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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

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Australian army, Armoured Corp, coming to Canada on exchange with RCD at the start of the month hopefully (still in the pipeline but looking good). 2 years experiance in M113A1, and almost a year in ASLAVs. Its the best gig in the world
Trooper Hale said:
Australian army, Armoured Corp, coming to Canada on exchange with RCD at the start of the month hopefully (still in the pipeline but looking good). 2 years experiance in M113A1, and almost a year in ASLAVs. Its the best gig in the world

Welcome Mate!


Wesley H. Allen said:
Welcome Mate!



Aussies all over the place.  Mike had better create a separate forum (Ozarmy.aus) for you fellows.  ;)

Hey all,

First post, and a good question for an intro

Joined the CScotR (Mil) in 1975, and wound up w/ the Airborne Regiment for six mos during OP Gamescan, (yeah, I know...one of the Olympians:har, har). And no, not a jumper.  Made the foolish mistake of turning down a jump course to go back to university.  Yes, I know, but I was young and stupid.  Grey hair now, but not sure I'm much smarter.

Also spent time w/ 2RCR. Good souls that treated me well, and filled alot of gaps in my knowledge base.

Spent 4 fruitless years in Colwood and Red Deer AB as A CIL (now CIC) officer.  Nothing at all against CIC or cdts, but I spent most of my time fighting the politics enjendered by an older generation of CIC officers who were more worried about getting their Capt/Maj (cuz they were only cpls in the reg, ya see) than they were about running a cdt org.  Sad really, because the officers I had when I was a cdt were good people.

Joined 749CommTp (Res) in Red Deer, was able to easily divest myself of a CIC commision, and reverted to my inf rank of cpl. By the time I left 5 yrs later I'd reached the lofty rank of sgt, and had a whale of a good time, including 3 years on callout w/ res and reg force units.

Then moved to Yellowknife.  Back in those days, YK didn't have a Res unit, (they were supposed to be getting an ARAF, but I don't know if that ever happened).  So, I spent my time as a civ instr w/ the army cdt unit up there. When I finally moved back to civilization in '89, I rejoined the comm res.  By the time I got in there were new uniforms, (silliest things I'd ever seen, those "garrison dress things"), new rifle, ("but I miss my FN," ...sniff), and a new attitude. The attitude seemed to amount to FIGMO: "F*ck it; i got mine", and seemed to filter all the way fm the CDS down to the ranks.  Finally pulled the pin in '94, partially in disgust.

Gotta admit, what I see these days tells me that the negative trends I saw in the 90s have largely reversed themselves.  I've got a friend in 2PPCLI and his reports are heartening.  There was nothing so wonderful as watching the Welcome Home parade and reception the people of Edmonton had for the PPCLI when the first msn returned fm Afganistan. The Cdn Army has always been something to be proud of, but civilians and some members forgot that for a while.

Anyway, awful long ramble for a simple question: sorry.  To those of you currently serving, (reg and res), and particularly those overseas, my thoughts and thanks are with you.

Deas gu Cath.

For the past 13+ years I have been working Full-Time, PRes with the Navy Reserve. Great job and even better experience.
Spent 7 years as the by and far ferris bueller of the Prarie Region Cadets with both 570 and 868sqns
spent 2 years working my ass off in heavy oil and aviation petrotechnical
missed the camaradiere
so, 4 months ago put in my papers and 2 months ago, i got my ass sworn in with B Sqn SALH, and am awaiting BMQ/SQ/DP1 to be an Armd Crwmn in a recce sqn.
At this point im useless and the by and far juniorman at the unit, wheres at my civy job (across the airfield) im one of the senior fuelers.
Ahh well, its all good from here
I guess that I can consider myself an annoying, almost old fart who prattles on about the good old days when men where men (i.e. those that carried the FNC1) and sheep (small woolly 4 legged animals) were afraid, yet I am not old enough to be useful buying beers (or do you all drink Starbucks now?) so young plugs will listen to my stories.  :salute:
Colin P said:
I guess that I can consider myself an annoying, almost old fart who prattles on about the good old days when men where men (i.e. those that carried the FNC1) and sheep (small woolly 4 legged animals) were afraid, yet I am not old enough to be useful buying beers (or do you all drink Starbucks now?) so young plugs will listen to my stories.  :salute:

What is it with you and sheep?    ;)

Recce By Death said:
What is it with you and sheep?    ;)


You don't want to know... trust me on this I've known him a long time and you really don't want to know. :o
I only want to know if it has anything to do with wool...then again...sheep and squaddies... :D
Danjanou said:
You don't want to know... trust me on this I've known him a long time and you really don't want to know. :o

I know him from another 'grate' site as well    ;D

I'm going to post an update...

reservist, OS, completed bmq and heading for NETP in July, currently doing GD in Esquimalt. My trade will be Naval Communicator.
Thought I had posted here, but guess not yet.

Naval Reserves for 15 years in June.  Last 4 of them on a Class C contract in sunny Victoria, BC as a "tugboat radio chick".  Enrolled as a sig, and amalgamated to comm (didn't have a choice with that one).  I am being posted ashore in September, and it's bittersweet.

CT in for AESOp, medical and CFAT this Wednesday.