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What Foreign Armies Can We Join?

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12.7 x 107mm is Soviet. Try finding such calibres on RIFLES in Canada, yet alone North America. I have not evens seen one here. That Soviet cartridge is used in their MG's. Thats not a car BTW.

Maybe you should consider taking up foosball Ronnie, or don't you already? Leave dealing with reality for the real men.
WOW -- I've never actually seen anyone shoot themselves in the head so badly in a thread before.

Considering GAP was in VN with the USMC and had a son who served two tours in Afghan with the CF
Wes was a SNCO in the CF and now the RAA
Teflon is a PPCLI SNCO

Geez - anyone else you want to wig out on?
Hey Hales, you settled in Bris-Vegas yet?

Will I see you here before I go, if not ,ANZAC Day perhaps??

Me thinks I'll be hanging out at the Bribie Island RSL for this years.

Cold XXXX's,


Only here for afew days and already you have a verbal warning and a bunch of good friends here

Can you really take Yourself seriously? All this thumping your chest, "I can buy all the 50 cal I want" attitude from some piss ant little crap who claims to know a someone from every where, does such and such or fought somewhere,....

I had this cab driver from Tyre, Lebanon tell me for an hour how to make make Nitroglycerin. Then he wanted me to make it, also gave me his cell phone number.

My friend who was in a Marine Force Recon unit used to smoke weed, hash, mushrooms, acid and break danced to 80's rap on linoleum floors while high on crack. He applied to the Canadians and got shut down.

I just got my medical rejection letter from there. My medical officer said it was because of my drug use and violent history in high school.

I speak engrish real good,

I'm pretty sure aliens are smarter than us. Although if we had alien advisors in the States or where ever, I'm sure we'd listen to them.  

My Science 20 teacher was in the CAR, he said the reserves are for babies.

Oh and my favorate pass post of yours:

The Lt. that interviewed me said, "Patrick, do you have a plan B"?

Well ronnychoi, from what I've seen of you so far, I wouldn't wish you on anybody, your piss ant little attitude for nothing *** clown

I think it's safe to say that you've been run over putz!

ronnychoi said:
Sorry Ma'am

I highly doubt it.

I guess we must be patient as we've all seen his kind come and go on here, but by the way he has behaving, he may go out by his own demise and sooner than we think.
Just a point Wes, Brinks does hire younger 20somethings (myself included when I was 22) mainly Police Foundations students, using the lure that this can be used as a step to the police ( ::))  That said employment is conditional upon passing a 5 pratical shooting course, which for some can be "intense" (considering they may never have fired a pistol, let alone been on a structured range.), especially when one of the trainers for the GTA is a MCpl in the QOR.
ronnychoi.......thanks for the entertainment.

and just to add to what everyone else has said...wind your neck in. your bullsh*t  'so and so told me.....my friend is in the USMC....I knew this guy once...' means absolutely jack poop to those of us who have been there, done that, some of whom are still there, doing that. There are a fair few persons on this board with foreign military experience, who are more than willing to advise and answer questions for those who wish to follow the same route, but all your blustering actually makes us less likely to help you.

And if you ever succeed in joining the CF/USMC/RM/Soldier of Fortune featured ninja unit of the week, you'll last about 5 mins with that attitude.

Hatchet Man said:
Just a point Wes, Brinks does hire younger 20somethings (myself included when I was 22) mainly Police Foundations students, using the lure that this can be used as a step to the police ( ::))  That said employment is conditional upon passing a 5 pratical shooting course, which for some can be "intense" (considering they may never have fired a pistol, let alone been on a structured range.), especially when one of the trainers for the GTA is a MCpl in the QOR.

I was 25, the others were well into their 40's, as they looked for life expereince, older people, all married and settled. Not some hoon and pisshead wannabee rogue. Attitude means everything, and first impressions count. The Regina Police always looked down at us, often refering to us as Dirty Harry wannabees. I would not consider the 'Crewman, Armoured Truck' a stepping stone to the police career wise. That was 20yrs ago, and the pay was crap then for the risks taken (about 12.00/hr), two man crews when there should have been three, etc - of course all cost cutting by cowardly gutless management, and was one of many the reasons why I got out of it.

It was simply an armoured courior, entrusted with cash (and there was lots - you know what I mean), and other cheques, valuables, etc. It did however keep you in good stead in responsibility, and related subject matter field. For the most of my time in that profession, I did the entire gambit. Drove, guarded and did the crewchief thing, plus some ATM servicing, and doing all the firearms training and firearms maintenance for the entire province. I do hope you get where I am coming from. There can be 22 yr olds with the maturity and responibility well beyond their years, and of course vise vera, but in general, younger aged people were not hired. It was policy, at least in 1985.

Either way, this guy sends up a dirty great big big red WARNING flag, and that we can agree on. As I said in a previous post, I work along guys in their 20s here, some in command of AFVs worth a couple of million bucks, and they have had to make snap decisons on things I can't comment on here. I admire them for the courage, tenacity, and quick thinking.

You get where I am coming from?

If this Ronnie bloke somehow falls through the cracks and find himself  enlisted in a military force, his instructors, if not his peers will sort him out, all the way the door, frogmarched of course. He'll be eaten by his own kind, and they will!

At the end of the day, on my first response to him, I was trying to attempt to give him some worthwhile advise, and his cockhead attitute brought out his true colours.

Any Force, even the 'mall police' would be better off without him.

Regards from Baghdad,

Folks, there's plenty of feedback in the thread now for ronnychoi to ponder.  Ronnychoi, I suggest you take some time to review what has been said here from some very experienced soldiers, and weigh that against other things you've heard.  Your start here has been rocky, but it doesn't have to stay like that if you approach these forums with a slightly different attitude.

Unsual caveats apply: if you have something material to add, and isn't just a continuation of the preceding banter, then please ask a Mod by PM (with your message text for review).  But don't be surprised if the Mod says "no" because any addition may also require the thread left open for rebuttal, along with the risk of furthering the death spiral it's been in.

Army.ca Staff
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