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What does your name mean?

I have a suggestion:  What about Army Verny Berny ;D  or Army Berny Verny, depending on what you're feeling up to.  Then you'll have all your bases covered ;D  Just a suggestion ;)
Army Berny Verny, depending on what you're feeling up to.  Then you'll have all your bases covered

I vote for that one  :) ...
My given name is a pretty simple one, Pearl, -"Gem of the sea"  Not that common though, Only ever met 3 people with the same name my whole life.
Vern - maybe you should adopt what people tell me, "Don't start with me"  ;D

Those members who have met me know that it is not a physical attribute  ;D

My first name is Didi
= 2 "D"s thus, D Squared
em lone bugler....

I played the trumpet for a good eight years and rather proficient at playing bugle calls
MedTech said:
In real life my first name means "Leader or King" and finds its roots in German.

"One is who is like a God"(Michael) beats leader/king any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Badda Bing!!! Haahahah ;)
The Cheeky Monkey: a large yacht of the sail variety that my friend crewed on. The spinnaker had the image of a huge grinning monkey on it, but I can't help but think of this picture.

TCBF said:
- I ain't here to cause no trouble..


OK then. Sometimes you make me wonder.  >:D

And, somehow, Bernie just doesn't seem to suit me very well  :-X ; then again, neither does Vern.  :-\
ArmyVern said:
OK then. Sometimes you make me wonder.  >:D

And, somehow, Bernie just doesn't seem to suit me very well  :-X ; then again, neither does Vern.  :-\

- ArmyBern?
My Name is pretty straight forward, being first intital of given name, and then surname.

For those that are interested, my given name as on birth certificate is Sorcha. It's pronouced "Sor" +"eh"+ "ka", if you don't say it with a gaelic accent, which I don't even have it doesn't sound right. The "christian" version of said name, post the whole St. Patrick is "Sarah".

I personally hate both Sorcha and Sarah, both too close to my last name, therefore go by "Sar". Obviously my last name is scottish, I have been refered to as a half breed, as I am equal parts irish/scottish. Thus the mix of names.
Ghyslyn, my real life first name, its unique and is rarely ever used for anything, if ever it is, I'm the one who's used it.

Seeing Sorcha's lengthy response I guess I'll do the same, the "normal" version of my name is Ghyslain, or Ghyslin, or Ghislain, or Ghislin, wait no, scrap that last one it looks weird, well my parents decided to "jazz it up" by giving me a second Y, I guess I'm double the man now.;)

The name Ghyslyn comes from the german root gisel which means either "hostage" or "pledge", yes, my name means hostage. Interestingly enough it's the same root as my mother's name, Gisèle.