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What Foreign Armies Can We Join?

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Whichever country you as an individual have citizenship to. Other than that, any country with a foreign contigent as part of their armed forces.
1) French Foreign Legion.
2) Spanish Foreign Legion
(I think that the Spain has changed its criteria and no longer acccepts foreign recruits into its legion, but I could be mistaken)
like wongskc said u can try an outfit like the french foreign legion. Its easier, as in administratively easier, to join forces within the British Commenwealth. However, you still must be working towards a citizenship to that coountry.
As a former member of the CF, with now dual nationality, which I recived back in 1997 (Australian and Canadian), and one who has sucessfully made the leap into another Army, read on.....

In most British Commonwealth countries, you must be a resident (residency visa), with a ‘promise‘ to obtain citizenship within a set time. If not you will be realeased quicksmart.

Most military qualifications can be recognised at the discretion of the analysers of your qualifications, and if you come from a Commonweath nation), but some work up courses once ‘in country‘ are usually a pre-requisite also.

Age is also a factor, here in Australia its 17-35, or up to 42, with previous experience required.

In the UK, you can only do a maximun of 22yrs before they retire you.

Here in Australia you can stay from 17-60yrs old if you like.

There will also be a host of nations which you must be a citizen to join also, which could mean a 2-5 yr wait, depending on what country it is, and may not, and will mprobably not recognise anything you have done in Canada (USA for example), so beware.

Other countries, of a lesser stature may hire you on, but your life expectancy may be limited. I know of a few guys who joined some African countries, and were lucky to escape with their lives, experiencing much shock and trauma in primitve battle conditions, and seeing horrible things.

In my view, killing by ‘pay cheque‘ is just being a hired murderer, so best to stick with a country which has ties to the Commonwealth, and recognises you, who you already are.

I have worked long and hard to get where I am. I am only 26hrs door to door from my house on the southern beaches of Sydney, to Regina, back in Canada. Yet its been 4yrs since I have been back.

Theres more to it than getting here, and getting in. Its a new life, a second chance, and the most hugest thing I ever did in my life. Its a big challenge, and it might not be for everyone.

It has not been easy at times, but I have excelled here more than I ever could back in Canada.

So, if you wanna do it, good luck.


Spanish foreign legion is open to speakers of spanish only. Permanent residency status is required to apply to enlist in the states.(also a SIN number) The UK is VERY acommadating however they have some bizzare medical standards.(weight to height ratio). French foreign lgion can only be applied to from within France......
Speaking from experience, for the US forces, the number of jobs open to people with permanent residence status is very small, also you can‘t get a commission as an officer without being a US Citizen.
I had a recruiting Sargeant from the Corps tell me that if I flew down "bought" a SIN card he would have me on the cattle truck going to Boot camp over the weekend. I‘ve got family in Texas and seriously considered it for a while.
Like I said, wouldn‘t be a problem getting into a few trades, but there is a security clearance issue that comes into play with Permanent resident/non us citizens.
The officer issue holds true I know that for a fact, what specific trades are closed to non us citizens I‘m not sure of, but I‘m willing to guess infantry would be open to anyone willing (cannon fodder). I was going to apply to the USN as a Master at Arms, but there was a security restriction on tha trade so I didn‘t even bother starting the process.

Perhaps Maj. Baker could help out here.
Yes that is certainly true for officer positions in the Marines. Its is only open to American citizens. I REALLY wanted 0311 rifleman.(you know cannon fodder) Not much interested in being an officer. Backed out because I love my country to much to leave.......
I have a friend that came back to the regiment after a basic engagement in the reg force he came back because he was placed in mechanized infantry and could not get a transfer to light. He has called and talked with both the Brits and the US and has recieved word back from both of his acceptance, to either. :soldier:
I would guess that the basic trades (armour, infantry, arty) are open to perm residents.
It would be trades like intelligence, pilots, security(master at arms for ex), nuclear etc. that would accept us citizens only.
So are you guys saying that as a canadian citizen i can go today and just sign up for the marines and get in?? i have some family there like aunts and stuff. I want to be a regular infantry marine. Always been my dream to be in the marines but thought that canadians cant join :( can anyone tell me what i should do? If i cant do anything i will have a choice either cdn army or ffl.

Sorry bro. Aunts arent close enough. Who knows though these guys will tell you different. I was informed by American Immigration that it would take me anywhere from 2 to 10 years to get a work visa to apply. Since I wouldnt buy black market papers. I have family in texas too. Aunts and Cousins. All of which are Marines. They hooked me up with recruiters and contacts but we couldnt work out the visa thing.
If I were you, I‘d throw in my lot with the French Foreign Legion. I understand that the selection process takes just two weeks or so.
for the US bit, unless you have a member of your family that has a US citensenship, your chances of getting a Green Card(Perm Resisdent) is next to none.

without that card, you cant join the US Army or Navy

Marines and Air Force as far as I know, will only accept you if you have a US citensenship, also if you have prior experiance in a military(that isnt US), you cant enlist in the US Air Force, even if you have a US citesenship.
No, the Foreign Legion is a polygot organization with french as an integral part of basic training. I was toying with the idea of joining until I read that the initial contract was for 5 years, and that the basic part of their training is anything but basic: four months of solid training, with the emphasis placed on brutal, unrelenting discipline. I don‘t know, perhaps it would be better to be yelled at in a language I don‘t understand than in the CF and in my mother tongue. A hard call. Apparently the Spanish Foreign Legion stopped taking in foreigners in 1987. From all accounts the Spanish Legion made the French legion look like a church ice cream social. It wasn‘t an uncommon occurrence for the spanish legionnaires to be beaten to death for minor infractions. Such a jolly lot, those spaniards.
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