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What have you won thus far in the Roll Up the Rim?

I'm 3 for 3... all have been coffee, and I hate coffee.  ::)
I've won 8 coffees and 2 donuts all from XL and only 'bout $45 spent!  :'(
Won : nothing.

Had : free coffe and donut (from cups from the last one  :-X) !
What have i won so far..........


Tried in 4 provinces and nothing..........I'm going to make it 5 this morning so i guess there is still hope.
I think it's a requirement to be from the Toronto area in order to win the big prizes! :) my friend worked at a tim horton's in mississauga and it was one of those "outlet" stores (ie, no sitting, just a drive through) and her store in one year gave away three big screen TVs, nearly 10 bikes, the SUV from that year and one of the other "big" prizes. I'm pretty sure they allocate the prizes to the yuppies because they make good press photos instead of some "joe" from up north.

(She also told me that the stores in the northern community where I'm from, are ten times busier... hers was a very slow one... so, I'm pretty sure they rig the contest!)
Food prize changes for 2011.....16 million more than last year:


I never knew that roll up the rim started. I buy timmies 3 times at least a day and never seen one of them yet.
Strike said:
You know what that means...Spring's on the way!!!!

Positive: Short skirts on university students...and the bike out of storage.  :nod:

Negative: Garbage in the student ghetto....and an 'inevitable' election with the frustrations of electioneering  :brickwall:

I miss my Harley -- and I know she misses me  ;)
Yeah I will be happy to get the winter rims off my sports car  ;D

As for rolling up the rim...not so much for me this year. I actually prefer McDonalds coffee now. The only time I will get Tim's is at the OnRoutes along the 401 on the drive home...
Spectrum said:
As for rolling up the rim...not so much for me this year. I actually prefer McDonalds coffee now.
Heartilly concur; I'm definitely a McD's coffee fan -- and for every five, the sixth one's free.  :)
Sheepishly admitting to getting  the seniors discount for that fine coffee.  ;)

And let's not forget the coffee and a muffin for $1.48 plus a free Toronto Star.

It's hard to go back to Timmies prices even if their coffee is good.

Family Day, wife working, ya it's McD time.  :)
Baden  Guy said:
Sheepishly admitting to getting  the seniors' discount for that fine coffee.  ;)
While I'm NOT eligible for the seniors discount....  ;) 

....there's one kid here who gives me the seniors' rate because I always bring in a travel mug; she says she's "screwing-over 'profiteering management' and saving the planet" -- and I'm OK benefitting from her misguided enthusiasms  ;D
Don't usually go to Tim's, but the cafe in our building was closed today, so I did a coffee run for my clerks.  Won a coffee on my first roll this year.
First roll and free coffee! It's about time as I was completely skunked last year!