, nor should you want them to be. Some of your instructors will be women. Give me a break. Do you want them to be easier on you because you are a woman? If so, the CFs probably not the best career option for you. If not, you will be treated as per response #1. If your instructors are easier on you for ANY reason, something is wrong. It's BMQ for crying out loud;
4) There are plenty of us women in the CF; you will, by no means, be alone;
5) The vast majority of us women out there fully realize that we are different, but we also understand that we are soldiers first, tradesmen second, and women last; anything else is unacceptable. This is as it should be. This is a very important point. Your sex has ZERO bearing upon your personal performance. Any success' or failures will NOT be determined on the basis of your sex. Success' and failures are directly caused by the individual's performance, not sex. It is in the attitude and your personal drive, regardless of sex;
6) Do a search ... these answers are out there already, with input from women; and
7) Good luck.
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