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What does a Canadian look like, anyway?

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My father tells me of when he was a teenager, he'd go down to Expo '67 every day, and when he'd see the planes come in, alot of Americans would get off the plane in big fur coats - and realize it was a hot summer day
brin11 said:
Granted this was many moons ago but...when my mom was a youngin' she lived down in New Orleans for a bit and she once held a large table of Americans quite enthralled with her description of igloo building.   She still has a giggle about it when she tells that story.

OMG...yea I can understand her still having a giggle from time to time over that one.

This thread is beginning to remind me of Rick Mercer's 'Talking to AMericans'..heh
You'd be surprised on how stupid alot of Canadians can be....
Infanteer said:
You'd be surprised on how stupid alot of Canadians can be....
True, take me for example. I'm an idiot, henceforth stupid Canadian, considering that I am legally Canadian (Born and raised), which furthermore leads to me being stupid - and - a Canadian.

And to whom stated it, I agree this is turning out like Rick Mercer's "Talking with Americans".
Nox...do us all a favour and just stop.


Personnally I think stupidity is pretty evenly distributed to all people.
I'll agree with that, absent, for sure.  I have met stupid people from all walks of life. . . And it seems to me that stupidity is not limited to any one country.  It just seems like Americans are a bit more vocal about it than most.  Thanks for humoring a not-quite-so-vocal American. . . Although clearly one who has no problem barging into a Canadian chat room.  :) 
Haha. . .  :) 

It very much amuses my (Canadian) grandfather that I typically use sentences that incorporate both "y'all" and "eh?"
CanadianAtHeart said:
Haha. . .    :)  

It very much amuses my (Canadian) grandfather that I typically use sentences that incorporate both "y'all" and "eh?"

Hah that's excellent

Y'all come back now, eh?
All Nox wants is attention. Even after knowing him for 8 years he still wants attention. Did any one else realize that "Nox" is in ObNOXious.

You'd be surprised on how stupid alot of Canadians can be....

I'm not. We had a little pop quiz with questions like "longest serving Prime Minister" "leader of the northwest rebellion" "date of confederation" "leader of the French Army at the Plains of Abraham" "leader of the English Army at the Plains of Abraham" I was the only one to get all six questions right(there was another person, but I gave him the answers).
The stupid disease as it turns out, is hereditary. That means a person may be less intelligent just because his mother was so dumb she got fired from the M&M's factory for throwing out the w's.

cheeky_monkey said:
You'd be surprised on how stupid alot of Canadians can be....

I'm not. We had a little pop quiz with questions like "longest serving Prime Minister" "leader of the northwest rebellion" "date of confederation" "leader of the French Army at the Plains of Abraham" "leader of the English Army at the Plains of Abraham" I was the only one to get all six questions right(there was another person, but I gave him the answers).

Oh yeah, than how much is a'million plus a'million?
CanadianAtHeart said:
Haha. . .  :) 

It very much amuses my (Canadian) grandfather that I typically use sentences that incorporate both "y'all" and "eh?"

Haha...that's pretty good man.
shes canadian
Ahh....The Girl Next Door, I went to see the movie just for her.
The igloo comment reminded me of something. When I was a teen, a class trip to Seattle came along. While we were down there, we interacted with some local kids. Bear in mind, this was a "day" trip as Victoria's not exactly a long way from Seattle. The inevitable questions came up (also bearing in mind that teenage boys will try to one up each other, regardless of nationality, when pretty girls are watching) with that "tone." Yes, the igloo thing, and the "power & running water" comments. All in good fun. So transportation came up and I quietly entered the conversation.

"Do you guys all have dogsleds?"

"Of course."

"How come you don't have snowmobiles?"

"Oh, well, we do, but only for in town use. Not when we go out into the bush or over vast distances."

"Why not?"

"Snowmobiles run out of gas, and you can't eat a snowmobile :evil:"

The looks were incredulous, keeping the straight face was the hardest part. We had a good laugh over that. ;D
Recently a girl from our Canberra detachment, who his a PTE RAAOC (Clerk), posed in Australia's FHM magazine. I wish I could figure out how to post her pic here, but I am too thick, so check out the recent 'uploads' (hurry now), and you decide. She's not too bad in the pic, and much more yummier in person. In the CP when in the fd, the young Lads hang about lie flys around a day old corpse! Us older SNCOs, are much more steath in our wicked thoughts! ;D Go have a look and you decide.


S_Baker said:
I am pleasantly amused , it never fails (it seems to me) that inorder for a CDN to describe what he or she is, it always comes to a point where they describe what they are not (American) in a demeaning manner.    Hmmm.....pot calling the kettle black?    

Well if you're confused on how to be Canadian check out this little guide

Good link and very funny. I studied in Canada and the USA and I see a great difference. But only in attitude.
I think there is a very funny movie called 'Canadian Bacon' and the Americans are pushing their way through a crowd saying 'out of the way' and pushing Canadian people. And the Canadian people say 'oh! Sorry.'  :D