Hi All,
I did my reg. BMQ (10 weeks) at the Mega in St Jean almost 4 years ago. As many others have posted in this thread, its all just a game. No matter if you are the most crack "on the ball" troop, you're getting jacked up for at least the first 8 weeks. Thats all there is to it. Its all part of dispelling your preconceptions about the military, breaking you down and building you back up again.
But I digress from the topic of this thread.
- If you were a cadet prior, dont bring your mantality with you (The "I've been here before, I've done that before" attitude), it'll only make your life harder. Trust me. Just help your buddies polish boots and iron shirts.
My best tip is to become slightly Obsessive Compulsive. I will explain:
- Always make sure your kit, and especially your weapon is secure. Double Check. Triple Check. I've often made the 5 story sprint (or marching at a cadence of 240 bpm, looking like a windup toy cranked way too tight) from the break room downstairs to double check my Abus lock and combo locks.
- Dont touch Staircase Railings (as tempting as it may seem when climbing up 12 flights of stairs) or other germ havens (watch out for them payphones too, no idea how many generations of recruits were sobbing and sniffling into the receiver) I spent the first 4-5 weeks of basic training with a completely stuffed up nose and what felt like strep throat. I also woke up on multiple occasions with my eyes crusted shut (extremely gross, I know, but I'm making a point) A friend advised me to stop using the Railings, and I had no further health problems.
Just know that there is 300+ filthy recruits using many of the same facilities and touching the same doors (such as the one going from the basement of the green sector to the cafeteria). They dont all wash their hands, and the hygeing of some is questionable at best. In a nutshell, my life would have been made much easier if I wasnt hindered by a slew of minor ailments the first half of my BMQ.
My .02 cents
Good luck to all who are joining up, we need all the good troops we can get.