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What have you won thus far in the Roll Up the Rim?

I got about three free coffees and a couple donuts. This was all when it first started. It's gone downhill since then.
Hmmm let me think...
Nothing!! ...and this is because I have the worst bloody luck when it comes to that sort of thing!!  I drink a double-double almost everyday and have never never won a damn thing.  And if I do strike it big and win the Rav4, it will probably get freakin' stolen outside a WalMart.

I think its probably Karma, later on in life I'll win the lottery to make up for it!  :nod:
I've won 5 coffee's so far this year, but then again I drink coffee like a feind!
5 cups a weeks and I've won 1 donut and 5 coffees.  And I think they like me, 'cause they keep asking me to play again.
I have won about 6 free coffee and 3 donuts.  I have probably purchased about 15.  I'm holding out for the car... Mine, Mine, Mine... ;D
i went on an unheard of winning streak of six consecutive winners this week, 5 coffees and one donut.  and i was winning something i'd guess once every three cups before the streak started.  sadly, my run ended this morning :(

too bad one of them hadn't have been a bigger prize...
I am having the best Roll the Rim results ever!

I have won a free coffee everyday for the last two weeks and to top it off two on Thursday. Plus three donuts.

It is more than all other years combined.  No RAV yet  :(
I keep forgetting to check and throw out the cups. 

I figure 5 laptops, 3 Rav4's, $30,000 and 25 coffees  :)
I should have waited 2 minutes before posting my last, because as soon as I hit "post" I rolled the rim only to win yet another coffee (I'm up to 7 now). About 9 or 10 years ago I think I bought maybe 2 coffee for the whole contest, the rest were all free java's.
Sweet f**k all.  Don't drink coffee and don't get them with Ice Caps!  :crybaby:  But, lucky for me the Ice Cap help me overcome the depths of my sorrow, especially ones with Bailey's added!!  ;D
A blonde goes into a Tim Horton's and notices
a 'roll up the rim' sticker on her coffee cup.
So she unfolds it and starts screaming,
'I've won a motorhome!
I've won a motorhome!'

The waitress says, 'That's impossible.
The biggest prize is car?'
But the blonde keeps on screaming,
'I've won a motorhome!
I've won a motorhome!'
Finally, the manager comes over and says,
'Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you're mistaken.
You couldn't have possibly won a motorhome
because we didn't have that as a prize.'
The blonde says, 'No, it's not a mistake.
I've won a motorhome!'
And she hands the cup to the manager
and he reads...

'W I N A B A G E L'

I got a few donuts... *looks at gut* Thank god I gave them away.
I won a Timmy's KAF hat....but, being the nice guy that I am (and who probably wouldn't wear it anyway), I sold it to one of the guys in the Det.  Of the "large prizes" of $1000 and the Toshiba laptops, the last ROTO of our det won 1 of the $1000 and 3-4 Toshibas.  It just proves they drank too much coffee  :blotto:
I've only won 3 coffees and a couple donuts (only bought about 20$ of coffees). My father on the other hand.. doesn't have to buy timmies because the lucky guy just won a gift card with 100$ on it >_<
SocialyDistorted said:
I won a TimCard today on my XL 4-4 :D

4 & 4? You should be disqualified for doing that to a perfectly good coffee. >:(

One FREE Doughnut that so far has cost between $25.00 and $30.00    :crybaby:
