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What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

Springroll said:
If you feel like folding your undies 4x6 everyday,
Honest question here, I assume you don't wear the same pair of underwear everyday so what do you guys do to achieve these pairs of underwear that never get worn.

Keep sets in your personal locker and just go through those?
Hey everyone says not to have a second set of toiletties  (spelling?)  which I understand, teaches you to do things right and not make short cuts.... what I am wondering however... is if you have PT at 5 am and a inspection at 7.. your obviosuly (or opefully) going tos hower, hence, you will use the soap.... how do you get it dry? 
I'm going to use my PT clothes to dry it off. May as well, just going to wash it later that day anyways.
As the title of this subject says:  NO EXCUSE!  There is no excuse that you haven't taken the time to read the posts here giving you all kinds of tips to make life easier.  Tips in this topic and others will help you on your way to being a productive member of the CF who knows how to use their initiative.  Initiative to read instructions and orders.  Tips on methods to use in order to make life and work easier and shorter in duration.  Tips on the correct means with which to communicate clearly and concisely.  All of that can be found on this site, much of it in this topic.  READ.
omgLiam said:
I'm going to use my PT clothes to dry it off. May as well, just going to wash it later that day anyways.

One thing I thought about was filling the shampoo bottle with body wash (since I will have next to no hair anyways) and only use the bar of soap every once in a while and use real body wash most of the time. I fear just using shampoo as bodywash as reccomended wouldnt work as well.
case.a said:
Hey everyone says not to have a second set of toiletties  (spelling?)  which I understand, teaches you to do things right and not make short cuts.... what I am wondering however... is if you have PT at 5 am and a inspection at 7.. your obviosuly (or opefully) going tos hower, hence, you will use the soap.... how do you get it dry? 

Paper towel.
Do you guys need to be led around by the noses?  Seriously!  Go to the beginning and read:

jaawod said:
For those going to basic in St. Jean here are some tips I picked up while I was there:

-2 shaving kits; it's a must have.
-secondary pairs of boxers, you do not want to be refolding something that took you 20 min to get right.
-pick up a stiff brush such as a women's fingernail brush.  Brush down your whole boot every day, including the sole.  Some people like to use hairspray on the sole.  It does make it shiny and black but the instructors will know you used it.  If you are told to polish the bottoms, use the liquid polish.  It's fast, easy, and doesn't mark up the floor.
-swiffers and pledge wipes: an inspections best friend.
-STANDARDIZE.  It doesn't matter how good you are, if your coursemates are not at the same standard everyone will get jacked.
-This one is a weird trick.  If you have hallways as your station job, sweep, mop and get rid of bootmarks at night, around 10:00.  In the morning sit a big guy on a fire blanket and drag him around once or twice.  It picks up the dust and lint and buffs the floor really nicely.
-Ironing shirts: spray a healthy layer of starch, then let them sit for about 20 min before you iron.  This stops the iron from burning on the starch and leaving all the little black spots.
-Clean the inside of your inspection toothpaste lid.  Yes, they will look there.
-Always try to get your uniform and everything you can ready the night before.  It makes those 5:00 mornings SO much easier.

That's all I got right now, if I think of more I'll put them up.

Cpl Bloggins said:
An added note, if you're going to end up using 2 sets of toiletries, try not to make it blantently obvious. (Ex. brand new soap/toothpaste, dust on the shaving cream can, etc. etc.) The instructors aren't idiots, they know all the tricks cause they did basic before too, remember.

And to you guys that are freaked out that you're going to fail. Don't. The vast amount of people that I have seen fail from courses (and, apart from my basic, these are courses based more strongly on academics then a course like basic) are for medical reasons. So 1. Take good care of yourself and your body and 2. Make sure you get something which may appear small fixed before it becomes a bigger problem.

A big part of basic is attitude. The point of the course is to take guys and girls that know very little about the military and turn them into soldiers - it's impossible to be 100% prepared for it. Being physically fit is a start, but a big part I found was also keeping a positive attitude as much as possible, no matter how crappy the situation seemed. It's all part of a game, it's not the end of the world that there was a piece of lint on the bottom of the garbage can or water in the sink, even though it may seem that way. Fix it for next time and move on.

Don't freak too much about the classroom parts. Pay attention in class and don't sleep (alot more challenging then it sounds) and study before tests. Nothing out of the ordinary here. I don't know how that many people could have failed a basic nowadays for this sort of thing, the instructors are there to try and make you learn and pass. ASK QUESTIONS if you're not sure of something, the only stupid question is the one not asked.

Work together, and help out buddy when he/she needs it. They'll be there to help you. It's pretty hard to do basic on your own. It's been mentioned before, but looking out for yourself and yourself only isn't going to get you (or your course) very far. The faster everyone figures that out the better.

Good luck, and stop worrying so much!

Mojo Magnum said:
Paracowboys post on another thread.
Answered all my questions.

I've posted this advice in any number of threads, but you guys still aren't getting it, so I'll try again.


You're getting yourselves all worked up and freaking yourselves out over stupid crap. How do I pass this? What happens if I fail that? How many people failed your Basic? Did they get shot? Are they dog food now? If I sprain a follicle, will I be re-coursed?

