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What does your name mean?

Finally got my wicked slice figured out....
The name is the one of my last perso in my favorite MMORPG, so I wouldn't fell lost reading post talking to
me or P.M. adress to [Insert Random Name] ;) .

The picture is, for anyone wondering ,(quoting from the post that I send you, Mr. Baker)  :

"A pic of iris (flowers) I pick on the net  :),

a bit as a game with the nick I have here, a bit because purple is my favorite colour for the last 10/15 years,
a bit because my ex give me a "laminé" (Flattened ? Picture(Board) ?) of iris by Van Gogh, my favorite painter at the time.
When I received it, I knew that it was something I wanted, just didn't knew it before I received it."
I have a way of often finding myself at odd with the trade at large.
i had a big axe in Bosnia in 94 and made a lot of stuff with it . the section was never without a bench
I actually don't know where I managed to pic up my name but I've had it since I was very young. I think I had thought I had read it was latin for dolphin, which at a later time I had learned that was not the case. But now I;m pretty sure its just a word I made up but I kept it, its very original and I've never seen anyone else with anything even remotely close to it.  Its been my screen name for everything and anything requiring a user name.
Since I was in the Rocky Mountain Rangers, and was working as a park ranger when I signed up on here, figured I'd combine my regiment/trade with my name, and presto!  :)
X-mo-1979 said:
x-mo-1979 is a pointless combo of letters and numbers.And has nothing to do with my life.

;D I vote this the best story yet.  ;D

I have E - L - W - O - O - D tatood across my knuckles, and I drive a former police car with my brother Jake. We play in a band, you might have heard of them...  :P
When I joined the site I wasn't sure what to expect or what to use so I stuck with stryte as it was unlikely already taken. I started using stryte back in probably grade 9 when Diablo 1 for PC came out, it was a name I gave to one of my characters. I'll probably change it on here sometime.

Medtech (Medical Technician) - definition - "A person trained and certified to appraise and initiate the administration of emergency care for victims of trauma or acute illness before or during transportation of victims to a health care facility." http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/emergency+medical+technician

Student - definition -  a person following a course of study in a school, college, or university
                              a person who makes a thorough study of a subject: a keen student of opinion polls [Latin studens diligent]


Of course not one person here needed that information to help them grasp my self explanatory name , I'm just bored.  ;D
I'm skinny so I've been called Skeletor a few times...


Plus Skeletor on Robot Chicken is coolio,
... and your password would be   ?

LOL  not something I would say on a public forum thats for sure.  I don't even tell my hubby my passwords, I have multiple depending on how secure I need to be and so on and so forth. Surprisingly I don't seem to get them mixed up either. Good retention abilities I guess.
Last name is Stevens, and one of the senior Sappers in my first troop couldn't pronounce my first name, and he liked Cat Stevens (pre-Islamic conversion days).  It spread like measles, 28 years later it still sticks.  Why fight it, there's even a cat paw print painted on my ex-AEV.
One day it was pointed out to me that I was a "Wonderbread Wop" - that is - I have Italian heritage, and I look italian, but my personality is as white trash as it comes. It's been said that I'd be likely to eat white Wonderbread in a trailerpark - as opposed to whole wheat bread from Gino's bakery like a goot Italian boy would eat. I've also been called "The Rock and Roll Dago."

Hows that for SHARP qualified?  ;D

Was a nickname in High School (well... muffins)... and since turning Dirty Civi my hubby is always giving me the : "awwww muffin!"

Funny enough, I got a fax at work once from a coworker in another Dept addressed to Muffalicious ... and the clerk was walking around asking "Are you muffalicious?"

....speaking of SHARP training....