Your instructors are professionals who fully intend to see every one of you become little Privates in our special club, we got goin' here. If you show up reasonably fit, with the proper attitude, and LISTEN TO THEM, that is exactly what will happen. You will pass, and join our cheery ranks.

People, literally THOUSANDS of men and women have undergone this training before you. They have passed, and without this website to hold their hands, and give pep talks, and group hugs. Nobody sang "Kumbaya" with me when I got on the bus. My Dad shook my hand, said "Don't ever quit", and that was it. And I sit here, with looking down from the giddy height of MCpl. If I can do it, so can you.

Stop panicking, do your PT, and THAT'S IT. That's it. It's that friggin' simple! There's no need to read any secret books. There's no requirement to study before you go. Everything you will need to learn will be taught to you, with the necessary Standard demonstrated (and whatever "cheats" and "hints" are applicable).

Read my thread on Blisters, Shin Splints, and PT in the Training forum. It has several posts in it dealing with attitude. Now, for the sake of whatever Being you hold sacred (or profane, I'll swear by anything) RELAX.

Just some friendly advice. Feel free to ignore it. Most of you will, I'm sure.

And there are so many more good words of wisdom there.........................if you go and read.

Please don't confuse this FORUM with CHAT.
oh!  i remember reading about ironing.. someone said soemthing about spraying the starch on then waiting so it wont create the tiny black specs.... another way is to turn them inside out, spray them and let them sit for a second or two, then turn them back and iron them.
case.a said:
oh!  i remember reading about ironing.. someone said soemthing about spraying the starch on then waiting so it wont create the tiny black specs.... another way is to turn them inside out, spray them and let them sit for a second or two, then turn them back and iron them.

Or, you know, use a pressing cloth and save yourself the hassle  ;D
Or don't worry about it so much and save both yourselves the hassle. Nicely ironed shirts are great, but you'll have more to worry about then turning your shirts inside out.
case.a said:
oh!  i remember reading about ironing.. someone said soemthing about spraying the starch on then waiting so it wont create the tiny black specs.... another way is to turn them inside out, spray them and let them sit for a second or two, then turn them back and iron them.

Spray 20-25 cm. away from the shirt. There shouldn't be any black specks unless you are spraying too close to the shirt. :)
George Wallace said:
Do you guys need to be led around by the noses?  Seriously!  Go to the beginning and read:

And there are so many more good words of wisdom there.........................if you go and read.

Please don't confuse this FORUM with CHAT.

Yes, they do need to be led around by their noses.

As I recall - so did I, only there wasn't the Internet then - so somebody ACTUALLY grabbed my nose and led me around.

It worked.

Having said that - George is right - this isn't "Chat"
Some of the best BMQ tips I recieved were from staff! Just ask them, they will usually give a sniff if they think you deserve it.
:cdn: Do they let you bring a digital camera to Basic? Does anybody know? ...just curious. Thanks.
Flashback to my IAP/BOTP:

Guys sleeping on top of their sheets in their PT gear freezing and getting a shitty night sleep. Me in my undies and carefully folded back blankets warm and getting a great night sleep. Funny how guys think saving 5 minutes in the morning is worth getting a shitty nights sleep. I didn't have a "ghost kit" because if a DS finds a few bits of stubble in my razor.... guess what...he doesn't care?!?! I use the damn thing! Just marks it down and it's one of my points to take care of next time. Often There was  a bit of soap residue in my dish and the DS didn't care because I was the only one that actually used my inspection soap. Size small tighty whities for my display undies? No way my big ol striped boxers folded up right dimensions but way high. Takes 20 seconds to fold a pair of boxers.

The one thing that really pissed me off: They ALWAYS dinged me on my rain gear dimensions. I used to fold it up 11.5ish by 11.5 ish the night before, put it under my matress and press it down so it would flatten out to around 12x12. It looked perfect but damned PO would ding me for 12 1/4 inch by 12 3/8 inch rain gear. sigh.
infanteer-it said:
The one thing that really pissed me off: They ALWAYS dinged me on my rain gear dimensions. I used to fold it up 11.5ish by 11.5 ish the night before, put it under my matress and press it down so it would flatten out to around 12x12. It looked perfect but damned PO would ding me for 12 1/4 inch by 12 3/8 inch rain gear. sigh.

I got lucky! Through both IAP and BOTP not one of my section commander ever once measured anything, rain gear, underwear, combat shirts or what have you.
Danjanou said:
Like GW said there is no such thing as 100% if we need to find something wrong we will. Often we don’t need to. Concentrate on what you’re there for learning to be part of something important.

infanteer-it said:
Guys sleeping on top of their sheets in their PT gear freezing and getting a shitty night sleep. Me in my undies and carefully folded back blankets warm and getting a great night sleep. Funny how guys think saving 5 minutes in the morning is worth getting a shitty nights sleep.

I've heard lots of people saying they did this - sleep on top of the blankets so as not to mess them up. I'd rather get a good night's sleep and get up a little earlier to make the bed. Thanks for letting me know it's not a crazy idea.  ;)